Stay Positive edition
Stay Positive edition
xth for lolg reunion but Karu is not allowed
xth for Syndra
esports are the most pathetic thing ever.
people are laughing at you.
xth for old friends
I just played a game of ranked and a game of ranked flex. Am I correct that I will not decay until the season ends, and therefore that I am locked in for my rewards unless I play, lose, and demote?
I wanna FLY with Lulu!
all the way to NA and make ice sculptures out of their tears
>Pick non ardent support
>Team flames me
Post worlds 2017 memes
>no rank mentioned
why even bother asking if you dont give us the details that are needed to formulate the answer
both of these make sense desu
maybe it's not so bad that I've been on a huge losing streak lately, I play more matches that way
when are u gonna revive our autistic skype group so we can watch brood war together
just marathoned a sjokz interview
what did i think of it?
did i like it?
Was Bjergsen ever a great player or was he overhyped? Didn't seem great this tournament but people only blaming doublelift
I remember they used to call him western faker
If apologizing was an esport TSM would be world champs by now.
>reach 800 stacks as nasus
>2 shot that bitch sona, 3 shot eve
>one of my friends yelled at me when I told him TSM wouldn't even make it out of groups
>I remember they used to call him western faker
Literally no-one called him that but retard TSM fans
So how long until the ESPURTS hype dies down? Im pretty sure people are gonna be tired of seeing gooks win every year. Im hoping soon so Riot can start putting all their resrouces back into making League good again.
My shitpicks are better than 96% or peoples. What the fuck where people choosing to do so bad?
Just a random citizen, but i have hear lot of storys by my old friend, who is now longer here.
xth for league is a shit game why are you still playing it
do you have the "me in cancun" picture?
i lost all my oldfag memes years ago
is anikitan still a qt moe NEET gril gamer?
did seqi end his pathetic life?
is stoaga still gay?
is giraffs still sins gf?
is sin still boosting people for weed money?
is squidgirl (KEVIN) still a qt?
is reioken hitler yet?
is mira a real vampire?
get me back upto scratch lads, ive been afk for 4 years
This is my wife lolg say something nice.
>edward gaming first
what the fuck it's like you want to lose
why do people support tsm? or any of these teams really.
>Longzhu is the only thing standing between us and another SKT victory
Can they do it bros? Can Longzhu break the streak and stop SKT from getting a skin for every champion in the game?
she on twitter
no he is playing overwatch from time to time
i dont know
no idea
Is that you annie bot
Bring back Lumi Karu she was cute, we need more puf puf and less remis in this gay ass general.
I mean I already did lose thanks to FNCs miracle and Ds shitshow. I'll get the icon which is all thats left at this point.
RNG ia winning worlds this year.
>lock in AP midlaner
>they lock in Galio
>automatically lose game
>Builds pure tank, still shits out damage
>Impossible to kill him in laning phase because of his magic shield, damage reduction and tanky build
>Impossible to outpush him because le Q, E passive xDDDD
>Impossible to outroam him because le 5k range ultimate that gives aoe CC and damage reduction
>Impossible to outscale him
Seriously? How the fuck do you win against this nigger gargoyle, as an ap champion?
If Riot's smart, they've realized that esports is an inevitable sinking ship and the only real way to move forward is through IP expansion. Which they're already doing. We know for a fact that Riot's secretely working on a few League-related game projects, and they aren't retconning the lore and giving us comics or animatics for the hell of it.
>want to play on the pbe because live meta is fucking dogshit and boring
>it instantly starts shitting itself again
Why do you guys play this shitty game when DoTA 2 is free?
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
Just... Don't walk into his range? His moves take eons to cast its so easy to just not fight him
>TSM fans UNIRONICALLY bragging about Meme Rivals to make them feel better
just pick veigar
RNG can't beat SKT
What runes and masteries do you run on nu eve?
>Get counter picked
It's the same picking vlad into assassins or fizz into any immobile mage
At this point they need to fuck the meta up every season so some champs don't get two
So who do you guys is getting removed from TSM?
League is more fun to play
and has more anime skins and better waifus
Magic pen and CDR.
>Still no miner champion that pees himself
>only now starts to realize that NA fans live in constant denial of reality
Galio damage is nearly irrelevant past 20 minutes if hes not building any AP
If it were anywhere else but China, you might be right
Brother sven and dlift. Bio, hauntzer and berg are all fine
League is more enjoyable and accessible. Also helps that it's playerbase isn't dying any time soon.
I want any other team but SKT to win
>4.6 cspm
I want lulu to burn in hell
I want any lulu player to recognize they are autistic and then die
soraka players are a close second, but at least they know what they are doing and can fuck up. With lulu its just a monkey pressing buttons and running around
but irelia already fills the potato zombie role
>Missing about 50% CS
what's considered good or acceptable CSPM?
Why do you play shitty Dota2 when League is free?
How do i trade in lane as yasuo? Always feeling scared i might screw up when i get close to my opponent.
last time i played with karu was overwatch and he was a 1 trick roadhog player
i would not be surprised if he was challenger in league these days with 6000 games played on Wukong
I wanna try Dotaru after season ends, it there any Riven kind of hero?
>Still no twins champion
fuck I can't even get over 7
I got a idea for a new duskblade type item
shares the same passive as duskblade so you can't build both of them
instead of dealing bonus phsyical damage this curses a target denying any buffs(melee only)
>*taunt flashes you*
>enemy jungler is on your ass as well now
>*knocks you up with E, and chunks your health bar with Q and passive
>die because 2v1
>lane is lost, he roams bot and secures another teamfight
>galio buys merc
>starts shitting down your throat
>see above
>can't pick ANY mages or any champion who mainly deals magic damage because of one fucking champion
>just wait until the 20 min mark, bro!
See above, Galio wins the game before that time
Why does Xayah hate Ahri?
That's easy to do when your 1/8 Trist comes mid at 10 minutes and starts stealing your creeps.
you called?
*whines in shielding support*
>press the attack doesnt apply to true damage
>last stand doesnt apply to true damage
Rito plz fix game
this right here is why I don't like midlane, it literally only happens when I get mid too, when I'm top I don't see it
Lewd Yordles.
bjergsen is good
Retards here and on reddit seem to think that this game is like a MOBA version of starcraft instead of a 5v5 teamwork game, bjergsen can only carry 4 literal retards to a win when he's massively better than the people he's playing against
LCS has no good midlaners other than him, and the average NA player is fucking garbage anyway so his vegetable teammates never get punished too hard for not having a central nervous system. This is just not the case at worlds though.
either no one or sven
but wait, League is free too
also you can play it in a toaster
You don't farm minions as a assassin you farm champions dipshits.
how's your pickems going?
seqi might be actually dead like tea guy
new shota champion when nunu isn't cute
How is pool party MF a blunder
Because Ahri hates her Vastayan nature and wants to be an human.
and she has a better body
Filthy race traitor who wants to be human and her succubus-like behavior gives vastaya a bad name.
>not going full chad j4 when u autofill support
c'mon man, dont be like that
I have 22 points i think
TSM fucked up my pickems
>NA in week 2 of worlds
im starting to get sick of this
Ekko's pretty cute.
>ancient krug
I got fucking robbed
immortals and GAM got the same score but because I put them in the wrong order it doesn't count
that's bullshit
femboy champion when
believe in c9
I got 21 won
How is NA losing guys!!! :(
They're so good at streaming and reading donations! How can they lose?!