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- Splatoon 2 Map Rotation: splatoon2.ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- The latest Splatfest in North America is currently ongoing: Vampires or werewolves? Ends October 14th, 9pm PST.
- The latest Splatfest in Japan is underway: Power or stamina? Ends October 15, 1pm JST
- Version 1.4.0 has been released! Check for patch notes below.
- Custom E-liter 4K and 4K Scope has been released! Sub is beakon, special is bubble blower.

> Patch notes
- en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/~/how-to-update-splatoon-2

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/

> List of possible main abilities for gear so far (contains unreleased gear)
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ip1HahYq8DRZRgSEXoRqa915aThLXPb79AFF91HCe4/edit#gid=0

> Latest updates on what the Splatnet store is selling
- twitter.com/splatnetstore

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stat calculations
- loadout.ink/

> View schedules for stages, Salmon Run, and current Splatnet gear
- splatoon2.ink/

> View Nintendo Switch online services on your PC
- github.com/OatmealDome/LoungeChair/releases/tag/v1.0.6422.34538

> Add your FC to the list of FC below:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> List of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

> Splatoon 1 Artbook
- archive.org/details/TheArtOfSplatoon

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hold the fuck up

Team Werewolf!

This, when do we actually get new clothes?

Also Grizzco Blaster in next shift?

Brella presumably.
I hope it's both.

This squid doesn't know the definition of baseball!!

This is another old screenshot of splatfest last night please no bulli.

I'm not even angry that we lost, I'm more mad about the fact I got paired with an entire team of dualies.

what are you, a furry?


Thank you!

>Bottom-scoring across your entire team
I bet you got the most deaths too.

Hoodrat is here!

>catch up to my highest score from last night after a bad win/lose ratio
>found 8 players
>match ready to st- connection error
>docked 20 points and one drink use

At least I've made up my losing streak last night, using the weenie shot, I've forgotten how good this thing is with so many other weapons to use.
Ink armor 2gud.

wenna we finna FUQQ?

Rachel crew I gotta scrub after this next match. I’ll try to be quick.

No worries user!

Surely there must have been some new gear added in one of the recent patches ready for release.
I think we are all out of new Grizz gear after this month, so it has to be soon.

Maybe Hoodrat doesn't want to fuqq?

wish she wasn't

Nah m8, it was pretty bad for all of us.
I seem to only have really shitty games during the night, but in the daytime it's usually fine.
Also I told you no bulli I'm calling the squid cops on you.

>not an N-ZAP

nzap is closest to a gun, should be hoodrats weapon not this blaster bullshit

Flingza is actually not bad at all the secret is to never roll with it, ink with the vert, fight with the horizontal primarily but if you get the advantage then vert swing from behind a cheesewall.

Yo, which team has more players? I don't really give much of a damn about the theme this time around and I'd rather get meaningful matches than a bunch of infighting.

Nice to see you're on the best team Weeb. Hope you've been well.

Been Vamp and haven't run into a single other vamp team.


Vamps seem to have more, but you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a fight if you're US/ have a US host.

Vamp here, I've had a few mirror matches in the champion/king ranks, but nothing serious. I think the lower ranks won't have any trouble finding actual matches.

Yeah, been fine. Bought starjew valley for switch even though I own it on PC. Very strange that they removed fishing bait in this version.
Hope you've been fine too, user.

>lost by 50 points
damn, that was a close one

I'll wait for you dude

2% loss

Are there any good groups going on rn?

mousetrap caught the mouse that was in my closet finally

RIP little guy

I like dogs. And Dog Girls. And Liru. And a few Wolf-centric touhou characters. Also Plague's rendition of Winnie is kinda cute.
Probably more.

Not exactly werewolves but it's more fun if I fight for them too. Everything is more fun if you don't let biases rule you!

Finally I got to Vamp King

20W / 18L
10W / 7L Mirror matches
10W / 11L Legit matches

I'm sorry vamp team

are you going to cook him and eat him

hey buddy i think you got the wrong board

Jesus, if something has came out from this is that I have realized that there are too many damn furries out there.

>10W / 11L Legit matches
dude you basically pulled out even, don't be sorry

It seems to be relatively even, I'm guessing a 45/55 split this time either way from what people have been saying. I'm on Vamp, played 27 games to get to Queen and only had three mirror matches


Brella is such a bullshit no skill weapon, hide like a little sissy from anything that outranges you with your shitty impenetrable wall and run away like a little fuckboy if it's about to break. Yes I'm mad.

Maybe Hoodrat doesn't have a choice.

what the fuck is goin on bottom left

What group are you guys playing in?

holy shit
does this artist do porn?
i think it would synergize quite well

What group are the lewdies playing in?

the skill is not getting spotted until you're in range and the octobrush is inconsistent with how many blobs of ink will hit someone unless they're very close so you can get fucked out of what would be a gimme kill for many other weapons. the claim that it has the same effective range as a spattershot is ridiculous. keyword being "effective." it poses almost no threat at that range unless they have the high ground.

Of course Vampire is going to be the more popular choice with all the modern vampire bullshit. This is going to be as one side as Pirates vs Ninjas in terms of popularity.

nah we were talking about how bad atl is and it just came up


ZONE is Team Vamp.


I'm glad people think Cold Blooded is worthless trash, point sensor is basically fucking brokenly good so I laugh all the way to the inkbank with it.

Welp King'd

won 10 lost 3 I guess I did my share.

Vamp of curse

marina's hip swaying every splatfest is about the sexiest thing i've ever seen

Weird. I run into more Vamps than I do Wolves.

whenever someone wastes good ink on a crutch sensor, I just laugh and splat them anyway.

Point Sensor with Sub Power Up is a lot of fun.

just a reminder that she has a quarter of her ass out

I could not disagree more. They were never like that in the first game from my experience. I remember being able to kill brushes easily, even if they had ambushed me from behind.

I was going to write a comeback but actually i'm glad that the game can accommodate both of our playstyles in a way that is effective and enjoyable for us. Happy splatting.

Marina's pussy is about to pop out.


fuck you

They were from my experience. As soon as you got in range, just jerk off onto the trigger and get a free kill. With damage up, it was made easier.

babby pls go

what if woomy spat on you

zone will always take pearl
and i think shad will too
kier is vamp
vivi is werewolf

spit back and watch the acidic water melt a hole through her

Werewolf here. Out of 47 matches, only 1 was a mirror. I've also seen the same teammates playing more often than I've seen the same opponents.
Vampire appears to have popularity advantage. Predicting 55-60% in Vamp.

>Splatted THICC ASS

It's the range difference. Brushes never really outranged rollers, and rollers killed instantly, so they were favored in the first Splatoon. In this game, octobrush kills near instantly and has far better range.

>kier is vamp
>vivi is werewolf

>shad likes pearl

Hey guys, please stop dropping from matches. Either fix your connection some how or just don't play at all with bad connection.

what if your woomy wanted you to watch her pretty dance

How many butthole piercings do you think Pearl has? Haha

I'd watch her dance and then congratulate her afterwards, even if the dance was crap

It's godawful p2p, so if you want to blame someone, blame Nintendo.

Fuck you, you fix yours.
I only dced while points were being tallied after the match.

They do lewdish stuff but rarely straight up porn

>>kier is vamp
>>vivi is werewolf
how new

>Fuck you, you fix yours.
Mine is fine, cunt.

I want to stick a brella up my ass and spin it around inside.

Moray Towers for Krak-on Dummies
Step 1) Ink down the ramps a bit, try not to get annoyed by people inking right in front of you for some reason
Step 2) use the side-rails that drops you just passed mid
Step 3) ink/baller your way up depending on enemy concentration
Step 4) congratulations, you've inked enough enemy territory that they'll waste time cleaning it up instead of protecting mid
Step 5) get depressed when your die, check your map, and see that your team loses mid 3v1

I actually really like this Shifty Station layout

Well, I just picked up Heliborne so I guess i'm done with splatoon. So long squiggas.

Is a high of 2005 splatpower good? This was my first splatfest and I haven't done ranked or anything yet. Just hit Vampire Queen.

This was cute.

god damn if only i could speak chinese

It's not their fault Nintendo would rather gimp their game than provide dedicated servers. If one person has a shitty connection with another person, that can fuck over people regardless of how good their internet is.

vampire squids??

I know, I know. I just hate losing matches on team vamp when my team mates keep disconnecting and we cannot recover.

You must suck at video games

I'm pretty sure that's almost exactly average.


post your squids

Average is 1500. Now imagine the 50% of players below that.

It's slightly above average.
2200 is high-tier
1800 is scrub-tier
