Lulu realizing she's the CUTEST
Lulu realizing she's the CUTEST
Lulu is cancer and should be deleted from the game.
You people act like anybody thought TSM would make it out of groups.
xth for Syndra
I wanna cuddle Jinx
new shota champion when
betting markets favored them for 2nd place in group D
Annie is way better
Best girl.
Best saliva.
Best wife.
>wakes up
>see na results
Why is Sona both the cutest and the bustiest?
And she's ALL MINE!
Gib Poppy her old E range back.
Is ekko not enough?
Friendly reminder that Gangplank, Ashe, Karma, Trundle, Soraka, Ryze, Poppy, Taric, Urgot, Warwick, Sion, Yorick, Galio and Evelyn all were skilless, binary, and ugly before their reworks, and now they are all healthy champions who have a place in League of Legends for the long term future.
>mfw gold 5 in 50 games
So Riot finally, offficially confirmed that they're now working on other game projects, and that the companies founders, Tryndamere and Ryze, are now contributing to their development.
What do you think those projects could be, and why isn't /lolg/ talking about this?
Would Evelynn date Vel'Koz?
It'll be an Arena shooter with LoL characters.
Would your neck date a rope?
Nobody knows outside of the R&D department, the highest security place at their HQ. Whatever it is, though, I'm excited.
Do you think it's going to be set in the League of Legends universe? Or will it be something totally new?
bastet ascended champ when?
>tfw no qt petite gf
no, that was broken as shit
You forgot to mention how they ruined Zac.
What would you do about Sonas extreme back pain?
>why isn't /lolg/ talking about this
maybe because this is /lolg/ not /riotg/
unbalanced at least 1 year
unbalanced for at least 1 year
unbalanced for at least 1 year
4 reworks
unbalanced for at least 1 year
really nice
nobody plays it, failure
unbalanced for at least 1 year
thrash, she will be the same as urgot
>arena shooter
>aka only ADC champions or marksmen will be viable
No that sounds like a fuckawful idea that die within a few months while potentially
cannibalizing on their MOBA's competitive multiplayer market in the process.
She's already floating, you're not going to convince me she doesn't levitate her boobs as well so she doesn't suffer back pain.
And now she does exactly.. what
What's this? OwO
>meanwhile in the depths of low plat
>fuck yes last pick top lane is mine
>yasuo on enemy team
>thank you god in heaven
>pick warwick
>deny him ALL of his tornados with my Q displacement and timed E fears, then just straight up murder him
this is bullying
it's going to be a casual fighter, based on the experience learned from the rolling thunderwhatever team that they bought, and it's not going to get huge uptake because it's a fighting game.
xth for Cute Ashe
Saturday Edition
>they have LoL, the biggest game on earth
>they doesn't utilize their brand
>this is considered to be the hottest female in LoL
defend this, lolbabs
I have a feeling most of them will be related to League in some way, with maybe one project being a new IP and that's it.
Riot's recently putting a ton of focus into League's lore and worldbuilding for a reason.
Edit this with Annie
LUX is the hottest LoL Champ.
良い !
nofap get
a LoL MMO would be really popular
ekko buffs when
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>shitty Tumblr artist
There's your answer.
She dressed as a man for disguise, doesn't count
Someone explain how Tristana was ever considered bad? Bitch is cancer. Can jump in or out depends how fight is going. Gets resets, hyper carry, fast towers, free wave clear.
:o what's this?
hextech spine
That is not Annie
Too baad, she's still swimming with me!
>not video games
because she would get pushed in too hard early and mages could easily burst her shit when people weren't running ardent supports every game
She was useless until 3-4 items, and her jump is delayed
I love Camille
Are you ready for a shitty heartstone?
Seriously, fuck the tank/censer meta. This is absolute shit to play.
ADC nerfs all around , monkey see monkey do meta.
On one note, why the fuck are people playing Ashe support?
Because the League of Legends community, pros included, are very susceptible to memes. The only innovation that happens happens because a pro team brings out a new strategy and succeeds with it. But most pro teams would rather play tried and true strategies they are comfortable with rather than risk it. And so, if a champion or strat isn't played in the pro scene, it's widely considered bad, even though it's usually good in the right circumstances. People just either think it's bad cause pros don't play it, or pros don't use it because other pros don't use it.
I got a boner, so yeah lets roll
why is vayne allowed to have more range on the exact same ability but it's safer.
Permaslow, Stoneborn+Censer, good ult
Viktor loves Cassiopeia!
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on euw +2
eu>na btw HAHA LOSERS
Based 14yrs old zombie Ionian of many anals
Miss as Vayne-save enemy and lose your only anti-assassin skill
Miss as Poppy-still fine gapcloser and Colossus proc, also it is easier to push someone in your team for her
She has the body of slut with the personality of an angel. Nice angel, not angry angel like Kayle.
tristana was unironically bad because she had a good level 2/3 and then did nothing until ie/ss were finished and then she had to think about what to get next.
and this was back when ie was more expensive and zeal items didn't synergize with warlord's.
and this was before supports had buffed coin to rush ardent in 12 minutes and give FREE attack speed (so you're online before shiv) and FREE on-hit damage and lifesteal (so you can continue rushing damage and also have way more uptime in fights and out of fights)
That's the thing, they are playing her with fervor for whatever reason.
Friends, do i need any of these? Will any of these become really good after preseason changes?
These are all i have left to get.
I like Mid and Support with a little bit of Top.
To add to this, there's also an element of winrates being skewed, and being affected by player perspective.
For example, if a strat or champ is perceived as meta, it will be used by competitively minded people who want to play seriously and win. This is the definition of "metagame". And so, a champ or strat that is in the meta will get its winrate inflated just because it's being used by players who would likely be winning regardless of the strat they use.
If it isn't a Fire Emblem-style turn based strategy I'll be pissed
The original wielder of Sivir's boomerang blade please
I'd say pick up Volibear for sure. Once preseason hits he will be pick or ban
How has Pokimane not had any nudes leaked? Wtf
>plays support
>doesn't play bara shield man of many stuns
Get out
...and then you see all these competitive pickbans that have trash winrate in soloduo because those picks don't actually work without coordination. real meta right there.
This is what 3D Sona would be like.
This is what peak female performance looks like.
literally the same shit
literally the same shit
literally the same shit
Now, now learn to share
They are still changing runes too much, wait another week.
>when roastie adc tries bard-shame
lets try
>Play Soraka
>Realize I'm positioning like an AD, but the targets are my team and W is my autoattack
Noone's talking about this because we've already known for 2 years that they're making a fighting game and nothing else.
they should remove tristanas resets
Yeah. Not to say that you can pick and play anything and do well with it in every situation. All I'm saying is that what's "meta" isn't a monolith that one must play in order to win.
Darius buffs when
They should remove cheap 30% crit items, resets are fine