/elyg/ - Elysium General

Undead QTs edition

>Server Homepage

>Realmlist/make an account/etc:


Alliance guild:


Horde guild:
if youre a /pol/tard
disbanded and joining MoH

/who "guild name", and whisper a higher level character to get an invite.

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>New to Elysium? Go here pleb:

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder, and don't post screenshots and get banned retard):

>try to summon my voidwalker on en elevator
>falls through the elevator and disappears

b l i z z l i k e

should i join triggered or iron guard if i want to raid?


alliance losers

is this true?

it's just an ares shill making shit up. Elysium is Blizzlike.


so what is alchemy good for now that black lotuses aren't exclusive anymore?

selling people potions

do you make them out of people?

Why the fuck was there a queue i thought this shit was dying

Dungeon xp is pretty garbage unless you're doing the quests inside or have ridiculously fast runs with zero issues - and even then it isn't better than simply grinding monsters, so unless you're going for a particular item or have 4 other people that absolutely have to avoid pvp, it's not "worth it".
The original poster may have been mis-remembering as I believe dungeon xp was buffed later on but I'd have to re-check to make sure I'm not a wrong faggot.
Elysium is "un-blizzlike" in a lot of ways just like any private server, but the dungeon xp isn't one of them.


>3sec delay on everything

hope the server dies

>blaming lag


>tfw queuecuck





The absolute state of elysium chinks and their funserver

>warriortard actually crying about wvyvern sting and counterattack
Are you retarded?

whys it lag so mutch

all the raidloggers are awake

Why is nobody talking about ares
Did y'all get a chink janitor to ban us all?

when is the stress test?
no one is talking period probably all in ZG

>thread dies when aresposters go away

LMAO the aboslute state of elyg

How do I get this game to run fullscreen at 2560x1440

>twinstar tbc

like what? nothing makes you money anymore, literally the only reason to have alch was because lotuses were bop

>new patch nerfs all my gear

everyone's raiding atm

tankcucks btfo

more like dps cucks

savage glad legs dead, black dragonscale dead

can someone in give a ginvite for Koopy? only level 7 so I guess I can't whisper anyone yet

Mdps cucks

>casters get bloodvine
>melee get cucked by itemisation patch
>tanks get cucked by defence squish


someone buy my gold i have like 160 atm


didnt CoC coldsnap CoC

get gud

do you think i am dumb

Then give me a discord tag. Do you expect a buyer to drop his name instead?

21st boys

put it in your calendar


Bazoo didn't swim so good

If I join MoH will i be able to tank?
t. level 1 warrior


>no add

buy my fucking gold im selling it for 1 tf2 key god damn i just wanna get rid of it

>chinks release zg same time as stress test
Fucking crafty gooks

>drowned to death in hot lava by a real female

you really think people are going to trust someone on Veeky Forums to do something that is perma ban worthy?

ultimate kek

yes i log in like once a week and am bored of the game

Which faction has more players?

then give me your gold for free


Handro here. Thank you for making op.
I was asleep.

How big is the discrepancy? Am I going to be eternally running back to my body while leveling if I go Horde?

no fuck you i want to get something out of it

What nameplates?

that will happen no matter what you do

I understand getting ganked is inevitable. I just want to minimize the pain as much as possible.

how about a big fat fucking ban

>guy joins av at 51
>doesn't even have a mount
why is this allowed?

level a rogue then the population isn't blizzlike so pvp happens alot

not like i care rofl im playing ares when it comes out

Thats some cool ass art

rogues are fags

then get used to it

54% Horde 46% Ally
Pretty balanced

True, the most consistently disgusting class in the game.

Yeah man, Alex Horley does some excellent stuff.

>he didn't see the stress test

And literally 80% of horde is Chinese
60% of alliance

Biggest mistake of my life was joining triggered. They needed warriors they said, joined the guild as a warrior.
>No help with dungeons
>No help with getting ganked by alliance
>No help with questing
>No boosting
>No gold for mount
>No bags
>Ask for engineer to make mithril casing, engineer takes my mats plus my 1g tip and logs off
>Everyone in the guild is a major autistic asshole
>Get reported for saying nigger in guild chat
>The gm and squidio are never online
>Guild losing members everyday
>Majority of the guild are raidloggers

Politely ask in guild chat for help for a elite quest, the guild tells me to fuck off but good thing Long the gm of Iron guard was there to help me out.

i did not

tell me about it

Hmmmm i wonder what faction he plays

>join triggered
>whenever i talk people make fun of me and harass me because they think i'm trans
>goes on for an hour each time even if i stop replying

incredible guild, perfect for spergs

who were you in triggered?

>Manlett in pvp.jpg



This, I'm just about done playing here. Not playing ares either, private server are shit right now and will be shit for a while.
He won't say. Assuming you aren't trolling and actually left for iron guard then good luck. You'll need it with Long's crazy ass.

>private server are shit right now and will be shit for a while.
why not?
why won't he say?
was he never in triggered?

fuck squido for tricking me into joining his ded guild. The GM AND SQUID DONT EVEN FUCKING PLAY
do not be fooled like i was.
Gchat is nothing but people praising those who gquit and talks of leaving for a better guild.
Leaving soon and hope u all come with.

Why the fuck is this server still alive
Please give me a reason not to play it again, I feel like playing WoW but have no time

you'll never guess what happened again

They fucked up the zg patch on elysium. Quests and items missing/itemization fucked. The follow up for battle fo alterac, where you get the blue rewards, is missing.

Context? Is that saying some people were able to double loot an npc?

lol talisman again?

Guys, I get it: you spent weeks/months of playtime on elysium at this point. It's been almost a year since it released. You are invested. I am, too.

But is this place worth it anymore?
>incredibly corrupt gms
>2-5 sec delay on abilities
>chinks eveywhere
>gold selling abetted by admins
>shady dealings with loot tables
>gm abuse of power
>over half the population doesn't speak English
>painfully overcrowded due to Chinese
>the economy is in a pretty shit state
>they release a raid and it's literally stock mangos tier with quests missing

I leave the decision to you guys. I'm honestly bailing for something else, not sure if Ares is the answer or not. But I'm sure as hell giving up after today

The answer is no and many feel the same. Ares is doa in my book. The same people unironically hyped up northcraft, which was a huge piece of shit.

>Ares is doa in my book.
not that guy, but why do you think this?

Almost all of those issues are always present on private servers, a few are unique to elysium. Ares is just another meme server, there aren't really any other good options.

not him but

>instant 60


The more you suckle on those two words, the more you show that you have nothing else.

"Blizzlike" my fucking ass.

Hunter pets are completely broken whereas warlock pet might as well not exist since they do jack shit.

How hard is the Whirlwind weapon quests without a guild/help at 30?

I mean I get this, but truly do we want to level vanilla x1 again just to get to BC content? And if they make it x5, what the fuck is the point then? I don't know...

you don't need anything else