/neog/ - SNK and NeoGeo General

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>PDF drive.google.com/open?id=0B2546QRNPRPxb1VyemE5N25kb00
>jpg mediafire.com/file/758z1r4yzo66w54/KOF_XIV_Steam_artbook.rar

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First for gay Terry


Just one more day to see the results.

Why does snk love some retarded inputs? In ffs I like bear the most, but I can't do the command grab consistently. f, b, d, u, punch. That shit kills my thumb so got to play some other characters.

I still don't know whether to agree or disagree with how that's phrased.

Inputs are pretty simple in 14, they're fine where they are.

>f, b, d, u, punch
that's litchi's all green in blazblue


You can't honestly expect a top like that to stay on when you get hurled off a pier, right?

i miss tsukasa kotobuki art

First to 7 between two female players

twitch tv

Is a pretty entertaining watch



Why you afraid?


So when are we getting that KOF x Touhou crossover game?

I'm still baffled by how that crossover happened. I blame MUGEN, with their fuckin' 50 K' knockoffs and 30 Kula knockoffs.

It's as bizarre as it is cute to be honest.


Never ever
For a moment I thought that I have the same pic that you.

Meiling deserve love.

I love China, ops, Meiling.

I gave up after KULA IS READY

Meiling is Sakuya's tho

Meiling is my favorite Touhou, but this isn't the thread for it.

I know, user. I know.

Just one more.

and 100s of broly knockoffs
most of these made by south americans

it's a shame she don't have enough tits to pull this off, everything else looks nice



Mokou x Rugal is better. That one doesn't make any sense.

She looks like a doll

So when the fuck are they gonna deal with the Dragon Power subplot? That shit's been teased since 2000.

I think they gave up on it at this point. Why? I don't know.

No, they keep talking about it here and there. Angel and Kensou mention it in passing in their XIV dialogue.

I bet SNK totally forgot about it.

surely snk wanted forget a lot of the 2000+ era kof subplots or leave them behind just like angel is doing

>We will never know how many Kyo clones are still out there

god knows it was just a stupid play on the whole mugen scene anyway

Antonov has been squashing mentions of any unsanctioned KOFs, hasn't he? I'm all but certain that's a MUGEN shoutout.

Kaiser Wave!

I always liked Krauser vs. Rugal's special intro where they trade Kaiser Waves and acknowledge that Rugal stole the move.

i always liked that rugal's 95 theme was the first to sample understand the concept of love from that infamous speech on zionism delivered by mr carmichael at uc berkeley

for the curious


You learn something new everyday.

How many panties will fly when Rugal makes his return in XV?

assuming they even get to making xv before that volcano erupts and kills us all

I love this broken couple so much

>October 11 was Nak birthday
will /neog/ be punished for forgetting it?

She had it coming for being a bitch on 1.00

>Just Defend counter super

Didn't forget, but I wasn't ready to forgive.

This doesn't mean anything, but it doesn't not mean anything either.


How dare you speak to me.

Leona looking mad handsome.

Well, better than fucking Jack Turner

I can't blame them


Kudos for Kuroki. I have the feeling his improving skills will impact their next game in a positive way.

You can also see him working with different rendering techniques in a lot of the work he does. Super impressive stuff, I really love this render since you can see a lot of different stuff going on, cel shading, cross hatching, and this really interesting water color depth of field that just looks fantastic.

All that hard work is paying off


I want to hug Angel!


How long will we have to wait to get Mr.Big in 98 ol?

I'm sure you would.

I thought the current arc was connected to it

Dragon Power has always been a side arc.

Angel is best girl

If they can nail the lighting/shading (easier said than done, I can appreciate that) then they'll be fine.

I hadn't thought of that

>his waifu has a bust under 90cm

i hope the next game gets as good of a dub job as blazblue cross tag

>wake up
>wanted to fap
>search for some angel doujin
>i found this

What I do, /neog/?

>Rick/Xiangfei/Alfred Real Bout 2 team never

Very noice



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>woman in the back
wasn't sure if that was the girl from himiko-den or queensblade shit

xanadu really takes in the length

Why isn't this chick in more games, I'm messing about with her in 02UM and she's really fun and over-the-top

Wasn't she horribly broken?

2001, yes. Dunno about 02UM.

Story-wise, Foxy is a one-note character: one of Kula's personal retainers who betrayed NESTS and defected with her when they figured out what was really going on. There's not much you can do with her when NESTS has fallen.

why is Ioriko so cute?

Limitations aside, this is pretty nicely done.


Better that Berserk (2017).

Kof 94 re-rebout when

People don't willingly go back to '94.

Hope the hues manage to make it for all teams. It would be nice if SNK did something like that for the endings in the next game, story intros for the teams would also be interesting, it can even be static like the endings in XIV.

please don't remind me that I lived to see post eclipse sagas animated and it was shit.

it's sad that 94 was the game they chose to do that thing for in the first place

At least was fun. I mean, the memes.

Speak for yourself.


Kula's tits are the size of her head in that picture

Also when are we getting those sumer costumes for K & Maxima anyway, it'd be nice to have them wearing something other than dominatrix porno gear

>claim they'll try to put a costume out a month
>no costumes since the last four they did

I'm not sure you can maintain your "loner bad boy" persona in a Hawaiian shirt.