/drg/ Danganronpa General

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pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information
pastebin.com/K0QMPJ63 - Danganronpa V3 Bonus Mode starting guide

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles

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>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-related artists*

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Guys, I'm shaking. I'm fucking shaking.
I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Miu. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. The fact that she's smarter and more sexual than any living being on Earth. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring.
I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Miu pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Spike Chunsoft create something so perfect? To fucking tantalise us? Fucking laugh in our faces?!
Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.


>last thread

ibuki is best girl

so true. what a fucking truthfag

I love JUNKO ( smoogie )

I love Tenko!


Komaeda and his beloved Ouma!



Reminder that Kaito loves cock!

How would you sabotage the mutual killing game?

>Spill water all over the edges of the pool immediately before nighttime
>Corner someone alone at nighttime and start chasing them into the pool with the threat of killing or harming them
>They slip and fall into the pool
>They immediately get torn apart by exsials for breaking the rules

Congratulations, you've gotten away with killing someone scott-free.


Ouma and his beloved Saihara!

I love Mugi's fake Junko breasts!

I love Kirumi!

Angie and her beloved Kaede!

>hey guyz sorry that long winded demonstration on Kaito definitely being the killer I gave 3 seconds ago was a lie I was pressured to make xd
How retarded can you get

I love Ouma!

A reminder that slutty Kyoko is best slut.

A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl

Work is done, however I have to return to court tommorow. Sleep now and fuck around in the morning or sleep in few hours but do nothing in the morning?

kaito seems more like a top desu

>keep hitting image limit hundreds of posts before bump limit
>new thread and 16 autists already dumping pictures for no reason

can't you keep it in your pants?


I love Junko!

I'm in a bit of financial trouble. If only someone could help me out~

Wrong. Best slut is Maki

Is the HE IS ALL THAT REMAINS OF A ONCE POWERFUL NATION stuff supposed to mean anything or is it just engrish

Kill people for no real reason, tell them some bullshit about the real world being fucked, tell them im the mastermind and then sit on my ass waiting for the real mastermind to rally the other students and get them to kill me.

i love kaede!



Would Hajime ever make Mikan, Mahiru, or Sonia his rebound bitch or would he just jerk off to his Chiaki tulpa forever?

So... you're staying behind to complain instead of going to the /v/ thread you wanted and asked about?

Miu clawing herself out of an unmarked grave, having been struck by lightning and reanimating as a zombie! Miu shambling over to where Shuichi and Kaede's house is, having been buried in their backyard to hide the evidence! Miu forcibly breaking down the door and waking Kaede and Shuichi from their fitful slumber!

Kaede telling Shuichi to stay put as she grabs the baseball bat for near the bed, as Shuichi lost his leg to Miu in order to keep him from running from her when she was alive! Kaede seeing Miu's shambling corpse walking towards her in the dark hallway and screaming!

Shuichi falling out of bed from shock and climbing desperately on the ground to help anyway she can! Shuichi finding Kaede beating Miu's zombie brain to a pulp on the floor until she stops twitching! Kaede noticing Shuichi and starts to cry, finally having put the bitch down for good!

Shuichi getting hoisted up by Kaede as they hug intimately before retreating back to the bedroom to put him back in safety! Kaede says not to worry as she goes to hide the body back out into the rain!

Kaede hiding a bite wound from Miu on her arm the entire time... oh no!

>betraying your tulpa
That is not subarashi

He writes all the murders and checks to see which ones people didn't get right off of the bat. Those are the ones he recreates. We are essentially beta-testers for his crimes.

Me too!

I never asked about a /v/ thread. /v/ would be a more appropriate place to do shitty "I love stinky junko smoogy kirigiri" posts in.

Sometimes I wonder...

Impending doom

Checking Angie's door in chapter 5.

I hope she's choking on cocks

Best giri.

Lovely post!

Dreadful post.

You realize ritualposts have been on /drg/ for quite a long time right?

Why specifically Miu and Gonta?

A plebian like you wouldn't understand a dedicated ritualposter's work.

Cry about it nerd.

Jerk off and make Komaeda dress like Chiaki.

Reminder that Nagito x Hajime x Chiaki is the best and most canon-supported ship for Hajime.

>Nagito and Chiaki are the only two SDR2 characters Hajime interacts with in DR3
>Nagito and Chiaki are the only two SDR2 characters Hajime has friendship events with in NDRV3 bonus mode
>Nagito and Chiaki are the characters Hajime has the most official art with
>Chiaki is Hajime's first love and his past love. She was his closest friend during his time at Kibougamine, and she was the person he felt closest to during the main story of SDR2 as well. His love for her is so strong that he will carry her memory in his heart forever, and always hold onto her hairpin
>Nagito is Hajime's future love. This is supported by scenes such as the one where Nagito calls Hajime over to eat with him, and Hajime joins him as Chiaki's memory fades away. This is also supported by the last scene of the Danganronpa anime, Danganronpa 2.5, in which Hajime takes Nagito's hand and leads him into the future. And of course, this is supported by the official art that depicts Nagito smiling at Hajime lovingly and offering him a gift as they sail away on the boat together
>After living their lives to the fullest like Chiaki would have wanted, Hajime and Nagito will reunite with Chiaki in the afterlife, and Hajime can finally be together with his first love
>Nagito and Chiaki will also begin a relationship in the afterlife, completing the triad
>The three of them will live out a bisexual polyamorous lifestyle forever, with nothing left to stand in the way of their happiness

yeah and they threw virgins into volcanoes for a long time, too.
wish that ritual was kept, then you might not be here anymore.

This makes a lot of sense.

because tenko can go fuck herself


I read that as
>Make Komaru dress like Chiaki

Komaeda would have to put on a lot of weight to pass for Nanami.

They're both recent victims

Her only redeeming feature is sharing an english VA with bestboi

Mikan a loyal sweet kinky housewife

One day I will S-rank Treasure Hunter... one day...

Good post!

Your frustration is my nourishment.

This is my wife, say something nice about her

Reminder that this is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>tfw S-Ranked Treasure Hunter by just completely turning off my brain

What car or bike have you guys got if you drive?
Would your favorite character like it?

On Mean?

She died in a sexy way. I'd love to try to revived her by pounding her dyke pussy trying to bring her back with an orgasm.

nee-san big dick


Then what about Tenko?

I'll have to try that.

Her breath smells like gasoline.

How can one do this? It is impossible.

Finally, mankind has created the imperfect sexbot.

One day I will beat that stupid despair road bullshit, one day

Yep. I don't even know how it was possible.

Not recent


Please tell me there will be more expressions of this.
It doesn't need to be her whole range but this can't stop as just a one-off.

She literally died right after Angie.

I can't

Try screenshotting then pausing and spend an hour or whatever to find the solutions, or ask for help here. I just through of this pretty good idea huh?

Most underappreciated character in the franchise.

Is smelly and dead!

Maki is fucking adorable

What the fuck are you talking about? She has plenty of fans despite being a non-character only known for cosplaying as Junko and being her cumslut


glass of semen

baldki pls

the person is examining Angie's door, so of course Angie is going to be mentioned.


Saihara is even more adorable!

Viper SRT and ACR, blue and purple. If I drive slowly, which I'm incapable of doing. I always speed down the freeways at night since there's little traffic at that time where I live.
She'll like my seats and my dolls of her in it though...
I'm not a stalker

What the... Why the downgrade?

>Then... he blackmailed you by using me?

>t. hasn't read DR0 or DRIF

Watch out, if you call Mikan kinky Mikanon will show up and tell you the only sex she could possibly desire is vanilla sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation with her one true love, since she is so pure and not the least bit lewd.