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i'm sexually attracted to this woman and NEED to hug her.

I'm still using the default Mei skin because all her other skins are shit. Why can't Blizzard give Mei a single good skin? That new jiangshi one looks awful and I usually love jiangshis

source ?

Tracer retards and Mei retards need to eat shit and live, and then get violently gored on a metal fence.

> people below Masters think their opinions on game-balancing matter

>You mean Sean Schemmel? He passed out doing it.

Apparently he didn't, it was for the super saiyan 4 transformation. And the only reason that happened was because he was severely lacking sleep.

Nth for buffs the the most underpowered hero in the game


what do you mean "source"?

>tfw 900 bucks is a very decent monthly wage in my country

Can someone please post the image that this was edited from?

brb playing mercy
K I'm in masters now. What's your main, I'm going to tell blizzard to nerf them into doomfist levels of unplayability

Realization: meis glasses ruin everything and should be removed, shes much cuter without

Every men want to believe their job is hard because it makes them look tough. It's why actors invented this "method acting" meme.

Why is Tracer considered bad on defence

*takes off glasses.*


No she isn't. Her glasses cover a good portion of her face.

why come the pc patch notes make no mention of changing doomfist punch hitbox

where do you live, user?

who here /lovesmommy/?

>confident enough in my skill with Ana
>lolno play Mercy she's totally healthy for the game
We made a mistake somewhere.
I want to go back.


I'm too old to be Mercy's son

pls no cyka jokes

what do you mean 'what do I mean "source" ?'

Oh boy I love being stuck gambling for Random Hero wins because Deathmatch only awards victories for first place and PVE is for pussies.

nobody wants to go back to tank or beyblade meta

I have far more empathy for people like you than VAs, they get paid way more than anyone working a dead-end job and the people who pretty much also work dead-end jobs try to defend voice acting as hard work

Yeah, she needs a complete blindfold and ball gag so I don't have to see her disgusting cow face try and mushmouth yellow english

I'll heal you but I'm not sucking your dick.

no, we didn't

The video it's from has been seen by everyone. How can you come to the overwatch general on Veeky Forums and not have already seen the Mei cinematic from like a month ago? Are you living under a rock?

Friendly reminder that Angela Ziegler is:
>37 years old

Her biological clock is ticking and she's desperate to have a child while she still can. Will you be the one to provide her the happiness she desires?

I'll just jerk off to the thought of it then

mei's cinematic was fucking shit to be honest family

I'll kill her if that's what you mean, she sounds pretty fucking miserable.

Here comes T.Racer!

childfree master race

Stop posting this shit every thread I'm fucking sick of seeing this non-content that equates to wasted posts

Did t.racer get stuck in some traffic?

I wanna torb to shove his massive viking cock in my ass then pump me full of his hot dwarven semen

What's the fastest mode to grind xp for lootboxes?

I hear arcade modes deal less xp, is that true?

So quickplay or a custom game? I wanna zone out and not do comp btw.

this posting is getting somewhat sad, even seeing this picture gives me depressive vibes now. Please stop doingthis

I agree, her voice is fun to hear in short phrases but sentences longer than like 5 words make her sound annoying with her shitty fake "accent".

>someone insta-locks my main
>my main who i have an 80% winrate on
>kindly ask them to switch since i know they arent going to do shit.
>they dont switch
>forced to play healer
>team complaining about my mercy
>i dont play support ;^)
>we lose
>lose horribly

1.Queue for junkestien endless normal
2.Pick Torb
3.Build Torret
5.move a couple of steps every minute
6.get skins

there's one in every general

/wowg/ has some female worgen poster that says "remember to cuddle a worgen today, /wowg/ :3" every single FUCKING day and it infuriated me

I honestly wish I could choke that person to death and watch the life fade from their eyes and then leave the room before they shit themselves.

I don't play WoW anymore.

I love it when mei art exaggerates her plump women parts but it can only go so far because >mei

>I don't play WoW anymore.
Shithead spammers and not playing WoW aren't mutually inclusive considering WoW has become a shitpile and only continues to spiral down, so good on you

>can only get off to femdom
>tracer is a sub
>can't even get off to my waifu anymore
what has this world done to me

pick your 2nd best, fucking meta sheep

Noone plays wow anymore


>Put down Witch Mercy spray
>Someone puts the expert Mercy spray over it


Its okay, user..

>can only get off to femdom
This gave me secondhand cringe, the only thing you can do is neck yourself

The art for mei is good. I'm hoping I can find some decent porn, all I need to do is go look. In-game though she's barely picked and always a pain to deal with on either team whenever she exists. Also she seems to have some of the worst skins I'll never forgive blizzard for caving in to dumblr and making her lunar skins fat just because she looked too much like a real woman

I don't have much of her saved because of all the ""BBW"" art of her

there's a thread of her on /trash/ user. i posted a bunch of lewd stuff of her on there. check it out if you're too lazy to look at the booru.

>meifats acknowledge themselves that they belong on /trash/

or a mod did

>Screwing around in a JR custom server
>Running around as Soldier
>"If you remain inactive, you will be kicked"
>Start running around, using all my abilities, and shooting stuff
>Timer won't stop
What the fuck is wrong with the afk timer in this game

>people on quick play are bad
>people on ranked are mean

i was playing junkestein

play with a friend!

Meifats are literal subhuman

>They do voice acting for 15 or so hours a day
Source on this? I doubt every voice actor is so busy.

we get it, you don't like her. no need to spam the thread user, jeez.

what kind of shit mmr qp you playing mang?
I often have 20 minute qp games where people give their all and that are extremely close

nice. too bad /trash/ itself is one of the worst boards available ever since the furfaggots took over, wish they just stayed in /b/ instead of nesting in the literal slide thread dumping ground

I thought it was the opposite?

Y-Yeah, I might unlock it too. One day. Maybe.

recording studio aren't free, so they book a few days and it's intensive for the VA

so they work 3 days for $900/day

that's $2700 in 3 days

so then they don't have to work for like a month? all they have to do is make some calls to get more work

sounds like an easy fucking life

For big projcts, sure. But again, I doubt all voice actors are in so high demand, that they work every day - or even every week - like that.

Like, let's think about OW: sometimes legendary skins get a couple of extra voicelines. So do they really need a studio for several hours? Obviously no.

I do symphatize with VAs tho, and I expect them starting to get royalties even, sometime in the future.

does anyone else self harm because of overwatch?

ive started to cut myself pretty regularly because of it, feels pretty bad

i wish blizzard would give this game some actual rules so i wouldn't have to enforce them on myself instead

>I expect them starting to get royalties even, sometime in the future.

kek the dumbest thing I've ever heard, they don't deserve shit they got paid for their work so they can fuck off

Why not just go the extra mile and end it all? I'm sure nobody would care.

She looks thinner than her normal skins, but they were even more so on release. They then went on to make her waist much larger, under the pretense that it was a bug, all while ignoring the actual clipping issues with the skin.

Your brain isn't functioning properly and if you're at this point then you're already a lost cause. Either seek therapy or kill yourself, I don't care which.

There used to be (probably still is) a notorious issue with her hands especially during reloading, but they made her fatter instead of fixing clipping issues because tumblrinas couldnn't handle the fact that mei looks fat because she's wearing heavy coating

>Too old to be her son
>Too young to be her husband

oh, it got changed after release? I didn't know that


>they don't deserve shit
Money makes the rules, that's how it always goes... Either someone gets exploited or they reap generous benefits.

There's so much money going on in the videogame industry, that they can't deny royalties for much longer.

not even samefagging friend

>tfw 18 is old enough for me to have popped out of her when she was 18

>Played alone for the longest time since launch
>People suddenly starts adding me because they think I'm good
>Joined 3 different groups and there's more coming
L-Leave me alone, normies

>that they can't deny royalties for much longer.

They've already tried it with their little cuck strike and it didn't work. They have no leverage because they can literally pick someone off the street to do the same job. They don't care about the quality of the voice acting (as evident by today's VA standards) so there's literally no difference.

>someone off the street to do the same job
That's not true, even if you imagine it so.

>They don't care about the quality of the voice acting
Game developers DO care. It's just that, for the time being, they have been able to get away with the current rules.

Change always takes time, but the direction is clear and momentum is building.

Well, are you?

>That's not true, even if you imagine it so.
maybe not literally, but there are thousands of equally talented people that will do it without royalties in their contract

They literally just had a year-long strike.
Devs literally just hired people off the street to replace them in the meantime.
You can't deny reality.

i don't know that seems like a waste lol

still enjoy playing overwatch but i've gotten stuck after hitting GM and i don't really know how to get past the 4.1k hurdle, i figured pushing myself through self harm might get me there but it's not helping

rich shit on poor
strong shit on weak
>this cucko actually thinking it will change ever

>tfw perfect age for her to be mommy
Feels good

>Change always takes time, but the direction is clear and momentum is building.
Lol do you really think the A "let's push the boundaries on how tolerable $60 base price is by making it a shell price" A "let's make developers make intentionally shitty games then kill them off so we can have all the IPs" A industry gives a single fucking shit about the integrity of voice actors? You must be more insane and out-of-touch than the actual big names in the industry

>load into a game last
>everyone expects me to fill healer

but sombra is a healer