Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1460: sww edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good OP

For Mari

Umi a cute

>autism as OP

That's not Yoshiko?

song of the day

Cute angels.

Why are Umi's colors messed up?

I wish I was that cat

Why are all the song of the days from im@s? Can you put another franchise at least?

aquors is so shit that almost no one talked about the new episode

For cutest gays.

They're not even good songs...

Who is the Alice of Love Live?

Because NozoEli is canon and EliUmi is a sunken crackship that died years ago

cute homos

I just barely notice Nico doing the Nico Nico Nii hand thing as she is holding the spoon.


Umi is love.


i heard pile got depressed these days so sora and pile should pair up as a unit under the residual influence of nicomaki

Role call for Delayed Live Viewing SLC


wanna see their laidback scenes more with good atmosphere just like shown in ep2
and then they become degenerate with the comfy surroundings and relationships, and indulge themselves in lesbian sex as a matter of course

We live in a weird world...



Night night user

Why does Chika look so ugly?

Why does Rikyako look so cute?

What do you mean...?

Youcuck goes nuclear

is that miku on the left?

He's not that wrong , but then again he is a tripfag.

>all those (You)s
How does he do it?

Ah so that's why there's a sudden increase of replies.
If only people here wouldn't be new to /a/ and stop giving that faggot attention.

>put on trip
>spout retarded opinions
>get free (You)s

It got plenty of replies before the redirect from here.

Look at the time posted. He only got like 4 extra replies from here at most

I thought /a/ did better in ignoring tripfags?

By laying down the truth on flopfags

/a/ pretends to be better but it's the same as any other board.

It's obviously many people from here and samefagging for teh lulz. In most other threads people barely care about Ledouche.

Before or after the link was posted here?

So it's just us LL fans that are the problem?

it's the aqours being shit problem

There was a bunch of replies before it was linked

It was probably linked on Discord before here.

It got already a bunch of replies before it was linked, they are retarded.

People were probably lurking before, but even after the link was posted many new IPs replied to that post and now they're parroting our memes like retard ribbitors and stuff.

>going to /a/

>going to Veeky Forums

That's Reddit for you.

>going to the internet

>not having a nesoberi to play UNO with

>not having money to buy merchandise

>not killing yourself

>having money

Its obvious that most of the replies are from the shitposting faggots from here. No one on /a/ ever agrees with that tripfag.

I have two nesoberis but only one Uno card.

Since the only tripfag worth giving replies to is Bear

That means you win, congrats!


when he asks to drink ur piss

After going through the thread I like this place better imo

What's your unpopular LL opinion?

I love Honoka!

I like Honoka

I like Kanan.

the game is fucking garbage

BiBi is the worst subunit.


Hags are boring and outdated hags

That's not unpopular, though.

I said "unpopular opinion" not "common fact".


I like listening to Nozomi.

I want to murder Hanayo and push Eli into a lake

Me too.

Calm down, Nico.

just wait for all stars right?

Love Live is probably the bottom of the barrel when it comes to anime idols.

I like all of Muse almost equally.

>Yoshiko is not into rock

That is surprising

This might've been my favorite episode in all of Love Live! so far oh my god. It was such an improvement from S1 and S2E1; the character interactions, the callback to canon character traits (like Ruby being good at sewing), the animation, the humor (anime humor usually doesn't do it for me but it was really well done in this episode), just everything about this episode was so much better than anything Sunshine!! has given us so far. I'm actually looking forward to the next episode more than ever, which should be our first insert song!

I know where this is from but jesus christ

Easy to satisfy.

stop posting this tranny

>anime humor usually doesn't do it for me
What type of shit anime shows does she even watch?

I enjoy these ribbit posts.

You made me check pluuv's account

>this copypasta



this is kinda cute



Our shitters aka ribbitors would chase them away anyway. This general si doomed.