/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2224

>Recent News
2 extra chocobar restock on shop
McDonalds SkyCompass Collab - Eat burgers in Japan, get damascus crystals and a sunlight stone
Fourth Crew Skill - Available if you have 21+ members
CCS Collab - Dark Unknown Staff, Sakura is the loyalty character

>18M Player Celebration *Co-op won't be affected by MagFest
10/10 - 10/24 - MagFest(Login Raffle, Half AP/BP cost for Raids, Half AP cost for Free Quests/Main Story/Special Quests, x1.5 RP/EXP bonus, Double effect for Journey Drop Buffs)
10/11 - 10/24 - Free Single Rolls and 200 Crystal Login Bonus

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for October:
30/9 - 9/10 - Violet Violence
10/10 - 24/10 - Sakura and the Mysterious Sky Journey
25/10 - 30/10 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event

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Post Jannu


I like how last place had 8k. GBFG is amazing.

Don't upload the lewd edits

Upload the lewd edits

>needing DATA from ely

what shit element do you even play? lol


light ;_:

Don't listen to this guy, he is a prude


Light, water, earth, fire

Just use the best girl of guaranteed TA.

Looks like Jannu has a bad case of the watery

How bad are you at this game?

>farming magnas for fodder
>they give me weapons i actually need to uncap
fuck off

Fire has Socie though

How many rooms it takes to get Lvl99 to 100?


host zoizoi

>halle is bad, cuz she gwts hit

>Joined ubaha for first time
>Everyone dies to that beam
>Except my wifey nr 2
> Proceeds to dodge literally everything for 15+ turns
>Hits for 2.1 million per turn
> Only damage taken was from that plain dmg, which didnt drop her buff.

I love my second wife.

>Inb4 only 8th place.

I was trying out a 1/3rd finished titan grid that only had 1 mlb axe and gun,

The saddest post I've read today.

what's she so smug about?

>Ledit spacing
Go back and give them your blogpost

Causing a scandal.

What about turns 6-12?
Or 1-5 outside of ST.

>he knows what leddit spacing is

gran lucha dick

SSR when
SR when even

Hopefully never.


Yeah, it sure is hard to connect the dots when every person claiming to use reddit uses spaces like that faggot. Your implication is dogshit.


Ougi and rely on the GW dagger


>still only have 1 staff flip

But they're the same person?

not your personal blog

>gets btfo by Xeno
>main hand
>a fucking stick

Amira barely gives anything. GW dagger doesn't guarantee multis if you don't have a lot of data in the grid.
Other dagger classes don't have Concludere buff or dirge debuff. In light's case another important aspect is that Elysian is the only class with good pilfer which matters for Song.

lmaoing @ u

I have no light grid so the only way I'd get a 4* xeno would be spending hundreds of berries and I don't really want to do that since I don't really play dark either.

Rude, what's your beef?

What's the best way to farm rupies right now if magnafest doesn't effect co-op?

just report and move on
ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Clear your NMs with double bunny.

Joining rooms for free.

Amira's 1 and dagger bring SA to 25% excluding emp data

71FB0364 1/18 Baha HL

remove cow

Help me. My Baha Sword is stuck as "Equipped" in a party even though I unequipped it multiple times. I can't upgrade my sword like this.

I don't want a possible Feather SSR if Randall gets a SSR, that'll haunt me like how I don't have Rosamia's SSR but have her SR and R version.

Check pending battles

How does one leech co-op? Just join whatever room, click ready and wait for it to be done?
I can't interact with people at all and don't want to...

Still coop. Get an alt.

Don't worry, that's what I do.

Amira is 3/6 and dagger is 3/6 too without good TA source.

>the story starts costing AP

If they start counting, that's your cue to leave

Bit they'll report you to KMR and then he'll kick you very hard

>the story starts costing quartz

With Amira's 1 giving 1.3x bar mod you're full again when it ends

9 hours

People keep saying around to have 1 Baha weapon in a grid, even some wiki stuff says it, but which Baha weapon should be put there?
(using a literal shit fire grid)

I have her tho.

my bahamut weapons says its equipped but i have disband all parties..

>scan burgs
>get no crystals
??? wtf am I banned

71FB0364 8/18 Baha HL, need sage and 1 or 2 more spartans

>story starts costing chev swords

check your pending battles

Reminder to say cute things about boat.

Can people actually get in trouble for this? Is it really that rude?

I just want my rupees to give to the Jew to upgrade her shol

>Story starts costing SSR characters

>story starts costing ssr character weapons

I can finally get rid of these male characters

Usually people just make a dagger.

Press auto or something, it's just some rooms expect you to rotate hosts
Which is pretty lame

>story starts costing mobacoins

I can finally get rid of Cag and Lucio


Avoid rotating hosts


delete this

Make a dagger and sword
Maybe a gun if you are a potato diddler

Depends on your team composition. Most people make a dagger since humans and erunes are the most common. You sometimes see swords cause draphs.

This scene. This one scene.

Lyria a best girl.

Cute Ferry skin! I'm gonna buy it this year.

Finally I will be able to get rid of all the dirty livestock.


>story starts

Give an update


So that you can roll them back again?


GBF needs more loli SSR

Nevermind, seems like you pubbed it


when will I roll Titan

Delet. Petra is pure.

Is NINE(9) not enough for you pedo?


>a 15 year old kid teaching her a lotta stuff about the world
reinforced their Gran and Lyria's relationship with some more pandering. What more could she learn from Gran over Katalina? Gran is still a kid

Her mouth was pure