Fighting Games General /fgg/

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first for dbfz is fucking boring



Wish I was Jack-O's girlfriend...

Is it another get hyped for a new character and then get disappointed episode again?

How high of an IQ do you think Daigo has? Who is his favorite girl?

that was a year ago
what do you play
why would you come to a thread to surround yourself with things you do not like

play fighting games and stuff

Man, artists need to stop with these shirts with individually defined breasts, it doesn't make sense. No fabric acts like this unless there are individual boob compartments sewn into the fabric.

This week's tournament is Street Fighter Alpha 2.
Friday, October 20 9pm CST.
FT3 Single Elimination.

It's a "Climb an entire rank beating on shitters who haven't played in months trying to learn the new character" episode.

Leave him alone!

no, uk capcop said it's gonna be hype lol

They're not supposed to be realistic

I wish I was Alex bros...

>mfw you dont see that ever at diamond rank

When's waifu


November probably.

>Zeku probably releasing this week
>Three Mahvel characters this Tuesday who are going to be better than 90% of the cast because the devs actually try when making the non-rehashed characters

Looks like Capcom is back on the menu, boys.

toppest fighting dykes

Predict Zeku v-skill/v-trigger.

fighting games are saved once again
for a week or so

Here is my Jive "get your ass banned" policy:

1) When I am beating you and you suddenly start teabagging the air while in low health. In fact, if you teabag in any possible scenario, GET THAT ASS BANNED.

2) You refuse a rematch whether you win or lose: GET THAT ASS BANNED.

3) You are Russian, nuff said: GET THAT ASS BANNED.

4) You use taunts to let out your own frustration and anger instead of using them for strategic purposes: GET THAT ASS BANNED.

Otherwise I am a very pleasant and forgiving person.

Except for the online community all playing on Fightcade, how good is the PS3 port of Darkstalkers?

I'm silver lmao

You know I always thought it was Undine transforming for this attack but it's actually just Dizzy's arm.

What if you are Russian but play in US???


vesper please stop. wait a few hours come on now

why single elim?

But you said you climbed an entire rank with that, does that mean you were bronze?

As long as we get enough fighting games out there, one of them is bound to save fighting games every week with some meme DLC. You can play actually good games on Fightcade in between DLCs.

Then you are not under the radar and got yourself covered.

*shoulders you*

yeah silver is most likely great to prey on casuals who dropped the game and come back for whatever reason.

AE release will be free hunt season.

Reposting from old thread. If anyone has a Hitbox and a minute of free time, hit me up.

I've already emailed them about it but they are notoriously slow to respond.

>few hours

12 hours is a long time man, a lot can happen in that time

I'm eternal Silver. I climb and fall.

>tfw can't even stay in bronze
why is everyone I fight so fucking godly

Mai is destined to wake up alone

>AE release will be free hunt season

Assuming your main doesn't get nerfed to shit.

Come play.

That's not true, she's got Andy.

zeku vtrigger is invisibility

>Xiao Hai vs Xyzzy
Xiao hai so good

Yeah but there's much better ways to make the fabric realistic and body hugging to show body definition.

doubt it, I know they did this with twelve but it honestly was worthless

i will join in a few minutes

hey look at this one

its bronze rank lmao you could play with half your buttons and win


fuck off

When's Marvel?


Swede detected.

Hate how stagannt the Andy/Mai thing is. Either progress it or drop it in a taseful manner.

or they become a couple and then break up in a horrific manner to the point that people are visibly distressed when they are nearby each other


Zeku will be super gimmicky won't he?

for some sweet vsav

Do you know the answer to this ?

Hopefully, otherwise he'll be poopy tier.

Why is MOV called Master of Vampire if he doesn't play Vampire Savior? Shouldn't he be called Master of Third Strike instead?

I wanna play DBFZ

Why is a Ryu still so much fun to play despite being low tier? Same with Alex

Mai finally got Andy to not run away in KOFXIV. Have a married couple-tier interaction about wondering if the stove was left on even.

PC beta when?

Not him, but it's pretty good honestly. It has challenges for every character and a good training mode.

Alex is fun because all his moves look awesome and his long V-trigger combos that end in slams are satisfying as fuck.

I don't know, Ryu's shit and I lose a lot, but he's fun to play indeed. I don't like Alex, though.

like other user said, challenges and training mode

what is the best Vampire and why was is DS2?

I don't find Ryu fun to play (or shotos in general for that matter) but hitting Alex's stuff just feels great.

Cool. Thanks, anons.

Anyone wants to play SF4 or something on fightcade like ST or breakers or others


play Jive

Ryu is the complete opposite of fun.

did 09ers really ruin everything



Feels good to play on PS4.

Not him, but the rootkit was the point that made me never want to use a capcom product ever again.

A videogame has no business being this much of a security hazard.



nobody cares

have you used a capcom product since then

fake and gay stop posting it

>Dual Core

Is that a naruto guest character?

You don't like SFV anymore Brick? Your Gief is pretty good.


I'm trying to play Melty with a keyboard, is there an easier way to go from a 2C to a 6C without triggering a special or do I just have to learn to be extremely precise with my inputs?

Sagat, ?, Blanka, ?, ? , ?

Punk playing MVCI right now on Bifuteki redbull if anyone is interested, I don't play it but meh. Know there are punk fans here.

I care, it directly shows that companies opinion of its consumerbase and what they are willing to do to them.

But if you lack the self respect and think its okay to swallow their diarrea be my guest.
I actually didnt use or bought one since then, even though i had an itch for MVCI.
But its probably good i didnt buy it since its low quality garbage again as far as i see.

From left to right:

Sagat, Sakura, Blanka, Gouken, Elena, Sodom.

what do you play now

Melty top 8 at ceotaku had 3 keyboard players. That specifically can be tricky at the start for players of every input device, but the secret is just going back to neutral between 2C and 6C. So do 2C then release all keys, then 6C. It may be a bit weird at first, but once you get the hang of it it's really easy.

I hope that the Zeku announcement comes with some sort of teaser for Sagat, we know he's coming and if he's going to be announced at PSX like Akuma was last year then Capcom should really make a tease to keep people interested in a potential announcement.

KI, GG and a bit of T7

>inb4 they are all shit lmao
