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I want to comb Fernando's hair!

I want maeve to steal me away as her greatest treasure!

Dr.Jekyll/Mr.Hyde champion when

Maeve doesn't care about trash.

Maeve is mine.

I think that Talus might have been designed by Kretutuh

ChurchHill shall be a dapper skeleten

loli champs when

Hello friends!

You know when.

t. delusional
f-fuck you ;-;

A dapper loli skeleton?


Bugdins being bugdins



is it the same with the other legendaries


Yes, they removed the hitscan part of the legendary and its description. It's intentional.

My love for her knows no bounds.
She brightens my days, and I am to protect her for as long as I have life in me.

>to the guy who asked for this
´ere you go m8

Is it just me or is playing Ruckus kind of like playing with cheat codes? It takes 3 people just to kill you and your DPS is insane

No worries guys, he has connections with the abyss, he will come back!

>its a free win as long as said player does one basic thing
>they decide to type and spam commands and we lose lol

Every game on this patch has been this regardless of casual or ranked. Very boring, doens't help next patch looks like a shit show waiting to happen since anything they try to do PTR only shit they just break the game for a month.

It's just you user. Ruckus is fun but if anyone on the enemy team can aim you'll get deleted.


>purple gem

How does a ruckus lose a 1v1?

I almost feel sorry for them, I can't help but imagine the salt of their side.

Are they cute or are they cute?

Stop this immediately.

He can't shoulder peek effectively.

Are you on console or something? Have you only played for 15 hours? People aren't stupid enough to try 1v1ing you. A drogoz and shalin will jump out of cover for 1.5 seconds and delete your ass.

hahahahahhaha wtf

>flank will bully terminus hard instead of the other way around

>if anyone on the enemy team can aim you'll get deleted
meaning 1v1 with ruckus

Literally C TIER LMAO

Why does HiRez hate Barik?

Its the Barik cycle, I'm completely surprised he has been able to stay as strong as he has for so long. He will get chain nerfed until crap then overbuffed. As the cycle continues.

So I finally played ranked, did I do good? I was wondering if I should've spent more time on the point or flanking/defending the backline, I did the latter.

That applies to anyone who is not a flank and maybe damages.

remember that one time when barik was literally deleted from the game

Long as you're splitting the work in that draft should be good. They couldn't focus fire for shittt.

Never forget OB44.

He was 'disabled', and yes, I remember.
Is this why Barik mains are always so angry?

At least they could remove or lower the damage increase from the legendary, but not this. Oh well, I guess Masters rank can wait.

>tank nerf wave has begun
>flank meta is soon
Time to uninstall and catch up with Ex-Aid

Your teammates were marginally less garbage than the enemies. They're still bad, mind you, since you were still unironically top damage. And 4k damage Shen Huan makes me weep.

And I thought that he was finally free, lmao. Fool me once, HiRez.

Ash top damage isn't unusual.

Unless you have literal bronze tier damage / flanks, yes it is unusual.

>flank meta is soon
B-but at least Maeve was nerfed.

Is Terminus a big guy?


why did i waste 800 crystals on witch evie, i don't even like evie

she cast a spell on you

Yeah I was surprised at how poor everyone's aim was. I could solo two or three of them at once and only dropped to half health. I don't even know what their Sha Lin was doing.

You like BK, right?

LoRez says
>No longer makes your turrets autofire
Tfw they just meant that hitscan will be removed.
Not sure of LoRez is actually retarded or are they are doing this on purpose.


i like him but i never play him, i get bullied for being terrible when i do



You're the reason why modern games are infested with lootboxes and microtransactions, congrat!

>play rank
>get matched with no rank plebs
Holy fuck, what the fuck is up with the match making? The game needs an assesment for people who can join competitive. This fucker uses Bomb King but he literakky never detonates his bombs or rather he doesn't know how to detonate his bomb. Fuck Lo-rez

low interest patch, takes me 5 min plus to even get a game in low diamond

apparently hitscan abilities are ok but hitscan deployables are not, it's a fucking joke

should i get lian?

Anyone else always top damage no matter what role they play? It's like my team mates aren't shooting when they can.

>waaah it's not fair
>i don't want to aim
>why doesn't the game play iself???

who are you quoting

But what does that have to do with loli skeletons?

Why are we still here, just to suffer? Every night, I get crushed for miniscule amounts of TP, every night I barely manage to win it back. I hate this experience. I hate it all. Yet I keep playing. Why?

maeve cute!

hey, at least you can disenchant it :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

I want to believe that he's just bugged, but...

I just want that Drogoz weapon, I hate incomplete sets.

It's not a bug, that's how normal turrets are.

get a job

>talus will never get buffed because he was popping off during the PPL


Why is the matchmaking system so fucked? It's nearly impossible to climb ranks as solo when you are paired with bronze shitters

If you can't pick a carry and kill everything then you don't deserve a promotion.

I was Plat 1 until not long ago. I can't remember the last time I got paired with a gold or below. At worst I got paired with all plats and at best with like 3 diamonds.
HiRez's matchmaking works in mysterious ways. It suits them actually, since nothing of what they do ever works correctly and stays like that for months or forever.

They fucked over low hp characters too much.

He just got buffed and is getting a minor buff next patch,stop fucking lying

/r/ing a picture with Buck standing over Barik's grave and holding his blunderbuss, with the engraving "But I'm still good!"

The whole fucking point, it counters flank. But flank meta is coming so I guess we can't have that.

It's a nerf. Your RMB is slower now.


me while watching my team's picks in comp

me while playing paladins

Terminus rework to have Zhin like rmb when?

in 3 patches

me in general :(

Yeah good luck 1v5 a competent team


People think they're better than me. They laugh at me and taunt me. They think I'm a joke. Fuck them. They think they're so much fucking better. Pieces of shit. Call me a fucking weirdo snowflake "im not even suprise at this point lmao" when i try to fight back. Fuck yourselves, you fucking self righteous pieces of shit cunts..

Anyway, how long till next champ after Terminus?

next year

git gud

t. silver

3-6 weeks

We have to be getting close to the slow down point. Its nut they actually accomplished their release goals.