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She wishes her chest was that big.



That's my sister-in-law in the OP!

What parent child pair makes best Oyakodon?

Nohr girls make do(and why is it Camilla?).

Not anymore!

Accompany me in my humble quest to be on the top 50's

One multiplier hour and im set

Also who's that slut from twitter?
I want her to block me like kippu


Licking her armpits!

/r/FireEmblemHeroes here

stop stealing our shit , thank you

>you will never alternate your thrusts between Deirdre and Julia's pussies, agonized over the prospect of having to choose one (1) to cum inside


He's saying that Sully-Lucina is the in-law of Severa. Understandable as Severa married Kjelle.

Do not open.


Stop posting in this thread, it was early and made by a shitposter.
Actually on time thread:

What the fuck are talking about

But this one is early too!

>on time
>10 posts early

By that logic we should all go to this one
Hurr, durr

They're both early you autist, stop spamming the board with new threads

Fuck off with this reddit meme

Useless cunt.


Who gets to fuck this?

In my castle? Innes.

>patrician taste is reddit

Can someone please post that pic of Xander crying from Birthright route?

Here you go

Wait, what the fuck?

What the hell? Did you feed him every Ashera icon in the game or something?

A good match.

Why would you post something that terrifying? I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight now.


You mean Lucina's wife

His cap is lower in his tier 3 class for some reason

Eliwood in Bed costume when?


Sorry, I meant GIF.

"It's Hoshido's fault that I'm such a cognitive dissonant dumbass"

Is there a shittier waifu than Severa? She's an unlikable cunt, has a terrible personality, treats her friends and parents like shit and is a garbage unit. She gives Tharja a run for her money.

>caps luck
>Whisper has a lowered luck cap for some stupid reason

What are some weapon/movement types where she wouldn't be the best?
Infantry blue mage, infantry sword, any others?
I think maybe infantry lance, since Gierskogul is ridiculous, and cavalier bow for obvious reasons.


>fire emblem heroes has too much powercreep
>hearthstone and league of legends have never had power creep and are extremely balanced


Say sorry.

Fuck off nu-male.


> draws Lucina with no hips

I want to lick these tears

>less than a year
>too much
Confirmed for dead game before Year 2

Go back.


Time to migrate

How did this cunt get into Warriors again.

This post will get RED HOT

He's le epic reddit mage

Stop trying to devalue the term numale, zeldanumale. You think I'm not on to you? He's just a plain old nuFE yurishitter, cancer but non numalekind.

>pic where they both look like men

>(embed) (embed)

God I wanna be Sigurd in that pic.

More please

Gonna lmao if Shittian loses


The powercreep isn't even that bad. There's a lot of older units that have never been OP but still are viable in the meta due to SI and such.

Obviously this doesn't apply when you start reaching whale territory, but that has less to do with powercreep and more due to money and having less units.

Why does Nini trigger non-whites so much?


At least he's not fucking someone related to him who'll spawn the vessel of Satan this time.
His anguish is so genuine soul crushing. Thanks, user.

Is there any reason all somewhat popular FE blogs and twitter accounts tend to be like thatfatesbitch? Every other community has at least a few popular sane people but not in FE

Maybe his favorite hero is Odin or something. You can't blame him for being pessimistic if that's the case.

I have no clue why, but I thought that was Titania at first glance.

>I jerk off to nothing but shitty anime
Sorry about your brain



Reminder Lucina impersonated a man

holy shit

How do I use the Starlight as an Hero.

Post units that are getting staff'd

Lon'Qu, a unit who got in from release is still one of the fastest units user. Once they start pumping out a dozen units faster than him, then and only then does your claim have any validity.


only if I can lick his feet afterwards

Good post.

>it's another "/feg/ makes a fucking early thread but then tries to make a proper thread but they instead make more early threads and end up using the first thread anyway" episode
Can you fucking idiots ever do anything right? God damn


>characters have an anime aesthetic

These attract two cancers forming a mega cancer


>he jerks off to women with serious man jaws, no hips, no breasts and no thighs
Sorry you like men, user

Ethlyn probably should be staffed, though.

I've seen some good Odin builds... at S-support rank and 5* merged.

But yeah, Odin (and a bunch of other units) just fucking blow even when the game was fresh. Makes me bitter, because I like characters such as Lucius and even Odin himself.

/fgog/ here, came here to laugh at you guys.




You're asking this on a board where people take literal shits on their waifus, stalking an user for almost three years now while donating money to black cuckold porn featuring them (all because of some stupid argument), and board where people constantly post nudes of themselves for attention.

This is a mental asylum and all we're doing is looking from one cave to another, it's nothing but crazies in this fandom.

Will Wo Dao+ work with Fir or does Slaying Edge+ be better?

holy fuck, Alm looks like he got one of those sketchy Korean surgeries where they sand down the jaw to make it look animu

Stop making early threads then.

If by shitty anime you mean drawn images of women that look like women than yeah he probably does.

> bludgeons enemy to death with staff
> staff breaks after a while
> use new sharp stick to stab enemies

Shut it, burrito breath

Some day soon I hope. Lukas needs his bffs.