Final Fantasy General DCLXXXI - /ffg/

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Other urls found in this thread: 5_Apocalypse (VII) Break List_Apocalypse(Zack)

First for Emanon did literally nothing wrong


And what did she do right?

Who the fuck is emanon


I wonder how much he did spend or he feels probably like an idiot for rerolling for days a new account to gets ome good starter units.

This depends some injectors are not even humans they are just bots that need your Facebook token and they will inject for what you paid in 5 seconds after you pay.

Other require your facebook info to login and inject things.

Most secure way is the Facebook token because this is what the apps use without asking you your password or username.

Like I said all the top injectors have discord groups and will honestly help you out with anything.

Miss Amy is pretty nice always.

I don't get was going on, Is Emanon trying to sell us his services now?

A guy/girl that barely post here but started a shitstorm pulling 3 Nier units with 5k lapis and 3 tickets, made some guy so mad that he started posting fake caps with her name and never stopped shitposting about it up to this day

Holy shit, this was one of the first I events, wasn't it?
Man, I can remember when 160 was the highest difficulty.

He has been for three threads now.

BE players a re a fucking waste of oxygen.
Just hang yourselves.

People just don't give a fuck anymore after the injection tool leaked and you have now over 100 people selling injections for 10+1 tickets cheap as 10 cent or even a cent.

They even asked about it at the festival in NY and the idiots at gumi just said "Please don't do that"

some reddit pahjeet is on a desperate crusade to get more people to use an injection tool on BE. just see above your post.

Are there any injectors other than Emanon on doc list?

you already posted that, you autist faggot

pulled just because fuck it

2/11 - Aranea BSB, Noctis LMR



you don't deserve her

The injector discord groups have over 400 people so take a guess

It's literally one guy. Just ignore him.

So why is it off banner 10+1 tickets? For pulling convenience?

>non-instant mblink and something that doesn't shine until you've got a well honed OD and a nicely dived Nocto
>not meh

Because they can be injected directly as trust bonus in mission clear screens because they're an "Item" and exist in your inventory.

Then you pulled her SSB, not BSB, dumbo

Because someone at gumi had the idea lets make the 10+1 tickets an inventory item and all inventory items can be injected so we are just mass injecting 10+1 tickets and you can use it then to pull units, we cant inject single use tickets.

But there are so many tools out that will keep pulling for you for a specific unit and delete everything else if you are 1 of this guys who only wants to inject a specific unit.

Here's your injection poster, guys. He got ignored by producer-san and now he's here to take revenge


Okay, all this injection posting has convinced me, I want to do it. How do I get started?

Sorry to interrupt all the injection talk, but does anyone have a link to what relics are in the lucky relic draw that we have up right now? I haven't done it yet

do if if you wanna quit the game. The game becomes really dull and unplayable after you do stuff like this on any gatcha game

why does it matter? you're going to pull anyway.

No I only need specific relics from V and VII I'll pull if both are in there. Any link

Heh I was at that fan festa. I was one of the other Q&A question people

Is it a SSB or higher? Then it's in there

Tap the "Relics" button in the draw page

You really cannot hope for specifics with banners that contain dozens of relics.

Well unless the 7 renewal is going to have apocalypse for zack I don't ever see it coming back on a banner

Why is Exdeath's USB rod "Whale Whisker"?
When was Exdeath involved with whales? What correlation is there with a tree donning a suit of armor and whales?
Can trees even sprout underwater, where whales lie?
What did they mean by this?

all this injection talk has really made savings these up pointless. I'm pulling it all


I'm going to sleep now, when I wake up, the CoD event better not be one of the renewal dungeons or there will be a reckoning

fucking cringe

If you're letting injection talk be what makes you pull obviously it wouldn't take much to get you pulling anyways.

Yep. It's all pretty pointless. But I'm sure Gumi will fix it tomorrow to punish you.


>implying you have a lot or it's even worthwhile


People are doing injections since the first month.

Sorry I'm not injecting a 100 10+1 tickets to impress you cuck boy

Why didn't you pull for her /ffg/?

F2P here, I have more than you, sorry you were retarded and splurged it all on the flavor of the month


>german fucker can't even write properly
>tries to meme

the banner has like two weeks left

Again, you cannot hope for specifics within large relic pools. These renewal banner are full price vs the dungeon update lucky draw being discounted, unfortunately. You can also try your luck with the VII newcomers trap banner, unless you already exhausted the half-price draw there. For a lot of older relics like that one you mentioned, there's really no other way to get that outside of the above.
It sucks for those who wish to collect relics for their faves, especially if one started playing later than when the character first debuted in the game.

>add a cutie like crowe to your movie
>give her like 3 minutes of screentime, kill her off in the first half hour

They made a ton of terrible decisions with Kingsglaive.

this is literally you.
>Is always angry because he cant get a good team

You're a fucking dumbass, but good luck.

I think the best I have for Omega MP is Aphmau or Relm USB, and then one of Squall or Cloud BSB2s, but I don't have the motes to Legend Dive them right now. Is that enough to get carried or should I just not bother?

>Waifu some shit character
>Get mad when they ditch that bitch ASAP
Poor little cuckold

No I never did the half pull but those banners are awful and I don't see zack's apocalypse in it anywhere

Could always bring both mages if you aren't confident in the attackers, it'll help the other anons out with team bulding

>we can see the summons now
>injectors must summon a lot of crap before getting the banner unit since 10+1 is not on banner
>literally braindead people keep shitposting about injection of people we can see what the fuck is summoning

So, are you actually serious, like you fucking believe in your posts or you are just memeing?

I just can't understand which kind of trash you should have instead of your brain so I will just think you are shitposting and not wasting your life crying about something that is easy to know is not true in some anonymous imageboard about some shitty phone game

>inb4 t. 5_Apocalypse (VII)

snow 2
leon 3
xon 2
Water veritas 2
bran 2
amelia 2
victoria 2


>he's the one incessantly posting the same stuff every thread
Yeah bro I sure am the angry here.
Only thing that slightly rustles my jimmies is that you're shitting up the thread with your samefagging spam.

Emanon why do you care so much?
why are you so mad you stupid ugly tranny

Oh, thanks. I missed it. Still going to be hard to get and the banner is so shitty. Will it be in the FF7 renewal banner

shut the fuck up, nazi shit

Relm USB is excellent.
If you have Squall BSB2, you can definitely pull your own weight.
Just have semi-decent hones and levels.

I'd say level 80 for Omega is already pushing it, but it largely depends on the other team mates.

You forgot that the pull that started it all was a 5k lapis pull with 2 A2 and 100% of lapis buyers are banned

but shh, the shitpost must continue

We have tool that block communication
Also the notification tool has been tested it shows only the last 3 actions you do so a maximum 3 5 star will show up or even nothing if you have too many friends.

For the paranoid people you can prepare some shitty unit to level up or awaken an skill.

The notification tool tracks the last 3 important things you do per hour.

If you have over 30 friends it usually shows 1 or 2 things or nothing to not spam the user too much.

Do you think we are so dumb to not test things before doing something?

EX tickets are shit anyway. Blow them every chance you get and save the regular tickets for something worthwhile.

>We have tool that block communication

lol bullshit Break List_Apocalypse(Zack)
Add things up, lad

>we have a tool to buck server-side stuff

Oneguy you are trying too hard

>Do you think we are so dumb to not test things before doing something?
Uh, yes? Absolutely? You're shilling on Veeky Forums, after all

Should I just wait for the FF7 renewal or try half price on newcomer's? I need this weapon

how much will you pay for my account? i have this weapon

It never hurts to do a half price pull.

none because I need it in addition to everything else I have. I need to pull it

If you're so smart why do you type like a retard with reddit spacing?

Do you even keep track of the injection community ?

Do you have any idea how big it is.

Do you even know who MILA is?

We have a fucking bot that speeds up the game that we can get almost 20% TMR per day on 1 unit for people who don't like to inject.

Do you even know how the raidbots work and why they can climb the ladder so fast?

You have literally no idea how open ffbe is and what kind of tools people are using.

GUMI doesn't care retard.

Given the nature of the final boss of FFBE, I find it really.... odd... the level of negative energy that's generated by the posters in here.

>tfw I'm tempted to learn how to do this injection shit, redownload BE, and inject to hell and back and are how long it takes to get banned

MP Omega closes in about 45 minutes, are you going to host an /ffg/ room?

All I know is that you type like a retard and you have shit for brains since you're promoting you injecting shit in Veeky Forums out of all places

Never pull on the newcomer banners

>We have a fucking bot that speeds up the game that we can get almost 20% TMR per day on 1 unit for people who don't like to inject.

lol bullshit

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor is a big ol poo poo head

I would post something but why bother anymore

Have a good night you all and have fun with some actual video game instead of this shitty mobage and watch Blend S 02

>how long it takes to get banned

If you follow some simple tips you never get banned.

also the tool is fucking public now, just this month over 100 new injectors did pop up.

The only thing that you have to pay is MILAS bot.

People don't understand the differences with abusing LAPIS glitch, injecting and using a bot.

The only thing that gets you banned is the Lapis glitch that was patched, using bots and injection is safe because gumi doesn't track it (this the reason you can even inject because the server doesn't check what you are putting in it just accepts it and thinks its just a bonus item from 100% TMR)

Also you have moded APK of ffbe for god modes and other shit but they are boring.

Stop giving the injectfag (you)s.

Does this injection tranny's taste can get any shittier?

>also the tool is fucking public now,

Give me the link to this tool then.

>We have tool that block communication
>we are so dumb to not test things before
so you're admiting that you're part of the group who made this thing and is only here to shill. guess now I have a reason to report your posts for advertising.

I am not sure if you retarded or not.
but MILAS bot is well known to gumi for avery long time, he is a legend in the injection community.

How do we get rid of emanon for good?

lol bullshit

Sometimes I am honestly surprised how dumb you guys are the injection community has over 400 people online daily on discord.

Some are actively working on tools, other use it or beta test them and some just hang out for the fun of it to talk.