/domg/ - Dominions General

Sofa King Dead Edition

Previous Pantokrator
Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.
It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.


>Group chatroom

>Our pastebin

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Multiplayer guide

>Play by email guide

>Pretender designer

>Debug Mod
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Sy, Maerlande, or Nuclearmonkee
>Jump into MP head first, the best learning experience is by playing the game

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:

>Dominions 5


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Join my games


Will do

Nice link

Previous Pankoman:

I'm not making anymore threads until DomV comes out, fuck this dead general

Man, I remember when I first started playing. I wrote detailed messages to each new nation I discovered on my border, trading threats and alliances, and ended up winning directly because of that. Now I just see someone at my border and say fuckit, if we go to war we go to war. It's so much less fun but the other way is a ton more effort.

Who's still playing this game? Staling data is unpleasant to look at.

Ys are you losing to AI ermor?

role playing is autistic

Sure, but you don't need to go full roleplay to send some good messages.

but it's fun

Page 10 my dudes

Only until Constr 4


how do we fix therodos
What if they started with a normal pop of 30k


summod does NOT fix therodos

Why not?

What are you going to do in summod therodos ?
Build your sacreds? What bless are you getting for your sacreds especially since you can't tank scales? Needing D1 & no sloth?

I took W9N9 sloth with them and did fine.

Death Thed doesn't need scales, but it probably wants an awake to bolster its expansion.

Incidentally, Thed's mermen are better land fighters than anything EA Pel can recruit UW

Well that sucks, just as I declared a prophet, I got one of the Mictlan heroes showing up just in time for the Arena. Made it to the last round only to get 1-hit in melee by some Hinnom giant asshole.

Jaguar Warriors with an N9 bless though, now that's terror.

Death therodos expands fine. I actually think tje death build might be a little on the strong side, but that's more to do with the fact that EA UW nations kinda suck

what was your pretender
The ghost man?

Imprisned Nerid

And so you expanded via recruiting mermen?

You get more sacreds with growth

and then you run out of resources

You get to expand with both ghost parties and sacred parties. The starting ghosts are going to take a province per turn on their own with little attrition. This means it's easy to secure your cap circle and therefore get resources.

Your arguments make me feel as though you've never played it, to be honest, since expansion isn't an issue with summod thed at all.

without an awake pretender to spread dom your freespawn is negligible though

Yea of course expansion is not the issue, the issue is when you have half the army of your neighbor & can't fight.

t. has literally never played it

We should really let it die and make a thread when dom5 releases. It's better this way, trust me.

I am, but even if I could through some miracle claw myself out of the hole I am in, I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of continuing the game with two thirds of the players having gone AI or staling

You have to put 'sage' in the options/email field to let it die

Deep down I don't want to let it die.

Good night...


Why did you bump it you imbecile.





What is Machakas end game?

Peaceful Immigration.

Seeing that priest reanimation is now an individual ability, does anyone know if Lanka retains its national reanimation?

hope not. that would balance Lanka some more

From what I understood, they maintain reanimation ability but can't do so with indie priests

Not in beta so I'm not certain, though

that also works

Thanks for the sword ruskie, stop impersonating me.

wow so rude

Give me 1 more hour, please.

For you or whoever the admin is.

Playing games when you're older than 18 is autistic.

ded gaem

We really need Dom5.

Starting Game4WorthyHeroes

Post your Dominions soundtrack!

The Dominions Soundtrack

>not tailoring the soundtrack to the nation you play

that is what I am asking

dont think turns are long enough to warranty a soundrack

stay alive damnit!

Der Ring des Nibelungen

Berytos 2h file received
Hinnom 2h file received
Helheim Waiting for 2h file
Kailasa 2h file received
Machaka 2h file received
Marverni 2h file received
>>>>>>>>>>>>Mictlan Waiting for 2h file
Tir na n'Og Waiting for 2h file

It's turn 7 you fuck. Do a double.

dont do that again. i want that prov back, too

why would you try to invade your one neighbor with easy access to stellar cascades?

forgot pic

i know that guhyaka generals arent StR like in vanilla here but this is still extremely upsetting and made me v salty

what happens if you're playing a disciple game and your team pretender gets btfo and has no provs?

pretender dies but the disciple lives on and can even win the game

same if the other thing happens and the disciple dies

Page 10 bump

wish someone would gib me a cd key

>greens vs reds

I'm thinking of ending the game, since only 3/9 players are playing. Judging by the looks of it, AvLee is winning. Are the others willing to concede?


>i know that guhyaka generals arent StR like in vanilla here but this is still extremely upsetting and made me v salty

What bless?

Does anyone happen to know how to play MA Pelagia? Assume Summod and Magic Enhanced are involved.

Does Summod MA Man want a bless? They've got all these cool sacred heroes that would be fun to play around with, especially in a more casual game, but I think I'd rather just go scales. Maybe an E minor bless for the mages or something.


I usually just put on an SJ Tucker playlist or something.

Holy shit that looks comf as fuck

I love Dryads!

I love Sirin!

I love size 1s!

gib size 1 gf

take your pick.

Is that Agnes?


Spriggan genocide WHEN?

soon as you read that scroll m8.

>making the free branded laj any more free

>using a laj instead of an elemental stave+shield

As long as you're using whatever does the job best given the opportunity cost.

first of all fuck
second of all lmao

Nighon is still here.

even the dead must die

Happy to know. Thanks for hanging around.

Hmmjkk .

What's the difference between C'tis and Ermor? Does C'tis have pop kill dom? Is C'tis just a normal nation with death paths? If I didn't like how micro intensive Ermor was would I be better with C'tis?

They're totally different nations

Specify age. It's pretty obvious in this question that you mean MA, but Ermor also comes in EA flavour.

C'tis is basically just a normal nation with death paths. Their big thing is that units without either the swamp survival or cold-blooded traits will get diseased when inside their dominion (at a rate depending on how much dominion they have). It makes them a massive nuisance to invade.

why the hell did it die so fast and so bad?

anonymous games baka

deep down were all skeletons

First, it's a modnation game. Second, the Dominions 5 announcement. Third, it's an anonymous game.

What if all nations could recruit sacred mages with D2 in their capital