/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

"Where's the Halloween Jam?" Edition

> Halloween Jam 2017
> Play Demo Day 16
> Next Demo Day 17
> Current Mecha Jam

> Helpful links
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Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/PAX2PvrV
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


like this one more desu

first for being first

Alas, I figured out the Halloween jam url

I am the smartest after all

>unfucked pasta
it's good enough


but which thread do i choose. what a predicament.

For anyone who needs help sculpting:


this one

How does this sonar effect look?

Real thread:

Press F

Pretty damn fine.

No notepad? Why?

i made that thread, i rushed to make sure the op isn't bloated with useless shit but this one is good too
post wherever

Anyone who expected the game to be finished was delusional

Thread's ruined. Go to the real thread.

How about at least waiting until the bump limit is reached you fucking moron?

You can your cat's here, user
She has a witch hat, she wants to support the halloween jam

>replying to me brings it to bump limit
golly gee, everything is fucked

o wow thats a cute as fuck char
what game?

Eh, more people are posting here, what's so awful about this one vs the other one?


Relax, user. Shitposter-kun has been popping his CGCookie OP's out before bump limit the last few threads
Vigilance wasrequired

Sculpting in blender? Ha

The character selection is finally working
holy shit
time to make it look good now

but wheres the game

Today got female character +animations in, and starting on planting system, have dirt able to be raked, and it has wet/dry states.

Isn't the source "engine" against the rules?

This. the OP is a sacred object and should not be modified in any way shape or form. It's the only way to make a game.

>taco language


Progress on what? Where is the game?

the difference between tilled/dry/and wet needs to be much more distinct.


work on the raked dirt sprite
hard to tell apart from the normal dirt

Don't forget to implement tools for area use

What are some top tier tactical turn based squad based games to get inspiration from? Things like XCom or Fire Emblem.

that looks really bad

final fantasy tactics
Vagrant story

so for example a watering can that might spray a 2x2 area?
(ive not played harvest moon/stardew)

it's UMA not taco

it does, but he put more work into it than you have into your games.

This is, without a doubt, the worst thing /agdg/ has ever seen.

>haven't played harvest moon
>making a harvest moon clone
but why

>Indonesian taco language

wtf is this dumb nigger trash get it off of my thread please.

where is your game? literally where is your game.


well if i had played those games, everyone would accuse me of ripping off those games :^)

He did? Jesus Christ.

Thanks user

Gross, dude.



Are there furries in Brazil?

yea, i know
But its slowly getting better

Something like that
You don't want to hand water every tile every day

It varies from game to game, but it generally would start 1x1 then upgrade it to 1x3 then 2x3 then 3x3 then in some games it keep getting crazy big but 3x3 is good enough desu

If you just wanted to pick one size without ugrades, 3x3 would satisfy
Though tool upgrades is a good excuse to pad content a bit

It's by far the best free way to sculpt.
If you're pirating ZBrush, you can never be successful.

the sculting is pretty gud

Fuck off you disgusting furfaggot.

Sounds great, thanks user, I will go with an upgrade route.

love you too senpai

I agree it is slowly getting better. Keep going user.

Reminder that you should never polymodel characters from scratch. You should always block out your mesh first, preferably through sculpting, then begin retopology.

There's a furry bar in my city.

brazil is probably the #1 exporter of bestiality porn

>furry bar

pics or its fake

Brazil is degen as fuck.

who the fuck did this? can we get them arrested for it?

I use primitives to make the basic shape of my model before going over it properly.


That's perfectly fine; you're already doing better than most amateur game modelers.

Last enemy is ready for code!

Also got randomized epitaphs working, populated from a larger list of phrases.

are you still a populardev?

Considering that they're a nation of ass-backwards monkey men that make 9gag's enjoyment of memes look tame and reasonable, what the fuck would you expect?

Make tilled soil a darker brown, and watered soil even darker. You should be able to glance at the screen and immediately tell what is what at any resolution.

I can't believe fugitives would post their so-called "work" so casually on this site.

I got it wrong, it's actually a steakhouse.

jesus christ this is awful

I guess, but all the attention is directed at this skele-game. I imagine once I start working on my survival-horror game after this, it'll all taper off.

>these threads are 90% the same shitposts over and over with a few progress posts sprinkled in
Goodbye devs. Good luck with your games. This isn't worth it.

furry steakhouse?
even better
give more info

Why is this allowed?

Why don't more of you use the Source Engine? It's still really powerful.


When I last used it you couldn't scale meshes

Where is your game? Dumb furry tranny fuck. Boom boom crash for you soon, nodev. :)

It's in that furrymap site.
now let's keep this thread free of faggotry

THIS!! It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to scale a model in source...... It's a nodev engine for nodevs only.........

>agdg will never be about games again
>it will always be infested with shitheads like gugem engaging in shitwars

Reminder that a player should conform to a system rather than the other way around, don't be that guy that dumbs down literally everything.

just post its fucking website or something you coward, or a wikifur link or something

not only is that the pettiest complaint i have ever seen in my life because you should make a new prop that is appropriate to the new scale so it doesn't look stupid, and something that grows over time can be implemented through an animation (and probably SHOULD be implemented through an animation so, again, it doesnt look like you're just resizing a thing to dumb proportions with shitty wonky texture scale), but
why does this general get so fucking mad about source despite not knowing anything about it jesus CHRIST

Then explain all the amazing sourcemods.
Also, if you develop in source, you get Valve's support.

Where is the game here? I don't see a game...

If there's one thing Valve is known for it's great support

>sourcefag is a furfaggot
What a shock.

Has anyone made a 3d game where there's not a single floor but bunches of land that extend arbitrarily far up and down. Like the inside of a sponge with more open space. Could something like that be done without it being too annoying figuring out where you can go?

Where's the notepad?


+1 to this.
Foreverially caught out as a degenerate every time.
What a potato.
Maybe he will choke on his meth soon.


without knowing what its suppose to be, a, b, c or d?

aIso, what do you think it is?