League of Legends General - /lolg/

Dragon cuddles edition!


Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no qt petite gf

Leona a shit

>wanna play some lol
>we got stomped
>2 teammates refused to surrender at least 7 times
>45 minutes because enemy team didn't want to win
>don't wanna play lol anymore

why two people are allowed to decide for three people?? is riot retard?

Lulu is STRICTLY for abuse and non consensual breeding

rengar when

>Rengar still not deleted from the game

Literally the barometer for how clueless Riot is about their own game.

Best pairing

and singing cheesy love songs with

Post fun top lane picks.


Thats not braum and graves

Guys please help me out on this thread and upvote/comment. I think it's really important for the balance/future of the game.

When I get motivation or someone else does it because even if it takes one minute per champion I'm not gonna make them all and spam the thread anyway

Important question for barafags:

Do baras jiggle? I mean Captain America jiggles and he's barely a bara. Baras must jiggle a lot. Do you imagine your baras jiggling during sex?

go back to rebbit and gas yourself you nigger faggot

When is Quinn getting reworked? She was fine with her Q being a blind and her ult actually dealing dmg, but right now she's just a fucking disgusting mess.

>Post fun top lane picks.
No fun


Sorry forgot the link....

Why wouldn't they user? Braum has more barajiggles than Graves which is why hes the best bottom desu, gives Graves something to hold onto when he's topping :^)

What would Ahri's kit be like if she was a recently released champion?

Why is leona not reworked into a solo laner

VEIGAR IS GOR LOOLOO AND loolo is for vegiar

Garen is fun though

She's fine.

zero people agreed with your position last thread. what makes you think they will agree with you now?

That's a good question. Why does Quinn's ult deal absolutely no damage?

I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get a new skin something cyberpunky would be really swell

Veigar is for poppy

Thanks user I was curious. Is there hentai where the baras jiggle?


>saint is streaming right now

i wasnt sure if he was still alive lmao



Look I'm a busy man so I'll just get down to business. Post selfies. If you're cute I'll upvote.

>laning against physical damage guy
>buy ninja tabi and bramble vest first back
>auto-win lane

I want a sweetheart Jinx skin

Different thread, different people... Plus I went from -2 to 12 upvotes. I think some people from here agreed with me but didn't speak out.

Would Evelynn ever date


based. my boy veigar getting it with an actual good girl

>why does something that lets a character fly across the map in seconds not do damage

>i roll master yi or tryndamere 9/10 times in aram even rerolls
end my suffering

the exact same
she was always overloaded (sustain, mobility, true dmg, ms out the ass, etc)

He is not for that!

3 champs
4 tags
make a doujin

>want to gank the nasus early because muh scaling. see if i cant get my laner ahead
>he pushed nasus under tower
>well he'll probably get ganked so ill counter it
>cho appears them backs off when morde runs away
>ward expires
>30 seconds later cho came back becasue his dumb ass pushed nasus in agian under tower
>nasus becomes an unstoppable best
I hate top laners

this, if 3 of the five people vote to surrender the game should end. two delusional retards trying to save a very clearly lost game should be considered trolls for holding their team hostage.
>just leave the game then
aka just risk getting banned then

this is literally the closest to meta quinn has ever been
until duskblade shiv gets nerfed she is in a fine state

So I noticed that Bjergsen is called a KDA player and doesn't take risks, and realized I'm the same type of player. Is it better to take a risk with your team and get aced, or let your team be a dumbass and die while you stay alive and try to keep things prolonged?

If her E worked on jungle camps she could be a decent jungler.

>Passive - Slutfox, Ahri's spells leave a mark on the enemy which Ahri can detonate, dealing %Health damage
>Q - the same
>W - the same
>E - the same
>R - Ahri is untargetable during her dashes

You should just upvote because you want the game you play to be good...

>she's fine
>just worse then literally any other duskblade assassin


How the fuck do you play Kassadin against Galio please help

the answer is dont be shit and do your fucking job as the adc and attack damage carry your heavy ass to winning

are people just conveniently forgetting eve is now a demon that only experiences pleasure from others pain? sex wouldnt do anything for her at all.

rush Ring of repick

except shes a ranged top laner not an assassin

Quinn's ult specifically says "deals 0 damage". If they don't want it to do damage, then they should just not include it. Twisted Fate's ult doesn't say "Grants True Vision and deals 0 magic damage".

Reminder that rape fetish is shit unless the one being raped is a man

Name one item that deserves to be removed more

Why does an item that ENCOURAGES healslutting exist, much less make healslutting the optimal strategy under all circumstances?

Janna, Soraka, Nami and Lulu are cancers upon botlane.

Fuck any of you assholes that rage quits because you are a fucking manchild and the jungler didn't gank you because you fucking suck.

Hope you die in a fire whoever you are.

B-but I play mid. Also realized I never follow roams or roam because I want to CS instead of attempting a play that might not go through.

first you don't take deathfire or he will start d shield and you are fucking

remove his spell shield and keep it gone

build a BF sword and go full AD once you finally realise how fucked you are.

or kill his team


Femdom, Foot worship, Femboy, Lesbian

I don't need to tell you much user, but thats gross. Braum only has eyes for men, MEN.
you can google it user
It's called HAVING A HUSBAND, you should learn that user.

Vlad x Vayne x Elise

Vayne gets really unlucky and after scoring 32 points ends in Elise's web being molested by spiderlady and sodomized by bloodman

Your only role during the mid and late game is one shotting someone, and if you fail you lose the game. She has no out, average dmg and is therefore a useless assassin.

literally impossible

Not with the right mindset

men can't be raped idiot

>Name one item that deserves to be removed more
executioners calling
t. not mundo

God damn the last Mastah Yi I had in aram was a completely unsafferable faggot. Like, legit didn't have even a third of the total kill participation and he was acting like someone crowned him king of the bridge by giving everyone orders and spam pinging, well, literally everything he saw. Whether it was an actual mistake or not. Like, get close to throw one auto and get out without the enemy team retaliating or anything and suddenly you had a rain of missing pings on your head.

Wouldn't be my first choice but I'd still be down none the less. I'd imagine the recall or chompers would involve boxed chocolates, that'd be pretty charming.

But I agree with the rest.

Riot should take the Dota approach and introduce an item and/or champion specifically designed to dick healsluts.

lol im gonna afk in an alt account next game just to spite you

sperg more

What's funny is Ardent's effect when it was released, it only gave a slight boost in AS. If they just kept it that way there wouldn't have been much of a problem.

well except she isnt an assassin shes a ranged top laner who should focus primarily on winning lane, split pushing, and making picks. like a trynd with range.

bcus she is a ranged top laner and not an assassin.

u dumb or what kid?

"men can't be raped idiot"
Nice meme

>men can't be raped idiot
Jerome serving a 30-year sentence would disagree.

Nami is cute, fun, and a playmaker in the right hands.
Do not compare her to the healslut trifecta that is Janna, Lulu, and Soraka.

fucking retard

Eventually, maybe. Other champions will definitely come first. It'll probably be Heartseeker, for what difference that makes.

I think she has yet to discover him. Why does she have so few intereactions anyway? It's surprising.

i-it was a prank

who is jerome?

You guys are imagining actual human girls raping men, which is obviously impossible. But imagine if a whalemerican woman forced herself onto you. The perspective is not the same.

>The perspective is not the same.
Yeah, it'd be widescreen instead.

Commit a felony and find out.

Miss Fortune Illaoi Evelynn
femdom shotacon posession mindcontrol

Today is Kindred's second birthday!

Share your thoughts about them lolbabs

>insane rightclick damage
>top tier lane
>ridiculous burst
>crazy pushing

hello where is the weak point

>Be me
>See gay as fuck picture
>Comtemplate how the fuck since Graves is short and Braum very tall


what about pool party Jinx?

>second birthday
this depresses me...

no mobility ;)

>But imagine if a whalemerican woman forced herself onto you.
mate i did NOT need that image in my head

>Commit a felony
not a yank

Since yasuo is underpowered he's my idea for a buff
Now charges on e again,doubles his attack 2 seconds after it gets popped
can be used while moving,now scales off 200% ad but only 25% ad at rank 1
loses it cooldown and it's per unit cooldown while ulti buff is active

haha lets post elo to decide whos right :) u first!!


>3 women

Her weak point is her look and absolutely shit personality that won't make me play her even if riot gave her to me for free

when the fuck is riot gonna fix her?
she was fine when she was released, there was no need to ruin her completely