/bdog/ The MMORPG Black Desert

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, zerg pvp, infinite grinding and a sudo-sandbox experience.

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Many guests passes are available for those that wish to try the game for 7 days.

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First for tamers

Should I?

Join Valor!!!

>He actually plays BDO
What are you? Some sort of brainlet? Everyone knows this game was created as an ERP outlet since Koreans don't have porn.


Never. Sit. On. An. Upgrade.

I RP as fisher and lumberjack and after hard day of afking I go to the inn to hit on the cute waitress.

Koreans will get Bleached soon.


I'm going to be honest, I'm buying this game to get into ERP and nothing else, really.
Which server is the RP server for that? Also, is there a limit on how many characters I can make? Do all the characters have different friends lists, or are they all connected to an account name that everyone can see? Basically I'm trying to see how anonymous I can be.

your characters all share a family name, there's a limit on characters, the ERP scene in this game is very poor but found on calpheon 2, there's only a scene in NA
Well unless you want BBC, that's EU

>23 suggested FS
>do 25


Tell me about your favorite weekend grind spot /bdog/.

the RP scene is dead for newcomers really, ITC is hellbent on making RP near impossible at popular meetups

so unless you know where RP happens now(from being well known), chances are nobody will tell you

>Which server is the RP server for that?
Calpheon 2 NA. EU anything is dead

>Also, is there a limit on how many characters I can make?
8 I think?

>Do all the characters have different friends lists, or are they all connected to an account name that everyone can see?
All connected to an account
>Basically I'm trying to see how anonymous I can be.
That's nonexistent.

A smart move though. The game lacks content, sucks and is expensive to get into.

Between those thighs.

Thanks anons. Just gotta wait for the game to finish downloading, may not be able to jump into it until tomorrow...

Depends on your other progress. For the price of two ogres you could buy enough Serap's to try for tri.

What kind of ERP slut will you be?

Don't forget to lewdpost to save /bdog/!

just erp already

Where's Cornrow Sorc? Anyone know if they quitted the game?

now you can grind

A little late now.
>Lost 10ap
I'm okay with this, really.

stfu ugly

Look at this beauty face of Goddess. What is her secret?

just looks like an ugly drawing

Get asula.

Click on it!

Edgy, 4deep2me


>blow up accessories you have no backup for

This game is so fucking boring, literally all I see is autists fishing all day, what else is there to do?

Hate to agree with Rapewitch but she's right. Only autists like Blade_Autism would seriously invest their time in this shit and take it serious.

It might sound sad, but BDO is atm best mmo there is. When new interesting IP comes out i might ditch bdo, but for now there's no other games to play.

Nice coconuts

Breed horses.

>rng of two spots to grind
>end up aakman for the weekend
I'm ok with this.

At least let me fap to you in-game

The best mmo? It's honestly one of the fucking worst MMO i have ever played.

The UI is utter shit

The story is fucking horrible

You can't control portions of the Audio

The mechanics are shit compared to B&S

The jobs are horrible compared to FFXIV

The questing is piss compared to WoW

What about this game is good? Horses? Fuck EO had pets and that was the best fucking breeding / raising / pet game I ever played.

This game is fucking shit.

Hopefully Ashes of Creation saves MMOs

Damn dude, time to turn in the toaster.

I don't grind on weekends. I don't have the gear to defend my spot so I'll do something else.

With characters like these, I'm surprised I don't see much lewdposting or avatarposting here (Well I've only hung around here for an hour, new to general)
Like in GW2 and FFXIV, people constantly shill their avatars but they look nothing compared to something like this

We in the shekel well now, boys.

Because people actually play those games

woah I totally missed the nds release.

Glad to see that some regulars of old are still around!
It was a lot better back in the old days, but you should be the change you want to see, user.

Ashes of Creation? Are you for real? That looked like complete garbage

I agree with most of your points though, but BDO is the best all-around mmo, whilst most of those you listed do those areas better than BDO, they all have huge flaws on the side, where BDO doesn't seem to have a game breaking flaw

the worst is the enhancement system and balancing, which i believe is scheduled for change

>playing with less then 144fps
Why even live?

Well, gonna let me fap to you in-game or not? I'm being serious


P e p p e r o n i s

this toon is fucking hot :^)

This toon is the sexiest xD

I love big brown nipples as well.

how to make character like this?

Still around, not much reason to post tho.

this character is a godess



>Click on Transport accidentally
>Load of materials and metals from grinding

Holy shit, I forgot about this. They need better notification about transports arriving. Wonder how much more I am sitting on with other warehouses.

>someone compliments toon
LUL samefag!!!!!!

>not much reason to post tho
Your character is all the reason you need.

you mean like how you can just click this?

What are you trying to get at here?

What do you mean?

Does Beepywhales still post here?

That there is a button on the map interface that lets you know about your transports

>Forget you sent some material for transport
>Never think about checking it
>No notification is sent other then a brief flash on your screen
>Find out by accident

But hey, you can totally check your transports this way. I mean, its got nothing to do with what you are talking about but I am helping.
>You are this stupid

You just want your hand held with a giant flashing & highlighted interface pop-up saying "HEY RETARD THERE IS SHIT YOU HAVN'T COLLECTED FROM TRANSPORTING" I guess.

Sorry, didn't realize you were so helpless. I just genuinely though you might not have know.

So that is your defense? I reject your unwanted help and you resort to that. Wew, talk about pathetic.

>>You are this stupid


How did it go? got some good loot? how much EXP?

Frogans was empty except for maybe 1-2 stragglers throughout the entire day. Can recommend. Gonna see if Cadry's packed tomorrow.

No he retool the autism test, got confirmed with autism, and killed himself

Results this time said there must have been something wrong with the first test because he has severe autism

Here, let me help you with that.

>First to reply
>Get completely ignore

What the fuck. This is an outrage!

Yeah killing yourself so you stupidy doesn't spread any further then it has would help everyone out.

No, he went back to xiv and /xivg/

Why would you downgrade to a game of that quality is beyond me.

release mystic reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

h-how to get pure kpop wife?

>Kpop girl

It's literally casting couch the group.

Grinding aakman for compass piece, got a few scrolls and bmc so far. But lag is hitting now so I'm getting off till tomorrow.

I cranked up my graphics just 4 u

Is the general always this slow? And what's with the lack of lewdposting

4/10, no creativity, no lewd shot. 3 for your character and 1 for actually playing the game.




I will return...

A circlejerk drove most of the avatarfags and most of the gen away and now we have this shallow shell of a gen

>no bra

BDO's saving grace is the combat. Every other MMO has really awful fighting with tab combat or really slowed down true action. If this didn't have the combat it would've been dead and buried already.

d-do you erp?

is that vjera :o?


Please don't go away

I want to breed Piks asshole.

Eat pik butter hole

Please stop using acronyms, they cheapen our language and are commonly associated with less fortunate ones.