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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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gib daughter
>Didn't give the most popular Dragon and Dancer a costume
IS really messed up on that one!
Proto sheep when?
This is nice thread
>Proto Sheep
She is a fully realised. Please be respectful. Lana is cuter, too.
He can survive a QP moonbow, it just specifically needs to not be +atk Reinhardt with DB3 and Hone. If one of those things are missing Inigo seems to win
jesus christ
oboro is cute and i'm going to build her once i summon one
shame about getting ueda'd but i'll have one fully built eventually
here ya go
*hits you 4 times before you can react*
*activates galeforce*
*hits your waifu 4 times before she can react*
What did she mean by this?
>including the pen/pencils in the picture
I don't know why other artists do that dumb shit.
Yeah but
I want to make that so bad but the game refuses to give me one of the dd sluts
I want to cuck a fucking leif
Micaiah is a pedophile
Even though I am on Team Ninian I want Femui to win just so I can sit back and watch /feg/ burn down to the ground. Anyone with me?
Just over an hour until the Nininiggers kill themselves. Who got the popcorn?
Urvan works together with deflect melee?
Ninians 6th banner and I still haven't rolled her
Does anyone have the link to the /feg/-made Heroes sprites art collection?
I'm sorry, but did Ninian already lose? Oh, that's right. The gauntlet isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only 1 hour and 30 minutes left. Does not having the lead at 1 hour and 30 minutes left count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the Gauntlet is still on? Ninian is still playing right now and they have been the best dragon in the FE franchise for how many years now? They're playing one of the worst dragons in Fire Emblem who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of playing in a Friday Night Bonus. But you know what? They still fucking suck.Ninian is one of the best fucking dragons in Fire Emblem, they went 2-0 this week and would of won the CYL if the lynfags weren't autistic. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Ninian wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, a Corrinfag just lost a battle when they needed to get one, just like Lyn did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Ninian topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the her because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing
>used all orbs on PA banner just for a neutral Azura and -spd Inigo
>no orbs for Sigurd
Save some for me when Ninny wins it all
Roy's REAL mom!
Poor Reinhardt.
Please don't lust after my mom and/or my mom's daughter, thanks.
To show what they drew it with, I would imagine.
Sounds useless, what +10 Reinhard won't be +atk?
>you must wait 15 minutes before posting an image reply
Whoa what the fuck japmoot
>implying she won't kill before the fourth hit and remain helpless while she gets raped
I hope she's ready for the return Galeforce.
Femuibro reporting!
>Of Little Consuquence fags falseflagging as Niniboys
Awww poor free user cuck
Team Femui here. I came for the feathers, the salt was a bonus.
>he didn't buy a Veeky Forums pass
I'm not one much for watching the world burn, but I wouldn't mind. I'll get over the disappointment once I wake up tomorrow, and once the datamines and leaks start rolling out Sunday evening it'll all be just a distant memory
I'm hype for tomorrow night and Monday, though
Shoot a bullet through your head footfag
*unsheathes Reinhardt*
only canon pairings are allowed below this point
stop spreading lies, miranda
What other builds can I put on him? I got the SP to spare.
He’s ATK+, RES-, btw.
Buy a pass.
I've been thinkig about building Berkut somewhat like this. Thoughts? I used it during the Voting Gauntlet and found it pretty fun.
I still think Thracia's Dark Prince map sprite is legit as fuck
I mean if you're in a situation where you run into +10 Reinhardts I'd hope you would have a counter for him at that point
But Seliph, I will be your new father in two days.
if you were really a whale, you've known the counter stops at 999
Walking sex.
Back to the sea Moby
Suddenly I want Eliwood x Femui, but my drawing skills are shit.
Patrician choice.
I know a current translation exists, and a recent menu translation also exists for Thracia, but do we know if there is a more up-to-date translation of the whole thing in the works?
Having played FE4 in both the original translation from years ago and the Project Naga patch, I'd love to do something similar with FE5 and see how they compare.
So ninian is going to win by forcing her way up because of massive supporters despite corrin have double bonus hours?
Hey, my Inigo is -SPD and he's perfectly fine, and neutral Azura is not bad.
Erin-Lewin is canon, ask Thracia
Then why didn't you post one?
at least we hit the bump AND image limit before abandoning ship
why's she got cum on her face
Ninianfags had their chance and blew it.
>paying actual money to shitpost
yeah, nah
So as a corrinfag do I dump flags now?
That man is my father, though I wish he wasn't
triggered mexicans in 3.2.1
This gauntlet has dangerously high shitposting potential. Lyn vs Camilla was bad, but when it transfered to Ike vs. Camilla it fizzled out because Ike actually won in the end. But now if the "adjusted" multiplier system (which was done because of Camilla beating Lyn) causes a nuFE character to beat her vastly more popular competition we're gonna see some serious shit (Pic unrelated)
meant for
It's the only way.
I don't. Crazy I know.
wait 30 minutes, we shouldn't be able to SAME or overshoot a 8.5bn difference
I never stay up for the gauntlets, but I'm tempted to now because it's so fucking close and I still have 1000+ flags for Ninian