Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

(embed) edition.
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TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links

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>New Card Effects

>HG 315 Purple Weapons X Practonium Purple Weapons

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>Hunting Grounds locations and gear spreadsheet (all in RNG cubes now)

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- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
cute (Merigolds and Majiene)

Kotatsu (Colyo)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi)

Other urls found in this thread:

archers confirmed chad class
bitches bow down to bullet marker cock

to bad all he wants is cock

Reminder Shadowmancer has literally the best looking class icon in the game

I was thinking of coming back to this game and being a Scwatrzer Rider since I have a mana mana, what do you think

good idea, game is fun
but for real farming you need to get a orange 315 gun

Join Lewd, the only Rated L guild in iToS!

I don't want to be a farmer I want to be a PISTOLIER

and you will still need a good weapon. for almost all classes

SR is old and busted, BM is the new hotness now.

How do I get cute at this game?


I hear they fixed the FPS issues!

nice fakenews, doomposterkun

its +10.2 now

guys am i a madman yet?

I wanna fug u.



Why i get lag when use 2h spear?


>needs to take highlander in order to make his dragoon at least outdps the semi-afk cryochrono

Bad for him if the cryochrono decides to use ice wall under the boss to steal the dragoon's rank thanks to blessing.

Is sleep>fireball>shrink body>knocking into fireballs viable for pvp?

can any sorc explain to me what is this:
also what is Thurisaz which is what this video is trying to show

I only started playing this game a few days ago so I don't know if dragoon is good or bad, but I think that outfit is very cute

Rune of Giants
Nothing new, other than it got buffed to have over 100% uptime. When you get the buff you grow big, can do some pathetic damage by jumping on enemies, get extra HP and defense but lose access to most skills. If you're riding a devil when you take the buff, though, you can still use the devil attacks which deal decent damage.

It's more for looks than anything else.

giant rune
his dmg isnt that good


>good or bad
It's neither
It's one of the most pathetic class in the game right now

follow your dream, never allow anyone to come between where you want to go, specially those that don't have the will to follow their own

Fuck off rodent
How many people you fucked up with your Dragoon shilling?
Whats FUN in dealing 0 damage as DPS build?
Whats FUN in being considered a SUPPORT and getting told "You don't have a cleric or something? Anything would be more useful to this party than your Dragoon" (party consist of 1 Murminobi 1 Chrono and 1 Miko already) because your """""""SUPPORT"""""""""" isn't needed or asked at all?
Whats FUN about being FORCED to be a Saaalus BOT because Draggon CANNOT DO ANYTHING ELSE?

>things that never happened: the post

You are so fucking delusional holy shit
Tell me when a Dragoon dealt relevant damage NOT IN A VACUUM or Saalus
You can't right?

Dragoon is very shit especially for a game with 90% of the people who play it never get past the gear wall. Dragoon currently only "barely" works after you literally whale up but if you compare it to every other classes you will still get left behind by a lot of classes close or even on the same level, gears and attributes you have. The numbers speaks for themselves. Like Capy thinks he's hot shit cause he's whaled up but if he compare his real numbers to other players that are whaled up they will be hitting the 555,555 cap on a normal hit while he has do do a gaebolg + serpentine setup.

what are the stats for a monk?

Capy just meme and shitpost, if you ask him advices on Dragoon the first thing he tell you is: "Don't roll Dragoon now"

Rolling Barbgoon!

Dragoon is good, please play it

What is it?

i have some reset vouchers from the returning player event thing i think and a shitload of exp tomes too. i wanna use them on my cryo3 going into necro3. do i get more exp if i queue up with a party? i dont want to queue up because i suck and dont wanna get m-made fun of

What's worse? Dragoon2 or Lancer?

Is there a current memehammer? Toy hammer and 5hammer are dead.

Wish me luck guys

yes, you get more exp. Moreso if you have one of every base class, unless they changed that.

Dragoon2 by a far margin
Lancer is shit too but Dragoon is the worst rank 7 and 8 in the entire swordman tree
Templar2 mortal slash+battle order debuff does more damage than anything Dragoon, it's sad

i thought dragoon was good or was that after nerfs?

At least lancer is the top PvP class in kr.

Dragoon has never been good and the balance changes only powercreeped it
Just don't bother with it

We should put in the OP a big warning about ignoring and report Dragoon shilling
We have to save anons falling for this class thanks to Capy shitpost

whisper Majiene or Merigolds

no need
and many new ppl dont even read the OP. they asking for guilds.. and we have to tell them to read fukin op. all the time

Assuming build has reliable bleeding was a consensus reached regarding Cutter vs Glass Mole card?

guild pls?
I am cock sucking gayboy squire looking for a murmnobi to service

I got bored of my chappie, and I have all this spr gear on hand. Whats a good punchy sorc card?

>He needs a consensus to play his character instead of tying things on his own

user pls, we're all girls here.

>he spends millions of silver to test static, objective things instead of just asking more experienced people
I would never hire you dude

Asking game related question isn't the point of the general?
Or we are just here to post anime tiddies


That's asking for someone to tell him how to play the game. It'd be better if he tried it if he cared and reported back.

>He thinks advice from experienced people is free

If I take the 5 clears reward from kivotos compass does it reset my clear counter to 0? I kinda want that reset potion.

99% sure it does not go back to 0

So what is he, a market bot now?

Was there a list of what card books drop where?

What is a Get_Wet_Card_Book?

>see a lot of cheap potions in market
>buy all but..
well fuck


Push the individual retrieve button instead of retrieve all.

Already did that. Why is IMC so dumb..
Dont bully.

probably something like unused album tutorial quest thing

Should I hold onto my exp cards or do you just use them as soon as you get them?

use them between dungeon levels or whenever you want.
no need to save them. and there are many nowadays

huh I got into a dungeon I just finished but didn't get booted out again after several minutes.

Does not really matter.
Good to use when dungeons dont give good exp anymore, to reach next dungeon.

I'm not really sure what you guys are saying.

The EXP penalty happens at +/-30 levels of a mob, but new dungeons are every 30 levels, so you never really hit penalty in dungeons. It doesn't really matter if you use exp cards at level 170 or level 199.

Is there anywhere full of bots that's good for spawning card bosses?

Anywhere that drops gems so they lose a lot of shit when they die

bot is kill

>we'll never have her hairstyle

assuming reliable bleeding (fletcher, highlander on pass)
for single target, mostly bossing = cutter
otherwise I would keep mole, having control of your burst on aoe is great. highlander can do aoe bleeding, sure, but fletcher can bleed only one target per broadhead, and diablo patch is coming, no need to kill your aoe in favor of bossing, even with stage 25 bow you don't stage a chance against murmnobi anyway

>Wugushi has AoE poison with 100% uptime
Heh, nothing personnell, lesser class scum.


Wugushi is a GREEN class, that means we support. Everyone should be using Monkey cards for your Wugushi support overlords.

>pract prices reaching 10m

what the fuck

That's expensive dude

Why would we need Wugushi when a PD can do the same and also heal us?

Wugushi has Detoxify! It makes you immune to poisons for 21 seconds!!

It says here that cutting you till you leak blood will make you immune to poison too!

Is this build going to be fun?

>when all other R8 classes are so broken
uhmmmm + shadowmancer c1

bow to your new farming overlord

You don't even know what Shadowmancer C1 is going to have.


it will be as good as mergen c1/murmillo c1.
five skills with 1k base %, 2-3 overheat.
link 10 mobs, swell, hangmen and blast it with any good 1k% you have powered by thauma's 3 +2.2k matk (using a int build, of course, not worth going full spr for swell brain since we need the raw int matk as well).

>thinks thaum is good
>think link3 is good
literal brainlet

>mergen c1

>mergen c1
fucking kek, yeah that's why archers are so dominant right now

mergen c1 is fine, but it doesn't has joint penalty. this proposed farming build has JP and Hangmen's knot so when you link 7~10 mobs, even a shit triple arrow/scutum hit does 500k damage with budget gear. all shadowmancer needs is a skill as strong as these ones, joint penalty does the big lifting

Why not use FF2? It has a skill with 1500% and 3 overheat and a 14s cooldown. It's almost like there's already a great meta build that uses Thaum...

You don't just need a skill with high %.
You need a skill with fast animation and low CD and a decent multiplier.
If high % would be enough Sage would be good too, but huge CDs fuck over it.