/drg/ Danganronpa General

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Best rivals!

Best madmen!

Best liars!

Best pairing!

You know what they say about horses

>Implying I have a husbando
I'm forbidden love incarnate, user.

I love Oooooooommmmmmmmmm


as the objectively best manlet in the general, I can safely tell everyone that they can and should find anyone that'll love them~ It's not that hard, just don't be shit. There! Solved~

I love Mugi


well this is akward

I love Ouma!

Fucked by other husbandos, duh. Self inserting is for plebs.

you can't say neigh to them

Nah, its not, we can jump there, I don't mind making a new thread after that one is done.

Rantaro nii-chan and Shuichi-kun!

Are there any good Komaru x Naegi fics?

Usually it's first come first serve. Other thread was posted first.

This thread came first. No reason to jump over there unless it's still around when we hit the limit.

>Mocks the dead
>Characters constantly get pissed at her
>Literally choked to death by toilet paper
>Even after death, there's jokes on how nobody would befriend her under any circumstance
>Kodaka stated more than enough times he wrote her to be hated
>People justify Iruma into a sweet little misunderstood angel to the point of thinking the other characters are too hard on her and she's just joking around
I want my waifu to be appreciated for the garbage she is instead of being justified into dindu status.

I want to fuck my husbando, obviously. I try not to be so possessive over a fictional character that seeing him shipped with other characters would piss me off, but to be honest it gets a little hard to manage that sometimes.

Eh, fine, sorry fight the power user, i should've waited.
i know that feel.

I hate Miu too

I hate the fact that Miu probably had a little squirt while she was being chocked. Literally worst girl.

Do you guya feel saihara wouldn't be as popular to guys and girls if he wasn't as feminine looking?

You can swap his body out and it makes a decent female.

I feel he would better as a girl, but remained with his clothing

New thread, new Tenko! Amacha edition and I posted in the wrong thread!

3 out of the 4 main protagonists are feminine looking. It's par for the course at this point.

The only protag that wasn't that feminine was Komaru

I adore Miu and think she's best girl but she honestly was a shit person. And that's why I love her.

What do you consider the manlet cut off?

>Says I hate Miu on instagram confessions respectfully
>The comments

i dunno. I don't think about it. I just safely assume everyone's taller than me

I just came back from a thread on /v/. Why are there two threads? Did people make a thread too early?

I made a thread at the same time someone made this one

No, I literally went fast, so we're here.

How would you feel about someone picking you up so you can dunk a basketball?

naegi looks like a cute boy he'd just look like he's cross-dressing if he wore girl clothes. Saihara is the only mc that would look like an actual girl if he was given girl clothes.

How tall are you?
I'm 160cm

Sure pal.

I'd argue she was a far worse person than Angie, Maki and Ouma.

I want to have a threesome with crossdressing Naegi and Saihara!

Oma deserved to suffer more.


Goodnight /drg/! I hope you all sleep well and have a great day tomorrow.

In the right thread this time!

Angie's english voice makes me very happy

Holy shit, its Naegi!
>not polaris

I love Kirumi!

Reminder we have midgets in this thread.

goodnight friend

A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl
>You must wait 18 minutes 2 seconds before posting an image reply
oh ok fuck you too then, just imagine that the gif is there

What exactly is happening in that image?

Not a rarepair, never a rarepair!

His hair is changed there though.
Even then he's more boyish. Saihara is more androgynous like Naoto.
While Naegi just looks like cute boy.

Reminder Moogs thinks that Kiibo's persecution complex is over the top, but also the most human thing about hi,

I don't dunk. I'm actually afraid of heights. Haven't played basketball in years. Probably wouldn't mind if they have a good grip. Don't like being dropped.

157cm (had to find an in -> cm converter)

I have about 4in away from that cutoff.

I want Hinata, Naegi and Saihara to have a threesome and for the sound of their girly moans to echo through the night.

She struck me more as vulnerable than being a shitty person.

>There was already a different thread
Gee I'm late.
Also, to the two anons that guessed Apollo: Good guess, but it's not him either.

All I want is for Angie to hug me and tell me about god and make me feel loved.


Trying to design an AI to replicate human behavior is inherently immoral and a good way to get rid of actual humans

A while ago there were these cheeb keychains that rounded off Ouma's hair.


Everyone made the joke that Ouma had his hair cut for it and didn't really like it that much.

is it just me or is the CG of Kaito, Shuichi, and Maki sitting in the courtyard really weird
like the perspective just feels...off...

There's a point where you can't excuse away shitty behavior and actions with being insecure or fearful. Miu was insecure, lonely and socially awkward but also made bad decisions and treated people terribly.



I bet Angie would be great for cuddling

Then why don't you sacrifice your family and friends in the name of Kami-sama
Kami-sama will welcome you if you let the altar flow with the blood of loved ones
Make sure to give your own blood after the ritual is complete

Is everything safe?

Good night.

This one?
No, but thanks for reminding me to check that game out. I've been putting it off for too long.

Did she? Outside Chapter 4 I don't remember much outside some bullying and getting btfo by Oma all the time.

My dude


This joke works on like three different levels and I appreciate that.

Yeah, Shuichi feels really fat in this one, like the camera added 50 pounds.

Which I blame on perspective

eh, its not rapey, but its good i guess.

Ouma without his hair flippies is vaguely unsettling. Thanks for the explanation.

Her bullying went to the extent of making fun of the kids after their deaths.

A reminder that Kyoko is the okayest girl

He’s clearly embodying his dead waifu by eating a ton and gained some weight as a result

She mocks Angie and Tenko's deaths openly, consistently calls people cunts, motherfuckers, assholes, etc and was so distrustful and paranoid that she planned to frame Kaito for murder and get everyone else executed.

I still love her. Best girl.

I mean, I think everything's ok. I haven't posted an image in the past hour so I have no idea why I have this restriction.

You're not the right one, but i wanted to post this.

thank you for posting it for me

Would you like dlc? what would you like it on?
Before the game started?
An alternate ending/story?
Another side of the story?

Please do not pervert Kamisama's teachings


I think the story is fine as it, I would prefer a separate killing game not related to any of the prievous ones.

Ah. Well that stinks. I hope everything gets resolved, like that image restriction.

BULLYING ouma by cutting off the hair flippies

DLC I desperately want
>Kaede salmon mode + love hotels
>More bonus scenes linked to FTE gifts
>More FTE gifts (#bringbackthevibratordoll)
>More non-player-exclusive scenes (Miu and Ouma's teamup, for example)

The only DLC I'd accept are either a V2 expansion or extra Board Game interactions.
I mean, I'd rather NOT pay for interactions considering that they could just be patched in, but fuck it, I want more

I'm a slut niggi-kun, a massive dirty slut.
Gimme cummies

>Wanting to pay for in game events
you are probably the worst kind of consumer, no offense. It's people like you who got this DLC train rolling

Maybe if they did a trial with Rantaro and 2 other people at the end of V2 when he wins


I mean if it was everything that I listed in, like, a $5 fully voiced DLC I'd pay for it.

>Himiko: Use your self-destruct function to save us. That's how robots can be useful.



Draw it!


Haircut-based bullying is Tsumiki's gimmick, though!
R-18 love hotel CGs DLC or bust.

Hiyoko was just as terrible and nobody ever called her out for this
Really shows the author's priorities, huh?

A Defense Attorney