/fhg/ - For Honor General

>Season 3 Info:

For Honor v1.14.1 Patch Notes

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>Multiple hero video guides

Female Ronin Edition

old thread : >Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shinobi is still shit imo

Nth for cent is shit 1v1 and there is no reason to complain about him over anyone else in the cast.

Nobushi should regen stamina after 2-3 secs in hidden stance. Alternatively, dodging from hidden stance to hidden stance again should not cost stamina for second hidden stance.

how do you cunts manage to post high quality webms?

>this bullshit still isn't fixed

Why does ronin have to dual wield?

I dont want any more edgy dual wielders.

because its cool

There's no reason for hidden stance to cost stamina in the first place unless you're feinting an attack with it.

Lawbringers and Berserkers were a mistake

I just want it to be less situational. There are very few times that it is the optimal thing to do compared to a parry punish or even just dodging. Only good for wallbang punish and that tasty extra ONE DAMAGE

I greatly dislike kensei's design. But roaches are even worse.

I wish there was a nice in between

Is Elimination dead on steam? i can't seem to find any matches in steam, only on Dominion and Duel, or is it more heavily populated on Uplay?

Also how the hell do you guys level up so fast? I'm still stuck at rep 2 cents and meanwhile some level 12 Cent rapes me with no hassle or some level 40 Warden who just vortex spam and even the basic moves, he still ends up winning

The game doesn't launch through steam even if you have it on steam first of all. If you bought it on steam it still launches uplay to play the game. It's all the same servers.
This is also why the steam numbers aren't a good number as the smart people just bought it on sales and discounts from uplay using their coins or whatever it's called.

>top-tier roach gameplay

but for real how do you fucks post these 4K fucking webms?


Have any of you guys run into a person named "Cheekibandit" on PC

You do not need to render a webm in 1080p.

I actually wish more characters had attack footwork manipulations.

Footwork what

Ahhh man i liked skirmish, i would go to ps4 but holy moly, after being stubborn by PC smooth 60 fps, it irks me a lot to play 30 fps on the ps4

Warden is pretty obvious, like you can backstep heavy or frontstep heavy.
I wish more chars could play subtle spacing games.


What are nobushis top secret moves?

Except it doesn't work most of the time

I wish bullies in this game would stop being bullies.

Reminder that Ronin will have a female gender and will be 2nd best waifu next to Nobushi. That is all. :)

this game still suck?

Maybe no


>dominating so bad you make someone on the opposing team rage quit and crash the game

It doesn't count towards XP or steel but it's kind of the ultimate win for me.

this is what for honor is about, it's the one time i don't even mind a ctd

>ledge a guy in a duel
>he makes it his personal quest to beat me
>he beats me then quits the match
>finding new opponent
>it's the same guy
>beat the fuck out of him
>he demands a rematch
>leave the lobby and turn off pc
truly, the greatest of feels

Soft feint light into hidden stance, hard feint heavy from hidden stance, guardbreak

>land a hit on a guy in duel
>run away
>leave the match and turn off PC
>change your identity and move to another country
truly the greatest feeling

literally satan

shoutouts to the bunny brigade

Who was in the wrong here?

>Feinting just really isn't my style
Play casual games with your casual friends. My only non-casual friend plays For Honor on Xbox, I play on PS4.
Feels bad man.

>this isnt a CASUAL game, this is SUPER FUCKING SERIOUS

Well if you don't like getting rekt then you have to stop being a shitter or go back to skyrim

what about if youre playing your videogames to just have fun
or does the idea not make sense to you

Not him but getting shit on because you refuse to learn a mechanic of the game because you think it's "not my style haha" doesn't sound like a fun time to me.
>"Haha yeah winning's not really my style man, I'd rather just get my skewer parried every time and eat raw damage instead of feint it, that's just my style man, fuck off I'm just having fun man, yeah I love getting stomped by players who are clearly better than me because I refuse to learn game mechanics that they did, haha I'm just having fun dude it's just not my style dude"

You for going on reddit and trying to discuss reddit here.

im total rep 28 and never feint, i have fun and most of the time have more kills than deaths
theres no right or wrong way to enjoy your videogames m8

It's not fun if you dislike getting rekt.
So stop being shit or play something else if you want to have fun.
Not that hard.

>total rep 28
>literally never feints
>actually manages to somehow have more deaths than kills in some of his games when you literally only have to tap someone with a light before they die to get a "kill"
>"there's no right or wrong way to enjoy vidya m8"
Yeah, that checks out.

>It's not fun if you dislike getting rekt.
you can win without feinting, try it for yourself

>play something else if you want to have fun
jesus christ the autism

As a lightspamming assassin you can, but not in actual duels

>but not in actual duels

maybe its because i play on 30fps console but i can win duels without it

>playing actual duels

As some shitter who refuses to learn how to play you are still a liability for your team even if you happen to accidentally lightspam someone to death from the side and call that winning.
Please just stop playing online games.

why do you take videogames so seriously? winning isnt everything
why does it matter to you so much that someone doesnt play the way you think they should?

>you can win without feinting, try it for yourself
I tried that 8 months ago when I was a new player. And no it didn't work then and sure as fuack won't work now.
Maybe on console where the game is borderline unplayable anyway. But it seems like the game being unplayable on console is actually what keeps the player numbers higher because people like you can exist there. What a fucked up state this game is in.

>the autist shitting up the thread is also a duel kiddy

The shitter is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a casual, spammer, noob, kiddie, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him truly bad at videogames and detriment to his team and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “Why do you take videogames so seriously?”

but why do you though?

Not the user you're talking to but for me it's because video games are one of the few things I have control of in my life. If you don't help me dominate and exert my will over the enemy team then I'm losing more than just the match.

>literally proving my point
Thanks for the (You)

anytime lad

I don't like losing which is pretty much a normal human trait no matter what is about. So I get better and lose less because I like winning. When I lose I'm not sperging out, at least I actually tried to win.

Because I'm competitive, and when I play a game I want to get better at continuously and beat everyone I come up against. Shitters like you who refuse to learn essential game mechanics because "I'm just having le fun it's just le game dude xd" and bring the entire team down need to be strung up from a lamppost.

If you dont want to engage in gameplay and learn the rules and mechanics of a game then why are you playing it? If you want somethi g so basic it plays itself then just stop and go watch tv instead


because its fun

>i'm a casul who doesn't want to learn any mechanics and only wins by getting carried by his team in dominion
>anyone who aspires not to be like me is a duel kiddy

>Ruining other people's 4v4 team is fun
You can do that easier by just potentially crashing the matches via task manager

>Refuses to learn the game
>Refuses to learn how to form a proper sentence
The absolute state of console gaming.

>Ruining other people's 4v4 team is fun

what makes you think that this is the case? you think that its simply impossible to do well without feinting?

i have learned the game, i know how the mechanic works and how to do it. i just prefer not to
its not something to get so irritated over

30FPS For Honor is not even the same game. People that would get utterly raped in a proper reaction based environment can win official tournaments there.

>Alread started heavy before you realized the guy had revenge
>Refuse to feint because it's not your style

how terribly inconvenient, truly impossible to recover from


>do the above
>brag on an online video game forum that you never feint
>get rightfully called a retard
>"dudes chill out i'm just having fun it's just a game dude cmon"

i wasnt bragging, just saying that theres no right or wrong way to play

you seem to think that not feinting is like playing a racing game without using the accelerator but its not hindering m8
and its only a game

The funniest part about all of this is that the neverfeint user will now, for 100% certain, never learn to feint. Anytime he even thinks about performing a feint or practicing feinting in a game he'll remember that time he got BTFO by serval people on a Taiwanese pottery-crafting board and he'll double down even harder on never feinting.
>"I-I'll fucking show them... you can be good without feinting... I-I'm just having fun..."

i did say before that i do know how to feint m8, i just prefer not to. theres no need to fight about it


Your fault for bringing kensei or similar low-tier hero to duels. Only a handul heroes are viable in 1v1, but this is where the real skill shines.

>you seem to think that not feinting is like playing a racing game without using the accelerator
Maybe not as fundamental to a racing car game as an accelerator but it's like not shifting past 3rd gear.

You're a fucking retard. Feinting in the game is essential to cracking turtles and dealing out massive damage to both health and stamina to the enemy.
If you refuse to learn how to feint then never talk about how you dislike the turtle meta, because feinting is as close as a solution to it as we have right now

as i said before i have learned how to feint, i just prefer not to

>never talk about how you dislike the turtle meta

>like not shifting past 3rd gear.
probably, i just dont find it essential to enjoy the game or win games. thats all

>I don't find it essential to win games
I absolutely refuse to believe you've never faced and lost to a turtling Warlord/Shug/Assassin

i never said i win every time, of course i get killed

And you honestly don't think that feinting would improve your chances of winning at all?

i never said it wouldnt, and it probably would, i just dont like using it thats all

>I never said it wouldn't
>i just dont find it essential to enjoy the game or win games. thats all
> or win games
>win games
You really are a fucking retard

i said i dont think its essential, not that it wouldnt help at all
calm down

Don't even bother arguing with him anymore. He's literally the definition of those "dude it's just a game, calm down" memes. Nothing is going to get through to him. He's going to continue to be shit, he knows it, and he doesn't care.

In all 100% seriousness, I think the For Honor subreddit would be a better place for you. You clearly don't care about improving, or even winning for that matter, and your only motivation seems to be "having fun lol." The subreddit seems like a perfect fit for you. All they do is post funny meme clips and hilarious Deus Vult montages, with none of the bothersome game discussion that you'll find here in this general. Also, the people there are a lot nicer and lot more like you. You should consider migrating, unironically.

>duel against raider
>first round manages to get a gb and throws me off a ledge
>use OK! message
>replies with Sorry!
>next round
>isn't able to hit me once throughout the round
>kill him

So this.... is the power... of duels...

>It's not essential
>I mean yeah it would significantly help me win, but I can't be bothered so it's not a big deal
I agree with the other guy, go to reddit and enjoy your funny meme posts about the game while you pretend there's no reason to attempt getting better

winning isnt everything

Anyone who actively handicaps themselves because "it's not my style" is a retard, plain and simple.

Post your hero's theme song



Jesus I take nap and come back to see /fhg/ arguing with a literal baiting autist. I thought you guys could under his methods of bait.


He just did his inner player skill. The sorry doesn't mean shit user, he knew full well to carry your ass to the ledge. It's like most players don't want to be painted as "dishonorablel" but in reality deep down they don't like to lose. You were about to make him lose as soon as he couldn't ledge, better save mine win rate!
