/owg/ - Overwatch General

>The HALLOWEEN TERROR event is still live
>the event runs from now until November 1st
>server wait times should have improved, but you may still experience queues, high ping, or server-side issues (borders / models not loading) depending on your area

>new skins for McCree, Reaper, Mei, Zenyatta, Symmetra, Zarya, Ana, and Torbjörn
>Event item checklist

>Season 6 changed a bunch of stuff that you might want to know about

>Mercy rework

>Junkertown is Overwatch's newest map

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Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

Good OP, thank you.


How do I successfully soloq legendary junk
How do I play 76 in junk without being a detriment

Here comes T.Racer!

best way to grind for boxes this event besides comp?

Comp worked for me. If you don't want to mess with your rank, maybe deathmatch?

I like how these designs confirm he's wearing his dog tags under his clothes. I mean, it would be retarded if he didn't but confirmation is nice.

Endless Junkenstein on Normal

>ywn have sombra hack your dick and make you fuck her for an entire day without stopping

Get a minimum wage job and spend money
You get 11 boxes for 10 bucks, minimum wage is $7.25, after two hours of hour you can get 11 boxes and have a few dollars left, way faster than you can possibly farm them.

Reminder that Mercy is killing this game.
Nerfing EXP gains also makes everything feel like such a slog.

>Get a minimum wage job


>get a minimum wage job to feed blizzard more money to throw into their strip mall-sized vault
Get the FUCK out of here, Jeff.

Shut up normie

>trying to get the cheevo for not having the door hit once on hard with randoms

How much do you make dragging your kids through a train begging for money

I can do that on expert, but I can’t survive the fucking bonus bullshit waves


I unironically end up falling for lesbians. Whether I already know that they are, or I find out later.
I don't even try to, it just happens. As if they're my type.
Send help.

Just become a lesbian transgirl

>giving blizzard money

>Blizzard adds Genji, Widow, Torb and Zen to Junkenstien
>Decide to play
>Git gud for a few games
>Start getting games where my three teammates instalock Windowmaker, Handsoap and Naruto
>Always want me to heal as they jump around the map and hide on the most ridiculous ledges, or behind objects so that I can't actually shoot them
Why tho
McCree, Ana, Hanzo and Soldier I understood because of their utilities. Zen makes sense too, and I guess Torb. But Widow and Genji, seriously?

Just go for convincing, tomgirl traps. They only exist in 2D though

I don't look forward to gaming events because they just get ridiculously harder unless everyone is playing a peak perfection in a group.

Hanzo has utility if the Hanzo player is actually good.

But most Hanzos are retards.

You can get 11 boxes in 2 hours with a minimum wage job
If you farm them, you'll get around 1 box every hour, which is just another way of saying you're working below minimum wage

You really don't want to do that even if you are legitimately mental.


Literally subhuman

>Actually justifying buying loot boxes in a game I have already paid for
You are the reason this shit keeps making money and keeps getting worse in games.

Genji is actually great because of his dash and his ult

Widow can do well too but you have to be a god and you're probably still better off running McCree

I buy 200 boxes every event. How mad are you?


this game is definately dying
my friends list used to have 30+ people online at any time.
now theres usually 1 or 2

>Guys who play hanzo and just get 15 scattershot kills in the game

Hanzo is a joke.

When he's the last human alive and sees that dog shitting on the street guess who'll be laughing

I want to hug that orisa

That Pharah skin is fucking awful and I wish it was removed.


Did you at some point stop adding people to your friends list?

>bait scatter
>kill shitter hanzo that can only get kills with scatter
not very hard sempai

I bought you some flowers /owg/


Widow is worse than McCree in every instance unless the person playing her is literally aimbotting. McCree has one of the best ults in the game for this mode while Widow's is the only one that does nothing.

I will never understand why Hanzo gets to keep his one shot ability? When it works most of the time unless they are mentally challenged. I rather fight Hanzo at long range then be up in this fuckers face.

i want to fug orisa

Widow is easy to pve with. You are just bad.

Me too I want to fuck her so hard the poor-quality rivets come loose

good goy

>Hanzo oneshot kills Orisa instantly
Golf clap engaged.

blizzards a strange mistress

Widow has a limited amount of shots and needs to perfect aim to be useful. She provides nothing else to the team effort. She easily gets focused by the enemy's priority while her mine and ult does nothing. Anyone else would have better pick for it.

She's easy to PVE with, sure, but the thing is that McCree has better utility for this mode and in most cases is going to be a better pick for it unless you're significantly better with Widow than you are with McCree.

He's not killing me with it, but he's just getting easy low effort kills with it by sticking in hallways and shit.

It's push button get bacon and it shouldn't be a thing.

My ex found it really funny to fart when I was around and while it was not funny at the time I'm now obsessed with the thought.

>Winston is built for going after snipers like hanzo
>Hanzo can almost straight one shot winston

So dumb.

Widow is good, but McCree is better.

How much is natural armor worth compared to HP

You were wrong last thread and you are still wrong.
She can hook up above the gate and gets full view of the entire map at max range. Over obstacles and can see into the spawns. She can one shot everything but the bosses instantly. Clear tires and do heavy damage to the bosses.
I get more kills than the Mcree player everytime.


>grind 15 fucking boxes
>no skins not even shit from last year

there are still 6 other people hanzo can scatter for free

Depends on the type of damage you're taking

>tfw you weren't even in the last thread

This was my problem.

I'm trying to outrace a guy who can just oneshot every other player with low effort every time his cooldown resets.

I got Ana......

that goes for everyone if we're assuming we (IE you) the individual is the only competent person in a group

I remember the ESL shitling ranting about Widow a day ago.

>I do better than McCree players, that means this character is better than McCree for this

>nobody else bothers attacking the tire

Better than fuck all

bowserd where are my skins reeeee

yes? This is on expert too. Mcree can't see the whole map.

Sure is a good thing that every player can see and predict everything every Hanzo does at all times, otherwise it might be a problem

i wish they would replace his scatter with a rapid fire kind of attack that could secure kills at close range and potentially be used to snipe from long range on a target that doesn't see it coming

>only person attacking the tire is ana

I keep getting garbage skins and I the only legendary I got was one of the 2016 ones I manually bought because I'll be damned if I don't get it. All I want are zen's skins and maybe hog's but I gotta way for lunar to come back for his best skin

>Blocks your shit
>Shoots a fuckton of missiles as compensation
>Blocks your shit again

So DVA pretty much gets to have her cake and eat it as well? They did the same shit with Mercy. I don't get why so many these characters get slaps on the wrist but get another bonus to make them feel better yet gut the fuck out of other heroes to be unplayable where if pick them you are throwing.

You realise you stupid low Iq nigger that you can have Mcree and Widow on the team at the same time. It isn't a competition about one over the other.
Mcree, Widow, Zen and torb is the best combo.

FIRST SCAN IS OUT BOYS of course a mercyfag did it

sure is pretty predictable that most Hanzo's are going to be shit and can only secure a kill with scatter
bait scatter
kill Hanzo
you act like im in favor of scatter, im not, that's just how it is; deal with it

>I buy 200 boxes every event
This has to be bait. Why 200? You can get pretty much everything and enough credit to sweep up the rest from like 50-70, 100 tops.

>200 hours with Symmetra
>doesn't just give me the fucking skin
I want six skins but that's the top one I NEED.

Anything, but it's been something they have needed to change for a while.

There's nothing about the move anyone finds reasonable except hanzo mains.

I am rich and like opening boxes.

I don't even know man. I'm just some random user who's trying to pitch into the conversation while I drive a rover around in KSP to kill time.

Look, all I'm saying is that if I had to pick between the average skill level McCree and the average skill level Widowmaker and had to decide which one was going to be more effective in this mode, then I would say that the McCree is more likley to be more effective.

That being said, if you're really good at Widow I have no issue with you running Widow, same with any of the heroes on the list here. I just think that it's easier to preform well with McCree in this mode than it is to preform with Widowmaker in this mode and as such he's generally a safer bet.

I'm not trying to shit on Widow, I think she's a good hero, especially when placed in the hands of someone who's competent with her. However, I don't think she's as well optimized for this particular mode as McCree.

I don't even think there's that big of a gap in that optimization, I just think the gap is there.

I literally never play Tracer, but I own every single event legendary. All of them. I have 37 minutes total on her

She can only block stuff for a few seconds and she does crap damage. She also loses 25% of her DM meter, which regens super slow, just starting it up. Shoot her after her DM goes down.

>Useless ult
>Less sustained damage than Hanzo or Soldier
>Focused by Zombadiers if on her perch for some reason
>Literally unable to bust bosses and better than the usual mobs
Honestly the best combo is
>Ana/Hanzo/S76 (Left to right order of how little your team communicates)

>Making assumptions based on subjective feelings and may mays to determine whether a hero is good in pve
Just kys you throwing nigger.

Do enemies just have more health in the harder difficulties?

>see ‘have most fun when you play your main’ memes so i instalock zen
>team is 5 dps
>doom, soldier, mccree, genji, junk
>decide not to switch but prioritise getting kills over healing
>if they won’t cooperate, i won’t either
>teammates are complete shit, only mccree and soldier are getting kills
>enemy team focuses me
>can’t switch because team will throw because no healer

good game

I never said she was bad dude, I just think that McCree is a better pick for the average player and I even then I would only say that he's slightly better and as such if you're better at Widow than McCree then I would still rather you pick Widow.

What the fuck, someone help me out here, am I in the wrong here? How the fuck am I suddenly considered a thrower for saying this? This is satire, right?

And has to triple tap the grunts
She's fucking useless. Widow consistently does higher damage.
No you are a scrub that doesn't know shit. Zen's discord plus Torbs ult and Mcree, Widow. That is the most damage.

Same. It really pisses me off when speedbitch and icebitch have almost a legendary per event, meanwhile Pharah, Ana, Rein, Bastion and Hanzo have one (1) event legendary each, with many others who only just got their second with Halloween17. I mean god, Mei not only has the second most skins, but also has nearly an emote for every event too.

>inb4 Rein has Greifhardt
It was a map prop they rigged up, not a proper event skin

You're not wrong. Mcree's ult alone makes him a linchpin for most high difficulty strats in the mode.



Ignore him, he's been "defending" Widowmaker as a choice for a few threads now. You're not wrong in McCree generally being a better choice, the ultimate alone is immensely useful.

You can have both of them in the team you idiot it's not a competition or you can just play one of them.

Mccree can clear out bosses and mobs by the time Widow finishes just the boss off. You are not thinking about the whole picture here. Hanzo can pretty much do her job while still being able to clear out the rest when the going gets tough.

Shut up you fucking faggot. This is the only thread i've posted.
You can have both heroes, repeat both.