Dongs edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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IBoy is /our/boy
>C9's Worlds ride ends with SKT for the second year in a row
xth for Syndra
Does /lolg/ not have a copy pasta OP?
c9 are shitters, but so are skt
could go either way
>Galio up
>C9 take ezreal
>tfw no qt petite gf
xth for half-time.
>Go on LoL Reddit
>All posts are asking who the CN translator is
Jesus Christ y'all got yellow fever and it's out of control
>c9 gonna lose on Janna again
keep bitching about that winrate shitters
>Carry jungler on C9 again
They just gave up, didn't they?
more like nunu getting ganked by lux and nidalee while willum ran off somewhere.
>hating phreak
A diaperfag got rid of it
no and anyone that makes one is a faggot
the only acceptable one was but that shit hasent been updated in 5ever
I really hope C9 pull through right here so we can see SKT vs EDG twice potentially
>No art of tango evelynn's massive tits
>rest of the world
>decisive, aggressive picks and Janna
>weak, defensive picks and Ryze
what went wrong
>Clown 9 has to beat SKT with Jungle ez for the best timeline
at least they have the 70% winrate janna
>banning khazix
>Galio up
Are you having a fucking stroke?
>na team picking janna
holy shit
>janna and lulu every single game
the discord doesnt like it
>skt draft
>ezreal jungle
what the fuck
just way
it doesnt work, ezreal in jg won only once at worlds its totally useless
Jayce again?
>lulu twitch
gg skt win
>no Deman
>no Joe "Please Don't Call Me 'Joe 'Joe Miller' Miller'" Miller
Because they have a adc jungle
well who is she senpai
jensen is getting clapped
>Faker playing fizz to give jensen some practice for when they play ahq
based gooks
Huni's time to shine
new bara champ when
I like ahri but why don't I like this image?
>what is ardent CENSOR
the item alone is the problem
>tfw I lost a ton of lp between friday and today
you might be on to something, I don't doubt that I suck but I don't suck enough to die 10 - 20 times like some of the people I played with recently
>Ezreal jungle
when will this fucking meme die
you just had ornn fuck off
you really think someone can stop SKT?
Why not memepick if you're going to obliterate the burgers anyway?
I'm tired of the same champions
Botlane is fucked no way they're going to survive twich lulu
Jensen is gonna dab on them h8ers xD
holy jesus even my diamond 5 team comps are better
their coach is retarded?
probably because kha is the only one who can 1v1 ez in the jungle early on, but then again SKT doesn't really do that shit
>NA 1-8
jesus lmfao
her face looks human, but off
happens when artists are shit
faker meme picking again just stop already
also phreak casting so now i have to watch the game muted
xth for Cute Ashe
>ez jungle
Fuck that, need more prettyboy champs like Kayn for normie girls. You degenerates and nichefags can fucking wait till it evens out.
w-we got this r-right guys
>I kind of have to diversify my buttposting, too. Most of what I have is either not butt related, already posted, or too lewd for blue boards.
Same. I don't have much for buttposting currently that I can get away with using on a blue board.
No art of masquerade Eve massive ass
Because of her tiny left leg
im on west coast so i have the extra duty of covering east coast time. the only good times are from 1am-12 noon on PST. anything past that is asking to get fucked
>SKT gets stuck in groups
>Faker fanboys BTFO
/ourguy/ IS IN THERE
It's because it portrays Ahri as a complete slut. She's PURE.
>calling Joe "Don't call me "Joe "Joe "Just call me Joe "Joe "He's still alive" Miller"" Miller" Miller"" Miller aka Dusty just "Joe "Please Don't Call Me 'Joe 'Joe Miller' Miller'" Miller"
nigga pls
furries dont count
just give vlad a vu and less edgy lore
bara champ when
Wow I actually fucking lold at blanks e q combo
i don't know if you like or not
Yeah I think the face is a big part of it.
I didn't even notice that.
Maybe SG ahri is.
>Blank replaced Peanut
Is really that bad?
I also realize that most of my softcore and lewds are either Sona or Ahri by a pretty significant majority. I need more Akali sp I can back up my arguments that she's a moron who likes little boys.
Jesus fucking Christ Contractz are you angry
I bet $50 on C9 for this game am I fucked?
no you didnt
>fizz into syndra
>picking a hard counter
please stop talking you dumb fuck
Actually it's 1-9 already, kind sir
>And the only game they won was against full autism yasuo+blitz combo
>Faker gets clapped by Fizz
>plays Fizz next game
>13cs gold lead as syndra against fizz
holy shit CLAPPED
>Be EU
>If SKT win = NA chocked
>If C9 win= Gooks slayed
It wasn't autism. It wa 100% disrespect.
>Contractz just walking in front of Faker, doesnt give a single fuck.
more weekend ranked
watch me get shitstomped or something
he's counterpicked Syndra with Fizz a few times already in LCK
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
we rooting for SKT senpai , goota make the EU > NA shitposting even more effective
If C9 wins this I'll gift the 10th person who gives me a (You) a skin of their choice.
Screencap this.
Are Sonas tits dangerous ?
>Janna 74% win rate in Worlds
wow, skt is like a slightly better tsm
I don't need a skin though
way to go out on a limb there faggot
>cuck art
every time