/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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4% gone with my hopes for a young tiki

fuck you isis

I want to lick the sweat off his abs.



Other trainees when?

Tailtiu's banner is tomorrow, everyone! Make sure your orbs are ready!

Will they make Ewan a red mage knight to BTFO Leo?

I want to hug her and make her happy.

beastie's feet on my d

out of all the paths why is everyone's favorite conquest
its impossible for me to replay conquest without ignoring the god awful

I have a feeling he's going to be an infantry mage, just to go with him being Saleh's pupil.

How do I get a fujo gf who plays FE?

You don't know the extent of which I'm willing to go. If the right rolls happen, I will kill this faggot AND Sigurd.

Because it's the only one not bogged down by dreadful gameplay

A-user? user?

heroes needs more fun gamemodes

If I don't get Sigurd or Deirdre tomorrow I'm going to kill myself.

What's the matter user? Did Candlejack get y


Is Merric's Excalibur tome a Prf?

>Chain Challenges
>Arena Assault
It's got quite a few already. Tempests just need to happen more often. Or at least keep the Warriors maps up for more SP/exp grinding.

It has the best maps, and I prefer the Conquest unit compared to Birthright's unit. The story is shit, but so is Revelation's, and Birthright's story is "decent" but still full of stupid shit.

It's the least shit in a shit game.

Here's some good luck so you won't kill yourself tomorrow user.

Nino you couldn't even read my response if I answered your question

I'm honestly getting the sense that IS believed they could erase pre-Awakening FE except for Marth cameos and are realizing more people loved it than they think.

>Deidre's VA played FE4 with Seliph's VA so she can know her character more
WTF I love english VAs now?

all the paths are shit desu.


Areena Assault would be more fun if I diddn't run into Lyns and Reinhardts every map. Otherwise yeah it's alright.
I'd rewlly want a mode where you fight final bosses and maybe some kind of map where you're pitted against endless reeinforcements.

>want Tilt now
>know she's 99.999999999999019% (read:100%) chance gonna get demoted to 4*
>still wanna blow all my orbs on her
Help, /feg/. Wat do.

Already better than 99% of FE fans
What cool guys

Skip the story and play the meme maps.

Stupid whore.

I can't read this response but it feels like you didn't answer the question.

Wait really? That's pretty cool.

Alm's VA also did this with Echoes and PoR (Soren)
What a bunch of swell guys and gals.



I don't believe this mostly because it would require them to be playing an illegally obtained translated copy and admitting to itunless they both happen to speak Japanese.

Maps are varied and have multiple objectives. Nice gimmicks. The story is shit though, but that's just endemic in Fates.

She also did this

I got 7 orbs. Is that enough?

>voice actors care more about older FE games than ISIS does
Fucking hell

Sure, if you only want a 3 star Odin

Is she /ourvoiceactress/?
>come across pic related
Well, guess not.

Kyle played PoR? I thought he just expressed interest in a playthrough/reprising the role if the Tellius games were remade.

Less causal than /feg/.

Whoops posted in dead thread. Can someone respond?

Aye. It's pretty fucked up. All you have to do is look at Warriors to see it.


>Chain Challenges
Once you beat them once there is no reward. Not only that but you get less exp and sp making replaying even less appealing.
Limited event.
>Arena Assault

I don't understand how she does a pretty decent voice for her but did a shit job doing Akko. Must be a voice direction thing.

Increase your points as much as you can. I got a mean of around 700, and I barely encounter any BLyns, and even then they usually don't have cav support.

You have a higher chance of getting her as a 5* than you do if she's a 4*.

It has always been adjacent armored allies only

>was really into fates when it first came out
>didnt think the story was bad, just average
>really liked xander, even in birthright
>replayed conquest like 3 times and the other routes like twice
>actually got hyped that corrin got revealed for smash
>replayed it recently and critically observed a lot of what i used to like
>realize i only liked it because i bought into the hype and promotional stuff
pic unrelated

I don't understand the FGO hate here. It's not like there's a good contingent in this thread who play both FEH and FGO.

[citation needed]

I may be mistaken, what you said is probably the reality now that I think back on it, I can't recall actually seeing him play it.

I want to feel Niles' body against my own!

No wonder he comes across really cold and half-autistic as Soren, especially when talking about Ike.
That's a good thing

Guess I'm just a moron then, thanks.

Battle Factory from Pokemon Emerald is the best game mode ever.
Think gauntlet when you get random teammates from other players, but after you win a battle you can swap one unit from your team for one from the enemy's.

>Arena Assault


I love to deal with BLyn and Rein every damn match if I don't use Armors to bloat my BST.

wife sheep

Hope you all got what you need on the gauntlet!

Even Seliphs VA admitted it

sheesh. poor guy.

>older, established industry voice actors are mostly failed theatre/Hollywood actors who couldn't give two shits about the content they were voicing for

>the newblood we're getting for recent FE characters actively engages with and enjoys the games from the series

>pretty great, inspired delivery from these new VAs

First Kyle and friends, now Erica. This is a nice fucking change.

>arena assault

Sex the sheep.

Are you me?

I started another playthrough of the game when it hit it's anniversary earlier this year. I played about halfway through Conquest before dropping it despite playing the shit out of it at launch because I was just kind of bored of it.

Never happened with any other FE game for me.


>I Nico Need You

At least you have a solution. I don't have the armors to do that at all, just BK isn't enough.

>tfw FE and FGO are 2 out of 3 of my favorite franchises
It's just anons trying to forge some sort of rivalry with /fgog/.

Should I? I'm never going to run a dragon team.


I can't quite figure out how to put into words, but the way her head sits on her neck in this picture really feels... odd, so to say.

Yeah man you get a free roll!

I thought he was insulting her appearance

Hug the sheep!
Rub the sheep!
Breed the sheep!

>Once you beat them once there is no reward. Not only that but you get less exp and sp making replaying even less appealing.
Yes, thank you Captain Obvious. They're fun for the initial interesting challenge. But it doesn't help that IS is so slow about putting out new story chapters, and even paralogues.
>Limited event.
Read the post.

>not being into flagellation
I want Brave Lyn to ravage my asshole dry.

>It's not like there's a good contingent in this thread who play both FEH and FGO.
I do, does that count? I have no idea about the hate though, it's apples and oranges.

It's /fgog/ trying to stay relevant.

Do you think ISIS is mad that they missed out on Ninian bucks on the Dancer banner after seeing how popular she is?

5* merges are borderline irrelevant unless you go full whale for the +10. Besides, not like she'll be needing the extra stats for dancing.

Kyle's voiced Tellius run as the voice of Soren when?

r8 my halloween
>Owain, Potent Cosplayer
Dressed as Eldigan the Lionheart, who wielded Mystletainn. Wields it's imitation, Missiletain. Cavalry Dagger.
>Lucina, Heroking's Witness
Dressed as the Heroking as described by ancient texts. Wields a replica of Falchion in tunic and sandals. Infantry Healer.
>Canas, Researcher of Sorcerers
Dressed as elder magicians known for bringing about dragons [ie Garnef, Nergal, etc]. Wields elder magic. Infantry Red Mage.

>Chrom, Fallen Prince
Leader of the shephards who fell to Grima. Wields claws as daggers. Dagger Infantry
>Eldigan, Lion's Den
Agustria's Lionheart, decapitated on order of it's king. Rides out for vengeance on dark nights. Cavalry Red Mage.
>Sonya, Vengeful Witch
A mage formerly in Grieth's employ. Set out to find a cure for those who sold their souls to Duma... Infantry Axe.

The problem when you bloat the bst is that you just find armor teams, BIkes and BLucina.

AA used to be decent of first week and doable till Blyn release, now it's a mess since every fucking match gives you a BLyn because she don't have a nerfed ass BST like Rein.

>The greatest hero of all still isn't in Heroes
What the hell IS

Yeah I really like the newer VA's, especially judging based off Echoes since most of them were newer ones

Eat the sheep

>is that you just find armor teams, BIkes and BLucina.
Doesn't that make winning easier? What's wrong with that?

>Implying Halloween won't have Ninian

True. I haven't played FGO in 3 months now all I play is FEH. That being said, it's probably because i'm a lot more attached to %99 of the FEH cast and like the gamplay more compared to FGO's tedious gameplay and only a few characters I genuinely care and bonded with.

Can he figure out Dolphin emulation? Will someone send him their copy of PoR?

Reminder that the new VAs were hired because the usual VAs were on strike
Reminder that the strike is over and we're going back to the shitty union voices

I think this Sheena has autism, guys.

I did onemerge for the pretty blue. I wouldn't go past +1 though.

I think he still has to finish Echoes first, but he said it was up next.