/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Corpse Edition

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What other keywords am I missing?


I love my cute wife Unica!

Is he even still alive?

Nerf Sibyl

5 defense Can't Be Attacked

Alice did nothing wrong

>trying this hard to lie about shit anyone can find on the archive

>Just pulled animated best girl in a double lego pack

I wish she was a little more viable but whatever, that wink is too cute.

He'll be always remain in our hearts as the guy himself.


Reminder that Dragoncucks got utterly BTFO last thread and anyone who defends Sybil and PDK should off themselves

>there are people who don't want to make the world blue.

Bluest water

I don't see dorothy though.

They are the ones that are trying the hardest to deflect things. Those who defended PDKs are all falseflaggers. Every dragon players know how busted that card is.



>draw one card and heal 3 ON PLAY
>gets shitty stats
>ramp one pp and heal 3 EVERY END OF TURN
>fully statted
Really boosts my stats.


She's not a powerhouse but she's got enough value that I don't ever see her falling completely out of play, which is arguably better than being say, Nephthys who's in or out entirely due to meta.

>ironic copypasta somehow means it defends Hectar
Did Dragoncucks ACTUALLY took it seriously?

Do you have any examples that aren't intentional shitposting, especially ones that aren't even defending the class itself but more calling out the deflection and scapegoat complex?

I can't fathom how new you must be to think this is legitimately comparable to the genuine damage control last thread

Which is the biggest follower by sheer size?

ur mom lmao

You are entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong it may be.

Honest question, metas for this game do get better, right? I've been playing for two weeks so I'm a SV babby but all I run into are PDK, Sword aggro, and occasionally Atomy.

I get that a new set just came out so some wack shit got through, it's gonna get better though right?

ur mum haha get rekt f**got

Hay /svg/ post your spiciest meme decks.

>can literally see all the plays from turn 1 on the board
This game man.


For reference, that little guy on the cliff is a person.
Those things flying around it are full-sized dragons.

He is a really, REALLY big guy.

>tfw it was all me
How is that defending shadow in any way? It's making fun of the constant deflection and resorting to "shadownigger" every time you've run out of things to say. How fucking new are you dragoncucks that can't even recognize ironic shitposting when it hits you in the face?

The new set always brings broken shit like PDK. They'll nerf at the end of the month and the meta should be much better, if they make the correct nerfs. Cygames isn't Blizzard, their nerfs are generally on point.

>when "class I like" does it, they're just being ironic
Now this, this is an honest example of damage control

My wife

Yes, people are retarded enough to only play Netdeckers. You won't see anything else, everyone want that Free Wins deck, righ now such deck is Sword while PDK is a new style for Dragon and also a option for people who doesn't want to play Stormcraft.

There're nerfs at the end of this month. Things have been going downhill for a long time now but we're finally seeing hope of improvement lately so I'd at least wait to see how November is.

Even if it isn't ironic, which i never implied that it was, it's not comparable when it isn't the "Eachtar defense" that was asked for in the first place. You're getting desperate and it just further embarrasses the dragon niggerbase

>turn 6 DShift
>turn 7 Dshift
>haven't climbed at all for an hour and a half
I think this is it

MFW Aina is meta now

Alright, thanks. I'm still an A-rank shitter so take this how you will, it's just that Dragon in general just seems really bloated. Kind of crazy that a deck can heal, ramp, draw a bunch of cards, wipe your board in a few different ways, and have big finishers that can attack the turn they come into play.

Your wife pleasures me in bed.

You're such a fucking spoonfeed asshole. If 1/5 is broken shit I can't see you even playing this game anymore, because they won't be able to print anything else if we take that retarded spammer resonance of yours.

Yet it still didn't defend a single specific card in shadow, even if the guy was 100% serious about what he wrote, which you need to be a complete idiot or a total newfag to think that it is.
So which one are you?

Fug posted the wrong one.

Nice revelation, bro

>new player typing that
Nice falseflagging, kid. Just keep screaming I HATE DRAGON

At the very least, it's generally agreed that the best Dragon deck right now is bullshit.

Like the other user said though, nerfs are generally on point. They usually bring down the best decks to reasonable levels without killing them. The major concern is that some deck previously ignored will explode when the last one is brought in line.

In your dreams, maybe.

Might as well run ephemera if you're going to have so many 1s

>replying to yourself.

I was expecting "You fags should be thanking dragon..." post any minute in this expansion, but it never happened, because dragons never tried to strawman.

I deserve this



Cerb is ______

It should be "You fags should be thanking Sibyl" since they attribute everything to Sibyl. Even PDK is strong because of Sibyl, not because unlimited piercing rune itself is the problem. Also there are there falseflagger who are "defending" PDK with nothing of substance. To make it clear to everyone, PDK is like Eachtar, which is a one card do everything stuff, while Sibyl is like Albert, staple because it is strong, but not do everything by itself.

For making puppies

irrelevant now

I tried this in some Haven decks (Elana and Storm specifically) and I just felt like it wasn't doing enough. Untargetable seems really useful in general but it still felt like every deck could get rid of it without investing a ton of resources. What am I missing?

So you genuinely believe dragon posters have never once made a post expressing schadenfreude over another archetype's misfortune in being countered or less prominent, certainly not towards aggro or shadow, right?

You can't be serious. I seriously cannot believe dragonniggers are this blatantly clueless like holy shit

I don't have any vials for snow white, don't question it

>16 damage from hand, turn 5

It would be 6 damage only if Ephemera is not a card. Nerf Ephemera and PDK. Juliet is fine.

Why do you need to be spoonfed so hard? Is it because you're afraid to look for shit yourself?

Shadow players were butthurt and deflecting to hags for the longest time

>using tamer
Should've used mushushu you scrub.


What's the matter, I thought your last screenshot was totally not shitposting and genuine defense of eachtar? Are you just pretending that blatant embarrassment towards yourself and dragoncucks didn't just happen, or are you trying to play it off with more deflection?

Nah I wasn't trying to knock you, I just figured you might know something I didn't.


>I won't apologize
>I deserve everything

No dragon has ever said that. Hell, blood during the spawn meta, rune and forest during pre-nerf RoB never said that. Shadowniggers are the worst kind of creature.

>Falling for obvious falseflags

Dorothy is a 10/10

>cherry picking
>cherry picking and FAILING AT IT
How low can dragoniggers honestly go?

I'm honestly really worried about a strong forest deck next meta. The current aggro feels unpolished, I'm expecting a much better version to crop up.

You now realize that someday corpselord will be meta.

Post ranked wins, falseflagger

Hopefully in the next expansion so I can stop playing as a loli

>someone got so desperate at one point they were actually comparing Eachtar to Walfrid

Almost forgot about that thread


It seems inevitable. The card is actually fucking fantastic but he happened to be countered by the most popular deck in every meta he's been in when he wins against about everything else.

I want to see minthe be meta
I'm sure it's possible somehow

You can trace back the replies, that guys was genuinely that entitled. If you are not convinced yet, read through the entire thread, where people keep calling out that particular shadownigger with stats.

Shhh... The nerf bat for forest is supposed to be next month, don't make them move it to this month.

Flies first. They should buff his effect to be:
Fanfare: Necromancy 3: randomly summon one of his flies, repeat until field is full or out of shadows
At the start of your turn, Necromancy 3: randomly summon one of his flies

Who did I pretend to be?

Post it faggot

Unironically more balanced than Eachtar

>w-we DESERVE t1

Reminder that according to all dragonniggers, Cblood, Kys Blood, and Aggro Blood are totally broken, and that Belphegor is more OP than Sibyl and is even used in aggro blood

So the Taiwan tournament results:

>Aggro Sword vs Aggro Sword
>PDK vs Aggro Bats (Aggro bats won)
>Aggro Forest vs Aggro Blood mixed with Dark General and Jammer lol (Aggro Forest won this one, obviously)
>Aggro Bats vs Forte+Urd deck (Dragon won)
>Aggro Sword vs Aggro Sword
>PDK shitter running that Samurai card+Unicas vs shitter misplaying with Aggro bats (PDK won)
>Dirt Rune vs Kys Blood (dirt rune won)
>Aggro Bats vs Kys Blood (Kys Blood won)
>Aggro Bats vs Aggro Sword (Bats won)
>Dirt Rune vs Aggro Sword (Sword won)
>Aggro Sword vs Aggro Bats (Aggro Bats won)
>Dirt Rune vs Aggro Forest (Dirt rune won)
>Aggro Forest vs Aggro Sword (Sword won)
>Aggro Forest vs Storm ramp/Forte+Urd (Ramp won)

Wrong card user, this is Minthe.

>PDK shitter running that Samurai card
Why are tournament decks so bad...

You've yet to post a single legitimate defense of eachtar which was the argument in the first place

Are you really this desperate to save face?

>no one ever actually thought Eachtar was fine

Man, so basically its either aggro or PDK Dragon, ccasionally decks that try to counter both, Dirt Rune

2 weeks is going to feel like a long time, this meta is not healthy

That's a Twilight Queen

They literally just trying to trigger people.
Still not a single defense about Hectar.

It's almost like watching garbage lying on the floor.

Jesus christ how autistic are you dragonniggers

Like what is your problem actually

Doing god's work user. Only Shadowniggers dare to tell other classes to go fuck themselves when they are tier 0 in the meta. Even dragoncucks right now are just arguing with their badly form sentences and retarded logics but they know that it is not good to be arrogance when you are at the top. People will remember it.