/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

Old: no lardass edition

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Overweight third worlder blown the fuck out by mods

pezadovksy b t f o

>tfw that picture makes me want to play a boomkin


absolutely based

Don't think I've seen someone as pathetic as him since the days of Lanced Jack desu.



Go play boomkin, they are good.


What does this Panda's breath smell like?

I would if it wasn't so furry

Post your pvp jams


>mfw i saw the other gen was deleted
i'm leveling boomkin right now, up to legion and it's as comfy as one would expect

what should i use my pandaria rep tokens if my main is already exalted with them

>mfw wrecking bgs on my warrior jamming out to Atreyu


Hey, healers and tanks, are you embarrassed by your roles? What's it like being the braindead retards of the game? Is it any fun or challenging?

play nelf or troll
use Astral Form



god bajehra is such a hack

Furry implies it's for sexual reasons or that you think it's cool. Moonkins are made to be as comedic as possible.

>I have shit taste

>tfw to intelligent too heal or tank

>those teeth
>that bald spot
yeah muscles will help that

moonkins in this game are immune to furry shit
unless you play on an rp server then you'll probably get some furfags walking up to you
nobody is going to think you're a furry for playing a druid
you're a furry for playing a worgen or a panda
hell even tauren aren't really furries unless you're a fem tauren

>disgusting feet
>disgusting posture
>disgusting animations
>shit taste

I can't tell if these posts are ironic or not.

Name literally one thing thats difficult when it comes to tanking or healing

>astral form
Truly haram.
This post made in memory of Cukkaw.

having retarded dps

>all of my relics T2 trait suck dicks

>he thinks pressing taunt to tank swap and playing healthbar whack-a-mole are hard

i honestly dont understand why they force us to go back to old dungeons and raids for pets and shit

fucking hell

idk as a tank and healer there's a small truth here
when you're a genius tank or a genius healer you'll be doing as good as an adequate tank or healer. i.e. not fucking up switching targets, keeping stuff pulled together as a tank. not letting anyone die as a healer and doing some situational stuff as a healer.
when you're a dps you can work on doing as much damage as is possible with your rotation while still also doing all of the mechanics of a boss.
dpsing is more involved with worrying about rotations and stuff as compared to healing or tanking so there's room for dps loss when you move a little bit too early to get out of incoming damage and stuff.

but in the end that little bit of extra damage isn't really worth it when you can just get the same result with +1 ilvl

>what a shit game content is irrelevant in 3 weeks
>wtf why do I have to go back

>he thinks doing exactly the same thing you'd be doing as tank but with less responsibility is hard

>Use: Increases attack power by 200 against demons. Only usable outdoors on the Broken Isles, and lasts 15 min. Battle Elixir. (3 Sec Cooldown)

>tfw I want to make female draenei or nelf qt as alt, but not sure which class to pick, that would be able to solo through old content.

except going back to murder level 70 bosses isn't content in the same way killing those chicken outside goldshire isn't content

I think they fixed the tooltip to say 200%, thanks for cheap shit

this guy gets it

You should play hunter so that you have a gun to shoot yourself with.

Are /wowg/ guilds worth re-rolling?
I know the most jaded people here would say heck no, but as the normie-ness of my guild is getting irritating I'm looking for an honest answer.
How is SCARS?

>2nd day on my fresh level 110
>still no legendary


isint this then extrleme good?

>that image
>those buzzwords
you are a great fit for the tranny erp guild

>tanking is so easy, that's why you're expected to play as a dps for your first runthrough of a raid and why if you try to tank or heal at the bare lowest ilvl that it'll let you you'd likely get kicked for being shit but no one will care about your dps being 1k too low

just go find out for yourself
there's probably a clique of 4-5 people in that actually communicate with each other with the rest silently logging on and off waiting for someone to magically become their friend

free agatha before it was fixed

>have a really nice cos/arcway plate set for my dk tank that procs a 3300 vers, 935 shoulders/920 chest
>get bis legendary shoulders
>have to give up the 2p

>playing retail in 2017
are you guys ready for the new feminist expansion?

Nah, I already main DK.

>kill my first argus rare of the day
>get his Maddened Chaosrunner mount

hi where are the goblins

Jewing the AH.

>that's why you're expected to play as a dps for your first runthrough of a raid
right people just do tankless runs on the first time

>and why if you try to tank or heal at the bare lowest ilvl that it'll let you you'd likely get kicked for being shit but no one will care about your dps being 1k too low
>LFR players
tanking at the barest minimum just means you'll deal less damage you still won't die unless you fuck up
and healing is just about sniping that little bit of health missing so your recount doesn't show you masturbated all raid outside of mythic anyway

post a pic and others guess your spec

doesn't get easier than this

I've never seen such a salty post before.
Go back to your 35 hour queues for basic content, virgin.


1-4 resub
5-8 unsub
9-0 kms

that looks oddly satisfying

>playing balance druid
>grinding dreamweaver repu for hidden skin
>get sent to kill owlkins

>if we ignore this post it will go away

resto sham?

>be chad tank
>get to choose which virgin dps to cuck on my M+ runs



Tanks and healers HAVE to be braindead easy by design because nobody plays them as it is, since everyone wants to kill shit instead of being a glorified nurse.

>no one responds to your b8
>respond to your own b8 complaining about no one responding to your b8
Don't bother responding to this post, I feel that the laugh you gave me with how pathetic you are is only worth one (you).


I literally play two healers, two tanks and three dps

Man im so excited to play wow all day after 5.5 months :DDD

Time to be a fabulous pandaren fire mage and hope i dont change class >.>

I just completed the Windwalker artifact quest (to obtain the weapon) and when I was ported back to the Wandering Isles, someone started singing and it was a global thing for the Wandering Isle. How is this triggered because I've never heard it while wandering around as a Mistweaver?

>y-your pathaetic ok n-now let me play my feminist power fantasy with BBC as seen on t-the cover

you can only hear the song inside the inn and the singer takes breaks between two songs. You also need to have music enabled.


pekka pls
boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/1494755748688.png /

where the video games at

Oh, right, I see. It was pretty cool, I liked it.

all me

>be me, glorious bear tank
>doing a raid
>one of the dps runs into my model
>no one gets away with covering up any of my glorious fur
>"kick IDPSBecauseILikeCock or I leave"
>"b-but why?"
>"because I said to or I leave"
>"we're not going to kick someone for no reason, he has the highest dps"
>raid leader immediately whispers me that they kicked him and invites me back
>we proceed through with no wipes
>whisper the guy after to never make me see less of myself ever again
Another day of keeping dps down with some of this BTC.



imagine being this obsessed

obviously shadow priest

>things that literally never happened


are disc priests considered easy compared to chad dps?

outlaw of course

>write obviously untrue story
>some dps who thinks he's smart because he does slightly more dps than someone else replies to say it never happened because he has an unearned sense of self importance
Sasuga DPS

>mfw I used to think it was cool to have Elegon or Invincible when people actually had years to grab them
>mfw I now have a Legion 1% mount and feel superior to the pleb everywhere I go

never realized shadow priests dashed and blinked all of the fucking place, but alright.


>tank talking about unwarranted sense of self importance


>call out some virgin on his bullshit in the most eloquent way possible, as expected by a highly intelligent and high test alpha tank like myself
>he responds back with a "n-no u"


>he does it again

what are their names , wowg ?

>farming old weapon enchantment effects is content