/elyg/ - Elysium General

7sec delay edition

>Server Homepage

>Realmlist/make an account/etc:


Alliance guild:

Horde guild:

Raiding everything, how do we stop them?!?

/who "guild name", and whisper a higher level character to get an invite.

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>New to Elysium? Go here pleb:

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder, and don't post screenshots and get banned retard):

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


how do I stop myself from wanting to reroll whenever I see someone playing another class

Why is Thari so fucking cute bros

realize that casters in general are for fags, so you can write off 3 right there. hunters blow and also are for fags -1. druids are just a clusterfuck and completely unsatisfying to play. So you're left with paladin, warrior and rogue if you don't wanna be a fag.

>don't want to be a fag

paladins are legit as frig my dude, as long as you don't delude yourself into being a ret
gonna make one I think

>implying warrior isnt secretly faggiest of them all

Even the offical blizzard guide says that you "exchange blows with your foes" as a warrior.

>instant 60
>level 1-10 content unscripted

HAHAHA who is going to play this piece of SHIT??


that sounds really manly though.

Manliness is gay

wanna exchange blows bro? ign?

Looking for a daddy to exchange blows with

there's nothing more manly than dominating another man.

Also me
Fuck chinklysium

Look where you are, this thread is full of brain dead morons who will fall for the same shit again and again.

>Look where you are, this thread is full of brain dead morons who will fall for the same shit again and again.
t. elysium (valkyrie) player

New vanilla server when?

I wish

are there any other old playable rpgs out there other than this piece of shit

what a fucking BASED badass, best warlock on anathema

by this i mean other old mmorpgs with somewhat healthy communities

fuck this server



>please donate

This server is legit making me unhappy.

why is the server 80% Chinese

is Darrowshire this bad?


How the fuck am I supposed to nolife it this weekend and play WoW literally all day when it's gonna be down for like 20 minutes

why I am a retard? I am standing in ORG and all I see is people talking in /s with empty chat boxes

>play on elysium, bro
>its a great server, bro
why is reddit ALWAYS wrong?

I'm ready to go to war with the chinks

I can't take it. I can't make any money because of whitekidney's bullshit, and last weekend it was so fucking laggy it wiped our raid.

We are out numbered it would be suicide

maybe if we can get the Russians on our side we will stand a chance

>I'm too retarded to do anything but BWL for 6 years so I will only play Vanilla servers


Who is Van Darkholme on discord and why is he such an annoying cunt?

>it was the lag lol

>come back from taking a shower and ready to poopsock some more
>server is down

I don't know but he really is, I think hes a salty dog, or is in mandate, or both.


Yes? I'm not in either Veeky Forums guild, you aren't the only ones who raid weekends.

isn't van darkholme grimone? the guy who made the webms on retrowow on his decked out P2W t4 Rogue?

salty dog. was banned from moh months ago. only visited to orbit trannies.

0 mentions last thread

how about that downtime tho

what would anyone use mandate discord for other than to orbit trannies?

Well that explains everything, dudes fucking annoying even by Veeky Forums standards.

>waah Elysium is down for the 6th time this hour REEEEE right guys?? xddd

can you literal shit eaters fuck off to your containment discords?

>leveling my alt
>tfw the lag goes into overdrive every single time i'm running a dungeon
i'm honestly thinking about just saying fuck it and jumping on the retail train.

the chinese, the lag, the NEET 3rd worlders who will camp leveling zones for an entire day, the constant nerfing of money making strats, the 500 people camping quest mobs in every zone, etc.

the wow private server scene is fucking pathetic. i honestly really enjoy vanilla and the challenge that comes from classic MMOs but i'm not sure if that outweighs the gigantic flaws of private servers anymore.

The flaws you listed are pretty much exclusive to elysium. But yes, I'm just about done, time to finally play some real video games.

Why are the servers down?

it still hurts, bros...

>comparing pre-wrath wow to Legion

comparing retail and League of Legends makes just as much sense.

90% of the fun is 1-60, clearing the raids in the first week at 60 sounds fun!

just play retail bro

>tfw playing on gummies closed server right now and having tons of fun

I know IMPORTANT people withing GRIZZLY and Progress and neither are in there. I dont beleive you.

with 3 other people :-----------D

>muh journey
>muh legacy
>muh community

I remember when WoW used to be hardcore. . .


What the fuck did they do to Medivh?

but the levelling is hardcore

there is nothing hardcore with doing 12 year raids which people have cleared 100 times on other servers

>Vanilla raiding is easy

yeah no shit?

I can't play on paladin... What my problems?

Joke on you i never reached max level.

why did you post this again?

I dunno, but when even the trannies/tranny orbiters think you're too much it's not a good sign desu

Its up

>when you get kicked from the SJW LGBTQ discord you know it's a bad sign

fucking hell i'm half way to 44 i just want to get this level before bed

nice server trannies


holy shit you're terrible

don't blame the server for that even though it's garbage

Yeah I'm done, for real. That is fucking disgusting.

based whitekidney btfoing chink mages.

ok so apparently there are 2 very healthy private servers for Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot
i have never played and know nothing about these 2 games,any of you oldfags can tell me something about them?

Dunno about daoc but if you're talking about p1999 it's full of min maxers looking for nostalgia but ruining it for themselves and everyone else.

>position in queue: 1020
I've never actually thought about what actually goes on when in the queue. Am I waiting for the server to process my login request or am I waiting for people to disconnect so there's enough room for my character in the world?
Surely it has to be the former, right

the latter you imbecile

It can be both. If position goes quicker than 1/sec surely its processing, otherwise its probably replacing logged off people.


I hate tanaris even more than STV.

so is elysium the only relevant wow private server? is there no decent wrath / tbc server?

There was a decent wrath server but it lasted maybe a week before shutting down.


See you on Ar-

would this many people be playing vanilla AGAIN if there was a good TBC or wrath server? gummy could have been the savior but was DOA for being hosted in america, land of the free


does realmplayers/raidstats somehow scan every raid or does somebody in the raid have to use the realmplayers add-on in order for the info to show on the website?

Northcraft was not decent and shut themselves down due to their own ineptitude.

it scans every raid

realmplayers is a botnet

huh. that's pretty fucking nosy.

it was better than Elysium, and people still play it.

wouldn't that mean somebody in the raid would need to have the addon?

What do you think? It scans and uploads to skynet using google magic? Or somebody uses the addon and uploads it manually?

what are the best classes to play for a sociopath(me)?

how are tbc and wrath servers? shit?

Dindu rogue, be sure to pay the chinks for a powerlevel and epic gear and sit in STV for 6 hrs straight assblasting greys.


but wouldn't that mean realmplayers ranking don't mean anything since the logs are wildly different depending on who's uploading?

How am I supposed to do this mage quest? Ghost busting is fucking hard. Can someone on horde side come help and heal me or something?