No lolisports until next thursday Edition
No lolisports until next thursday Edition
always lurking
>1 NA team makes it
>EU spill their autism
Must be the fluoride in the water
how do we feel about aatrox jungle?
tfw you never be sweden
why live
Best SG
dont knock it til you try it
really underwhelming, just go top so you can get more gold
why does NA suck so much shit?
how do i sell bitcoin for usd
I despise jungle. I despite things that show even the slightest weakness. Power is the only thing that matters in this world..
Great thread start, fucking cancerous faggots.
Reminder that S3 meta was the best meta
>1st pick mid in ranked
>take j4
>top laner softlocks on viktor
>jungler: dont take viktor
>top gives in and takes shen
>game starts
>shen: my first time playing this btw :^)
>he gets shit on in lane
>tries to blame it on me because I went j4 mid
>meanwhile, the faggot who convinced this guy not to go viktor top is playing as nidalee
>aka good luck trying to get some ganks
Having designated lanes is great but this forced meta shit is getting annoying
>Say hi to someone
>They get legit mad
Only in league would this be possible.
xth for Xerath
>how do we feel about aatrox anything
R - Refund.
Why pick him when you can pick a hypertank like Sejuani and deal more damage?
i havent played league in like 3 months but i been watching worlds
is ardent still good in current patch?
If you say hi to me, I will fucking /mute all. Dead serious
good that you increased quality of this thread thank you user
EU dies on quarterfinals
>zed v ahri all day every day
no thanks
i watched a couple of games of this meme tournament and honestly the level of play seems so incredibly low. even the supposedly """"amazing"""" teams seem so awful
i heard that no """pro""" teams in this game actually practice and just care more about streaming. is that really true?
yes just not facerolly broken
arguably buffed for taric
>Group stage is over
Now bend over because it's time to check how mad your butts are
>And if you were wondering—yes, she intentionally was designed with an eight-pointed star. No other details available now though.
>Every other SG only has four-pointed ones
SG Soraka is a fucking backstabbing traitor.
>SKT will win worlds again
What went wrong? No other team can defeat them at all.
these are the faggots that play this shit game.
no wonder the community if god awful and cancerous.
fucking die
There's two kinds of people: Those mad about NA/EU, and those excited for LZ vs. SKT finals.
>janna and lulu with ardent
yeah, faggot, that's sure better.
>SKT has Misfits, Fnatic and RNG on their side of the bracket
and they say this shit isn't scripted
>be feed ass maokai top most tankiest guy in the world
>engage teamfight with ult and W on their ADC
>nobody follow
>my entire team go in and lose because 4v5
i thought in plat 5 are good players
>still no icon
fuck you too rito update your shit
That's fine with me.
s1 and s2 I thought were great
there were actually targeted champion bans instead of blanket bans, and there were people who were champion specialist rather than guys who played the same 5 meta champions
shushei on gragas, misaya on tf, hotshot on chogath
only ones assblasted over EU/NA are ameritards, since their teams are fucking shit and EU comes out on top when it matters.
If you wanted me to post more Riven all you had to do was say so.
>Spend a bunch of time carefully setting up group
>Some guy leaves at the start
Why the fuck do people do this shit?
>Jarvan and Galio
They would fit perfectly as an Ornstein and Smough type boss in some arpg.
They've clarified before that any icons not linked to Quests requires they manually add them to your account.
>notice someone is using an unorthodox keystone
>ask why
>mfw I was legit asking why because there may be some cool hidden strats that I'm not privy to
>when you just want to have a fun game on your waifu but then you get this team and one afk
shit sucks
newfag out
Reminder that LoL died with the horrendous idea that was season 3 changes. This has been a (progressively worse and worse) fanfiction version of peak LoL.
this mad
the pickem icon is from a quest though
why does this crack me up so much kek
>Top lane bruiser rengar with Death's Dance, Sterak's Gage and Spirit Visage
>tfw seeing the enemy never kill me
>Win 1v1s simply because I live longer
>all these anime faggots here
now i know what people play this garbage game.
i feel like purposely trolling a game now just to potentially upset an anime faggot
I wonder if yielding less gold on kills and faster death respawn times would make the game more aggresive and fun to watch
if you don't have this icon you are faggot and should kys
We need more league ones
>hotshot on chogath
>not shen
post taunt gif
>Not being at least THIS mad
Any games worth watching so far? Haven't seen any yet
Is giraffes still around? How about steel101?
kindly fuck off
Best couple!
>am support main
What do
Show me your judgment kayle
But she's gonna turn every other SG into alien cocksleeves, user. You wouldn't want that right?
Why is she so perfect?
xth for Cute Ashe
Sunday Edition
collect free wins
check out FNT vs GAM day 1 for memes
check out literally any week 2 TSM games for the sadistic joy of watching them lose again
most of the ""inner circle"" NA shit posters thankfully have fucked off
>not taking your frustrations for failing pickem's on Irelia's ass
Are you a Censer supp? You know what to do. Dmg Mage? Burst from the backline, save hard CC for the inevitable assassinbabby trying to make le epik plaiz and kill it. Tank supp? Arguably the hardest to carry from rn, just pick good fights, like when top laner is splitting with TP down, get picks etc.
Yo, is there an updated Ultimate Bravery anywhere?
I'm not making gold so I might as well have fun
post feet
what's the NA all star line up? my pick:
mid: scarra
jungle: Theoddone
>it’s another «SKT wins» year
>Can't make gold
Silver and Bronze are for the mentally handicapped who can't even navigate windows explorer, let alone pay attention to the game they're playing. If you care, how are you incapable of reaching gold?
show me your victorious jarvan
LZ might actually win
Who MSF & FNC >>> SKT and RNG here?
>oddone over saint
Show me your ufo corki
fnc vs gam week 1
lz vs gam week 2
skt vs edg week 1
those were my favorites
when did irelia become broken again
She isn't broken, she's actually awful at the moment.
show me your dick
How many of you have all champions?
How long did it take or how much did you spend?
in what way?
Isn't miss fortune too old to be a star guardian?
this one you can get from chest so it doesnt count
Is there anything more tilting in this game than getting lvl2 ganked?
Here user, always believing in EU
Sterak's re-work. Pretty much any Trinity user is a problem now, save Hecarim because he takes too long to scale and is a true feast or famine champ. Watch, once Irel and Jax nerfs come, Camille will be queen of toplane again.
Imaqtpie in every role
>watch worlds tonight with jatt, deficio and papa
>they STILL rate bjergsen as the best western player of all time and hyping tsm up
>even twitch chat and reddit are calling their bullshit out
Bjergsen wasn't even a top 50 player this tournament, he was invisible this tournament, jensen, perkz and even fucking caps were better western mids, it's disgusting how much they're still sucking his dick despite him being average ever since 2014
So you're asking here who is mentally ill... you probably got a lot desu since its euro hours
At least they look like they're struggling.
Have enough for a 3150 champion, Urgot or Galio guys?