>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
>EOV guild cards
EOV releases October 17th for NA (Digital for EU), November 3rd for EU.
Previous Thread:
>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
>EOV guild cards
EOV releases October 17th for NA (Digital for EU), November 3rd for EU.
Previous Thread:
One -Two Panchu
can you download all dlc at once with freeshop?
Is Solor the most underrated etrian5
Cutest Etrian
Catgirls for EOVI!
Five dodge fencers!
I still think female Pugilists look good.
You're wrong and ugly too.
speed boost should be a fencer base skill
This but the opposite
Made for hugs
Would you prefer something similar to this instead?
How do I get to the guards in the "no guard left behind" quest? Also where do I find ghosts?
Hypno cannon is a really great skill on a Earthian Dragoon. Black Mist is almost a guaranteed way to sleep someone and if you use bombardment prep, you will get more or less priority on hypno cannon so you can sleep things right away. This is great for parties with one huge attack like Death's Edge or hilariously a Buster Cannon team if you bring a second Cannon Dragoon. Just have the first Cannon Dragoon play support with pillboxes and hypo cannon.
Rapid Cannon is great for popping shiny enemy since its priority and Curse Cannon lets you get the Curse conditionals
Barrage Wall is actually an okay AOE if you're a Therian Dragoon. There's also a stratum five cannon that gives you a 3-8 multi hit cannon attack which is great for filler damage or random encounters
Stop posting niggerlist
twin tails or ranma monk?
there's a crevice near the stairs up that takes you to a hidden area
Does this look like something that could bind you down and have your way with you?
stop hugging living explosives
Both are good
Male Monks are pretty bad though
God I hope so
But she is so very tiny.
So very very tiny.
I'd bend her over the bed post
What exactly i'm supposed to do with apple monkey? Reflex does nothing
Cute is the only thing that matters.
Ranma but the other colour.
Eclectic, but not at all bad taste.
My favorite too.
When you spread chant something like windstorm, does it still hit all enemies?
Your 2*AGI + LUC gets compared to the enemy's 2*AGi + LUC.
If it's lower your dodge chances fall quicker than they rise when they are higher.
After the accuracy got calculated it is capped at 1500 (which it should not hit too often).
Then passives and buffs/debuffs get put to work.
At the end of all of that, a number between 1 and 1000 gets rolled - if accuracy is higher than that, it's a hit.
If you get hit about 20% of your time, the enemy accuracy must still be at around 200.
Phantom Swords, Masking Miasma or Haste Prayer should help.
Blindness puts a 1/3 multiplier on the accuracy (before applying the 1500 cap, I believe) and leg bind cuts AGI in half even in the hit formula (evade is disabled anyways).
EOU3 with fixed skill trees and no grimores since we have sub classes back would be the GOAT Etrian and a great way to let the series die
It hits random enemies, 2-6 times total, not 2-6 times each enemy.
it basically goes from an AOE to a multi hit, you dont really want to spread chant unless theres only like 2 guys
Yeah, I should have guessed. Probably would have been too strong otherwise.
It's random single target multi-hits.
Who is the odd one out?
Fuck you, the series will never die
the boy on the bottom right
Gladiator looks cheeky
these games are too cheap to make to die any time soon
High budget etrian when?
V was good, but it might have the most recolored monsters of the series
>cost of the game is somehow related to how long it's gonna live
I'll settle with 3 slot grimoires for monsters skills (or even monster passive abilities)
It is, cheap games with a small but steady following are pretty much an annuity
that's exactly how it works, yes
Put that tongue back where it came from or so help me.
Updated guild card, waiting for the full release.
Let's adventure together user
>male masurao
Spooky Gladiator.
What bug should I use to battle the guard?
Old hags should just stay home! They have no place in the labyrinth!
So I was thinking about reward in Etrian Odyssey and how beyond levelling up and getting new weapons/armour, you have the battle theme changing around the 3rd stratum when it hit me. What if in a future game at a certain point in the mid-late game you were able to select a second portrait for your characters? What I mean is, take young female rover, she's angry in her portrait yeah? Well her second one could keep her angry but in a different pose or change her expression along with the rest of the art. Probably too much work considering they'd essentially need to double how much character art they'll be making but it's fun to think about.
She's drawing aggro, let her be.
Monk and Pugilist look like good friends, why woun't you be a friend?
How do you even install DLC on a .cia? I never actually use this thing since I installed it just to play EO earlier since as an European I'm always with the mentality that at least a bunch of months need to pass between US and EU versions.
>Pug clinching Ranma
you can install DLC using FBI the same way as a CIA or use freeshop to download the DLC if you're afraid of going on the shop
>No girl wolves
Wouldn't it feel shitty to have to play through half the game in order to use the portrait you actually want?
how exactly do bunnies quad wield?
>To have all the DLC portraits you must wait two weeks
>Can't change the portrait of an existing character
no more than doing that but with classes
>3 Game Overs in a row during the tutorial
You said V was easier than EO2U. Is my party composition shit? I went Monk/Miasma/Samurai/Protector/Buff potato
Very carefully
Right, which is why unlockable classes suck and have been removed from newer EOs.
use bunkers, lots of bunkers
Two in the hands, one in the mouth, one between the boobs.
Don't ask me how the males do it.
I'm more of a line guard guy.
so you're into DFC?
I wouldn't be surprised if this were to be canon
Wow, I thought Solor would be the cunt, but looks like Lili takes the trophy
EU physical copy was the true way to enjoy EOV all along.
Lili takes all the trophies.
Do we have to go through this every time
two in hands, one on the mouth, one in the butthole.
Only until the answer has been found.
You are not my princess yet, Teach. Nor would I have buff space for that attack order if you were.
Two in each hand facing opposite directions like that fag from star wars.
>It's a single wraith wakes up the enemy I've just put to sleep episode
I bet they keep most katanas sheathed at any point in time because muh iaido
>using sleep
You deserve it
I like Ranmonk and pretend it's a guy
So when they use layered blossoms and get max rolls they sheathe and unsheathe 16 katanas in a turn?
They don't even slash with them - they throw them and Reblossom turns them into boomerangs.