Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

He just wants friends...

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Beta coming this October, Class based with weaker killers.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Holy shit! Is that a dead thread?:

Other urls found in this thread:


post yfw playing wraith

is the huntress any good for high rank games? I guess she doesn't get pallet memed right?

We make a great team, the synergy is off the charts

Sorry man, I try and keep it out of the thread but if it slips through the cracks we don't mean any bad by it. The colours don't mean anything


Finally got my Feng Min to prestige 2 level 50.

>power level someone to 40-50 by playing someon else
>realize I have more offerings and addons than time to play
x4 bp weekend when

omae wa mo

Do you think they'll do 3x again for Halloween or is that just gonna be an anniversary thing?

Watch the livestreams m8.

spoonfeed us instead

Dead thread is dead.

How long does the repair disruption effect last on the begrimed/grisly chain?


>the survivors let out their anger on the Wraith because he is too anxious to fight back outside of trials
Is this the real tragedy of the entity's realm?

Is there a greater joy than face camping the female in a 4 stack with her and her white knights?

using franklin

And even in trials, he feels overwhelmed and scared.
He just wants to stay invisible and be left alone.

But the Entity won't let him. He was corrupted first by his boss who made him kill people without his knowing, and then corrupted to kill at the Entity's whim. Truly he is the most tragic character.

You know, just because they're playing a female character doesn't mean that they're "female"


Really? That seems powerful


You just look at their profile. They make sure every knows that they're a girl gamer.

Check profile/twitch streams

You must be informed they are female and have a lengthy bio on their profile about how they're a special snowflake and all boys are screwed cause they're strong and taken

i believe it is forever. it used to be if it changed

>implying billy isn't the most tragic character

fuck you

Damn SWF look like THAT?!

Forgot my pic

holy shit she ugg

There's no reason to be jealous soap.

fuck OFF with your Discord bullshit


Wanna play?

Not with a bunch of Discord memers. I'd rather soloq.

If you ain't discord, you ain't shit.


both dbd and f13 need to step up their brown girl game

nigs and any other form of inferior race suck

>unwanted child actually gets to live, gets total revenge on family and then slaughters innocent animals
yeah right, billy is a monster, totally deserves to be the entity's slave

fick you


nice tumblr drawing

What am I supposed to do about the hatch? The average survivors will have 2 gens done before I even get the first person on the hook unless they do something dumb. Then I get 3 and it suddenly turns into a game of nothing. Either they don't know where the hatch is or won't come to it with me standing there. So they wander around leaving no clues unless i'm lucky, no gens being worked on. I started just going afk when this happens as its incredibly boring and I don't want to waste 15 minutes searching for the guy.

>not having insidious and baiting the hatch rush and downing them in a roar of saw

>Every other race's genes are dominant and over ride the genes of caucasians
That's not how evolution works.
The white race is the weakest genetic race, you're something to become extinct and you will in the next 2 centuries.

Which is why I need them in dbd and f13, so I can play superior races.
There's a reason why claude is the objectively strongest survivor after all

You need to accept that it's there precisely to give the last survivor an out. Not every gg will be a 4k.

I don't get why they don't place 2 hatches and have an opening time like the gate.

Because it's a poorly designed system. Just look at the existence of hatch standoffs. Either let the killer hit them down and pick them up without letting them go into the hatch, or remove hatch grabs so they can jump in whenever they want, no need for a standoff.

t. nigger

or just add 2 like I said so its a guessing game and not just one side wins?

Calling him a nigger doesn't make it untrue

>implying I care

I laugh at all niggers

>careless retard parents don't use a condom or birth control
>kid is born deformed and ugly as fuck on top of being unwanted
>they treat him like a rabid animal
>box him up in a prison in his own home
>abuse and neglect him
>all he ever gets from birth is hate
>no shred of love ever given from his family
>breaks free one day and murders them in righteous vengeance
>kills the innocent animals but he doesn't know any better
>is taken by the entity

he did nothing wrong

That’s not true. The thing is in western society for the most part whites are generally viewed as the best, so the best whites stick with whites so their superior white genes don’t have non-white competitors. Meanwhile, the inferior whites compete with superior non white genes since white is the goal, the best non whites will simply get the weak whites, which leads to their genes winning out. Since these are the most common interracial offspring, there is a sort of urban myth surrounding it. If you were to pair superior whites with inferior non whites the white genes would win, throw superior non white with inferior white then the non white wins. Does that make sense?

They said It as a joke Its not confirmed at all

They joked about 4x, not event itself.

If your genes aren't dominant, they're not superior.
Evolutionary biology 101.
Keep crying white boi

t. Liquid

ummm what? he could have went to the police. killing is wrong.

what is going on in this thread?

>imfuckingplying he knew what police were

>game starts
>find a player in 30 seconds
>down him quickly, get him to a hook
>1 gen gone
>hook the guy
>another guy tries to save him almost instantly
>chase that guy around
>down him
>other guy gets dehooked
>hook the 2nd guy
>2nd gen down
>find the other two healing each other
>down one
>3rd gen gone
>hook this guy, other guy unhooked
>go find them
>4th gen gone
>hook first guy again, he dies
>5th gen gone
>hook 2nd guy
>everyone else escapes
Honestly how the fuck are you supposed to do ANY better than this against decent players? The maps are either GIGANTIC or so absurdly in favor of survivors they need not be mentioned. As long as one guy is shoving his BNP into every generator he finds, the other three just fuck around until he's done.

Dedicated shitposting from Discordians, I'd wager.

>against a 4stack SWF as hillbilly
>exit gates are open and i havent killed a single one
>chainsaw Bill (who has a stream URL as his username) 3 meters away from the exit
>hook him
>park my ass 2 meters from the hook
>2 survivors less than a stones throw away from hook feebly attempting to bait me away from it
>the absolute butt devestation from Bill
No mercy for entitled shits.

>As long as one guy is shoving his BNP into every generator he finds, the other three just fuck around until he's done.
That's not how BNP works, user.

>survivors burn streamers
>You try and farm with them
>they just gen rush and tea bag
>You're a shitter

>Survivors burn streamers
>You killer them all like its any other game
>You're a shitter
Survivors will be the death of this game

>Come back to F13 after a while
>Shift grabbing still allowed
>Literally no point to resisting once you're grabbed
>Still allowed to spam 50 traps in front of every objective and then sense spam to victory
This is f-fun, right guys?

>game starts
>15 seconds in
>find some guy next to a small noise gen
>why are you not doing it senpai?
>start working
>hex: Ruin
yeah it's sucks but it's not an excuse to throw a match and fuck everyone else.

I love when they make obvious attempts at b8. I usually "tale" it, only to turn back after three seconds. Gets e'm every time/

>decide to try some meme perks
>insidious, iron grasp, monstrous shrine on leatherface + bbq and chili
>hook one guy in basement
>step outside and use insidious
>wait for unhook
>run downstairs with chainsaw like a mainiac
>do it until they all died

Wew man that was great fun even though it would probably never work on good players.

What, was he just sitting there? I always go hunt for the Hex totem when that happens.

do you think his parents taught him was a police was, retard?

Traps were buffed so it injures everyone now unless you run thickskin.

Doors were all reduced to 2-3 hit to break now.

Its basically impossible to have fun since the skill gap was dropped so low.

>doesn't know big nigger penis

yeah, a lot of people also DC when I use ruin.

>Want to derank
>Still want to farm points
>"I'll just only kill people who run flashlights"
>Still pipping even without trying
Delete this item

>get rank 18
>close game on ps4
>open again
>back to rank 20

What the fuck? Does anyone else play PS4 version here tell me what the fuck this is? I'm about to contact the devs.

>doing gens

What an inefficient retard.

uhhh its not that hard to understand they wear blue and carry guns. either way all humans are born knowing that killing is evil and wrong.

Explain ISIS.

ISIS is evil? What's to explain?

When's Fox?
When's Freddy?

>it's a soap episode

Do the devs just hate anyone trying to play the game as counselor

They're my favorite, the lead actress is so cute :3

Counselors still have the edge if they aren't retarded and communicate. One Vanessa with good perks can still eat all of Jason's traps and juke him for 10 minutes. Once all those traps are gone, Jason can't be everywhere at once and one of the escape methods is going to be completed.

>having a penis
how new

Claudette has a bigger penis than any male. She leaves marks for other Claudettes to follow pulling her massive penis on the ground while crouchwalking everywhere.


Heard she is creaming over Rusty or something lately.

Whispers and BBQ&C are great assuming they don't know where the hatch is.


How the hell do you do that?

I always camp the hatch. If the survivor comes, I'll let him have it. If I have to go hunt him down, I'll bring him to the hatch if I'm close enough. If he has/had a flashlight, I guess I'm ordering pizza and pissing in a bottle.

That's been going on since she first met him

fuck off, discordfags

>only got 1 kill on a scrub who didn't know how to play
>exit gates are open
>using the non 1 hit kill leatherface chainsaw addon for fun and bloodpoints
>down a claudette by exit gate and carry her to hook
>see a david running in front of me
>think nothing of it going to hook i don't even swing at him
>get to hook and i can't hook her
>try to swing but i'm hitting air
>realize too late david is body blocking the hook...
>she gets off and they both run out and teabag me

Anyone have embarassing stories like this? I know everyone loves to share their ebin victories but how about those times you got humiliated? The new swivel hooks will fix this though right?

Why not take the free swing? You goofed pretty hard m8.