/meg/ - Mass Effect General


>MEG's updated Pastebin:

>Femtur Pastebin:

>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com

>All previous Collages that we know of:

>Andromeda is dropped:

>Western Germany's name plaque is to be added to the memorial
>Reminder to not give the liara autist any attention.

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for /Our Girl/!


3rd for qt detectives

Ew.. ManRanda is so skanky!

Post some waifus who are actually cute and beautiful!

A challenger approaches.


My space waifu.

I'd enjoy reading your stuff if you include it. CYOA user ?
I don't think I'll be leaving /meg/ until I finish the C-Sec continuation story. It wouldn't feel right to let /meg/ down. Even if you are strangers I still want to deliver on what I promise.
Speaking of which. I took it easy today and slept a lot, so I didn't advanced much on Part 2 of Coffee and donuts. Will keep you updated on its progress.

>gavorn's tricks

>Trick (n.) A broad term for describing women who are either teases or hoes, or one of the above pretending to be the other.


>not Remembering a Legend edition
You will be missed, Western.

Jaa'vy Salads 'frame my girlfriend's exo ape for rape' prank (GONE SEXUAL) fic got updated

>Jaa'vy Salads 'frame my girlfriend's exo ape for rape' prank

What is that ?

God dammit, that was subtle.
I'm going to miss that shit.

It's me
Sadly I haven't done ANY writing lately, I guess that final sprint to finish the CYOA, midterms, and playing too much PoE again really burned me out. I'll try to update something this coming week. I promise.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to what you have to write, frenchman. Your first update for the coffee and donuts fic was breddy gud.

xth for qt baristas

>depressive autumn feels at 100%
>burned through the emergency escapist space fiction stash
>workday tomorrow
>all out of alcohol
How do you cope with the implacable horror of the everyday, MEG?

fuck andromeda
I would like to make my own space game whit aliens and shit but i dont know how so i am fucked


Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the Kai Leng !”
A man died, but a legend was born.

I feel you. Here work is pretty exhausting as I've never been used to waking up early in the morning and my tendency toI overthink small mistakes. I tend to have vivid ideas for fics in the middle of the night, but I can't get up to write them anymore.
My only "tip" is to actually force yourself to write a bit. Waiting for the right time or the right feeling of inspiration is like waiting for love, it ain't gonna happen like that, you have to work for it. Giving myself a "time for writing" usually makes writer block disappear.

Glad that you enjoyed the Coffee fic first part. Tell you the truth, I got inspired by your Coffee Quarian fic for the setting idea.

Find another, more friendly community (beware of retarded ones though) to find people to talk about space shit with. Stop drinking, or at least don't drink alone. Enjoy autumn, it's the comfiest of seasons; not too cold, not too hot, there are no stupid bugs flying around and the weather is nicely moody to let you wonder about stuff in peace.

I play vidya, exercise, or read/watch a bunch of science shit online. Exercising, even just a little, fucking helps tremendously whenever you feel depressed or down. Add that to your daily routine and within a week or so, you'll be feeling 10x better.

Yeah, that too. You don't even need to do heavy exercise. Go for a walk in a forest for two hours a few times a week to clear your head and thoughts. Plus it's a good stamina increaser and a gateway to start running. Cardio is the best way to increase your basal metabolism rate, making you burn fat more effectively even when not exercising.

>go walk in a forest for two hours
negro where do you live with a forest that isn't filled with mosquitos, snakes, and redneck hunters?

All those things just add to the experience, user. Don't be a puss.

In the middle of Europe, in the last enclave free of migrants. It's cheap here (except the capital where I'm located), the nature is pretty and it's safe here.

If that nigga dies, I'll be pissed as hell for waiting all that time from the cliffhanger.

So about that "Kinky and fun stuff to do with a female turian" list.
>Roughly raspberry her belly, lap at belly-button.
>Put both hands on her mandibles to keep them shut, slide thumb between her lips to hear hear her muffled moans.
>Use her calves spurs as handles to open her legs and better brace yourself.
>Massage her armored thorax by softly knocking on it repeatedly with your phalanx.
>Dig your nails in her flanks and scratch vigorously to tickle her.
>Use your front teeth to carefully nibble at the nape of her neck or tip of mandible.
Any other ideas ?

>the last enclave free of migrants
Nod really, if you count in the Ukrainians.

Ey, the Ukrops ain't THAT bad. I mean it's hard to communicate with them but they're quite civilised. And they're sorta white.

Nth for /dag/nas

interesting how a xenophile homo can have such a reputation among the vorcha

Is there even any difference between all those eastern european slavshits?

rip WG

I wouldn't know. I only met ukrainians, no idea about ruskies.

Aww, I thought it was a KL hidden in the trip, like he did last time.
So he's really gone. Such a shame.

They're all mongrels with varying degrees of mongol/balt/turk/jew/german ethnicities mixed in, vaguely corresponding to which of them they were invaded by the most.
Slav is a linguistic and cultural descriptor, not an ethnic one.


What's all this tripfag drama?
Did the supreme autist OD on Ambien or what?

No, wait, I mixed up my tripfags.
What happened to WG anyway?

He left. See

His ruses will be missed, it just won't be the same without him.

>average day in the turian navy

I can't remember from the games, but does the codex ever list a Vorcha homeworld?

Yeah, it's called Heshtok

who would win in a fight
jack from bioshock with all the plasmids or jack from mass effect

Why did I watch the whole thing?

because you wish the humans were replaced by turians
i do

I might have some bad news for you user...


page 10

>wake up
>experience that feel of no alien gf

They're out there somewhere, user.

Normally Id say You can do it but that is impossible so too bad for you

Have faith, user. In 32 years we'll get hologram waifus that will be able to ake he form of your favorite character. They'll even shower you with programmed affection and digitalized love.


>God, even the women look like [Hitler]. How do you ape-faces stand it? Don't you just want to kill yourselves?

stay mad turian boi, you're stuck with the spooky skull faced girls

>stuck with the spooky skull faced girls
Even better.

Turians get the spooky skull faced athletic and tomboy girls, the t h i c c and affectionate suit rats and they even get to DEXTRO cute humans and asari alike. Everyone want a taste of the BTC.

you mean STC


Everyone wnats a taste of the Snug Turian Cherry too, yes.

Why go for the STC when you can have the vastly superior TQP?

Why not both?

Yes, my user!

Leli-Ana is our GOD!

>your Femtur gf managed to convince her female quarian best friend to join a bit of nightly fun with you.
Go for the STC + TQP threesome combo y/n?

>tfw ywn be double-DEXTRO'd by your qt femtur gf and her smarmy femquar friend

>t h i c c and affectionate suit rats

I.. I wish we could merge with /dag/ so that /Our Girls/ Lily and Little Wing could be worshipped in the same thread..

Sign me the FUCK up

Emphasis on snug

>ywn see your femtur gf laying on her back, sliding her long and slim tongue easily inside the quarian's TQP
>ywn have the quarian's moans drown in your mouth as you snog her while hammering the STC.
>ywn get to finish with a quarian boobjob and turian slick tongue game combo.

Leliana is a fucking whore with delusions of people actually liking her.

I wish you would fall into a deep hole and break your legs, slowly dying of hunger and thirst as you scream in vain for help.


God damnit, I kind of want to write something about that now. I promised myself to take a break from writefaggotry after the C-Sec followup.

Seems writing is to be your natural state frenchfriend

I'm wondering if I should try to put my fics somewhere outside of /meg/, try to reach out fanfic readers or something.
One of my friend told me that I should try to contact the dev of Lilith's throne and propose to write a bit for her.
I kind of want to get a bit more ambitious with writefagging, but I'm intimidated by the prospect.

Could try posting your stuff to Fanfic or AO3 like the leaf does

Never heard of AO3 before, will look at it.
Tried to register on Fanfiction.net but some cunt already used my penname. But I'll try to think about registering to them. That'll be a good start.

FemshepxGarrusxTali best ship

>"You can make your own Heshtok in two steps: take hell, then add vorcha."
Guess I just glanced the planet over if I did examine it, I doubt I'd forget something like that from a planet description. Thanks user.

>gravel raptor
>swamp beast

but what about MshepxGarrusxTali

Oh shit, what did I miss?

How long have you been gone?

mid may, maybe late may

You've missed a lot.

Damn it.

A lot of good writefag stuff.



Do we have any writefags here? I had an idea for a prompt involving an asari and a femquar on Illium.

>a prompt involving an asari and a femquar on Illium.

That sounds interesting. What were you thinking?

Femquar goes on first pilgrimage, meets a maiden/matron asari on Illium, and confusing romance ensues due to the differences between the two/quarian suit factor. Maybe followed by heartbreak, if we're going down the Blue is the Warmest Color route.

>Ywn go for a walk in the woods in late winter with your ayy gf

>with your ayy gf
id like theses posts if they didn't have "ayy" in them

>ywn go for a winter hike with your alien gf
