Uriel's Gift Edition
Uriel's Gift Edition
>tfw no Failsafe gf
failsafe is worst girl
I want to LICK Hawthorne's feet.
McCree hat and poncho for Hunters when?
Mercy's Valkyrie Suit for Warlocks when?
Doomfist's gauntlet for Titans when?
I used to get frustrated in BF1 when I'd spawn and get instakilled but now I've come to accept it in d2.
>fuck rules!
>open borders!
>*steals from new monarchy*
>fuck guardians! help defend my farm full of smelly niggers, spics and mudslimes instead of saving the galaxy!
>*moves into the tower behind the walls when shit gets bad*
Get the fuck out.
You literally cant use any other weapon besides uriels in pvp. Its the best at everything
Hawthore is WORST GIRL.
Last hope beats it up close
In fact all SMG's beat it up close too
I want to RAPE Hawthorne!
Hunter cloak with hood tucked into cowboy hat when?
Hunter gloves that let you fan the hammer of any HC when?
Tex Mechanica foundry that makes scouts that look like lever actions when?
Exotic sparrow with a saddle and saddlebags on it when?
Exotic emote where a neon tumbleweed blows by when?
Desert patrol zone when?
Does this have any truth to current IB and the token system?
And all scouts beat it at range
Kid's just a shitter
Last Hope and Antiope can out gun it within their effective ranges. MIDA and other scouts can also out range it, but barely. And even then, sight lines that long aren't exactly common.
you're shit and an idiot
I've been having fun running scathelock and mannana.
is there ANY reason to use HCs AT ALL?
cowboy hunter rp
Fallen genocide SOON
They're good in PvE.
They're fun in PvP.
lucky pants memes and better devils dankery
tfw 9 days until destiny 2 gets review bombed by master fats after they see what a trash can fire this game is and that version becomes abandoned
maybe it’ll kick bungo’s ass in gear to give us something
remember the universal remote juggernaut meta? My K/D went up .20 during that period.
>it's the same as the rep system
>it's an unfun grind wiih no goal
>people have been whining about wanting more grind
>in terms of rewards, it balances out
>people have been spoiled by the super generous rewards after TTK's spriing update
>power level never mattered
Unless you wanted to bring your cuck friend so that bulls on the other team could farm them, true
>give us something
yeah they’ll “give” us dlc in december
They NEED to bring back universal remote and no land beyond as kinetic weapons. It's the only way to shake up the meta of this god-forsaken game.
Better Devils is amazing and you get the added pleasure of not being a MIDA+Uriels/Last Hope shitter.
I do miss decent exotics though. Sturm is great but is only worth it if you also use Drang, which is alright but not amazing.
You'ra shit and an idiot
yea, let's make the anti-fun moving of special weapons to heavy for nothing
great plan genius
Eh, depends how up close you mean. Been in plenty of situations where uriels has led to either a trade or a death despite landing headshots with a mamba or riskrunner.
Last Hope is becoming a bigger FotM gun. That fucking pulse rifle lite monster is insane.
God, I love Sturm's reload animation. Because it's a clip loading HC but still needs to be HC tier slow, they just made it really weighty and meaty. The hammer pull gets my pants tight every time.
Too bad the things entire point is never seeing that animation.
>it's another, youtuber whose financial well being is determined by a game telling people who criticize that game to shut up video
It blows my mind that this community would rather fuck with the matchmaking, potentially introduce match making bugs, divide the playerbase instead of fucking trying play with opt out team chat and making solo queues talk to each other so they can fight against clans. Dear God society really is going to shit in absolute fear of being offended and "toxic".
>no land beyond
Actually wouldn't be too bad. Snipers are shit now and Lion's Fury shows how heavy-as-special isn't an issue.
>universal remote
Actually kill yourself.
Funny, I and a tonne of others do perfectly fine not using 450rpms autos in crucible
how does one 3-tap with the Last Hope
Sniper's are only bad because they have to compete with everything else
Fighting Rion is bad because it's purposely designed as a weak weapon
If NLB was brought back as a one shot headshot it would completely break the game
>Try to get good with Fighting Lion
>Finally able to reliably lead shots and hit people
>Does fuck all damage while simultaneously having fuck all ammo, which can only reliably be restored by dying
I get why they needed to nerf a non-heavy grenade launcher, but this shit is ridiculous. It's too weak to even be fun. Either make it do more damage or add a tonne more ammo.
Are you a Titan by chance? I've only ever seen one guy using Fighting Lion in Crucible and it was a Titan last night in a 4stack.
So hey surely we can make snipers and shotguns non-powerweapons again since all everyone ever uses is fucking rocket launchers.
>Every grenade in the game only does okay-ish damage now
>Except pulse grenades
>Which are guaranteed kills on stationary targets
>Also strikers get two of them
>Also that same perk makes them last longer
Nah, been using it on my warlock. Was trying to find a non-meta long-range energy weapon to pair with the Adjudicator and a 305 lion popped out of nowhere.
The place was to pop and switch to the SMG, using the exotic boots to reload just by running. In practice though it just doesn't work.
Cool, i do fine using hand cannons and shit as well. But guess what? If i were to face a player of the same skill using a uriels, he would win everytime unless i outplayed him
>wanting to go back to shotgun sliding
Eat shit.
>you guys are hypocrites!
>you guys want grinding for God rolls but you don't want grinding for RNG gear
>it's the same thing
What a dishonest piece of shit. Maybe just maybe I don't want to be stuck playing for hours in a shitty PVP experience. I'll grind Strikes for god rolls sure. I don't want to grind in a flawed and retarded PVP system.
It's incredible just how unfun PvP is in Destiny 2. This honestly shows that everything good in Destiny 1 was either due to live team or sheer luck and that bungie does not get any feedback from the players to learn what they actually liked about Destiny 1.
Why do handcannons feel so weird to aim? They feel so much slower.
>D1 was shitshow but it was fun shitshow
Out of all the things I miss Mayhem most. It was bonkers fun.
Specially if you had big balls you went into match with Matador, Saint14 and Ward of Fun. Shit was so cash.
The dude I saw using it was trying to be super aggressive with it. Like he would always push in and jump at people around corners and shit while trying to 1-2 people with the launcher and his primary. It didn't do a lot for him in practice, but it made sense more or less.
Yes I want it back. I want everything D1 back. I want bungie to either unfuck this mess of a game or get shut down by activision.
>still no IB Titan Mark
After this clusterfuck, I'm done with crucible until the next round of IB, and I'll only play it THEN on the highly likely chance that I still haven't gotten the IB Titan Mark.
nice to see bungie finally reeling their dogs like datto back in after going left field with those criticisms the rest should follow suit pretty soon too
It's really a fucking travesty. Bungie should legitimately be embarrassed at how fucking stale and poorly designed Crucible is in this shit game.
Or if you just picked your engagements well so your weapon choices had the advantage.
they probably threatened them with event access and yt money
Anyone who thinks strikers are OP is a CUNT and they EAT SHIT.
I have completely the opposite opinion, friend. D1 was a spammy nightmare with no strategy or hope for coordination.
D2 has tactics, means of carrying idiots more reliably and all the isnta-win button weapons are locked behind heavy ammo.
It's vastly superior. Only things that are lacking are additional game modes and maps, which should come in patches.
That said, I hope Rift returns as 6v6. Nothing beat the intense rush of 6 dudes trying to kill you and then getting it in anyway.
It was literally impossible to kill someone who had a shotgun at a certain range and not die. No matter how fast you killed them they could slide close enough to you to trade a kill. Fuck shotgun sliding, I'd rather deal with 4v4 than go back to that fucking garbage.
Everything in this game is slower and a good deal of actions cannot be performed until the previous action's animation has ended. It throws me off to no end.
why would you use a hunter for anything are you retarded?
jokes on you I prefer playing with handicaps
>bungo's ass
>in gear
>give us
>in gear
I wish there were cool interesting guns to find. I never played D1 but now Im looking at videos about guns from D1 and it all seems so much more interesting than the shit we have now.
The exotics in D2 are almost as exciting as purples were in D1.
D1 vanilla shotguns have turned into D2 swords. You want idiotic fool proof weapons that make you hard to kill? Use a sword. A swordspammer flips about quicker than a blinking warlock and the hit-detections drags you to insane heights and distances in a fragment of that. Plus swords that restore ammo on kill, and swords being insta kills and their ability to guard. Its nuts.
OP is too strong a word, but double grenades for the class with the best grenade is complete BS.
Especially considering the only way for anyone to get double anything is with Starfire Protocol, and fusions are pathetic now.
Honestly, pulses just need some kind of nerf to fix it. Increase the time between pulses, nerf the damage per pulse or ditch the double perk. Right now it's way too easy to just throw one or both down and collect free points - even Chaos Voidlock buffed grenades don't get that kind of strong.
That makes me hurt inside user. I almost want to go buy all of D1 and play it instead.
Seeing how many people here whine about premades, it's more common than you think. I think it's funny that people are complaining as though it's a new problem when it's been like this since Jan 2015, if not before.
It's just that D2's crucru is so unenjoyable, people deflect the fault elsewhere
uni remote got nerfed really hard, it's shit now anyways
>their ability to guard
Completely pathetic compared to old swords, but everything else you say is right.
Fuck Quickfang though. Swords would be perfect if that annoying shit wasn't in the game.
This nerf will make Striker Titans in PVE garbage since thats one of their better tools and Titans already have it rough when it comes to dealing direct damage.
Post your hunter right now fellow guardians
Buy it. It's still active as ever and Raids actually have atmosphere and story to it.
what language is that?
I honestly think 50% of the crucibles issues would be fixed if they f\lip the switch and allow us to talk to each other by default but of course that cunt ME Chung changed that because she was mocked one or two times for being a girl online so she ruined it for everyone. I wonder how many of the designers and programmers despise her for how much extra work a no nothing non technical person gives them.
Really? Thats super tempting since it's also cheap. I was mostly worried about whether anyone would still be playing it and if I'd get to see the end game content.
>A swordspammer flips about quicker than a blinking warlock and the hit-detections drags you to insane heights and distances in a fragment of that.
I honestly do not get sword hit detection.
>Slash near a guy three times
>Slash near a different guy as he blinks or lifts away
>Teleport across the map to secure the kill
Been on both sides of this.
You're not wrong, but then, are any titan abilities decent in PvE?
>Sunbreakers have to choose between decent melee or grenade uptime
>Sentinels are all-around garbage now that ward is mediocre and the only regen option is locked to an exotic
I guess I could
>You're not wrong, but then, are any titan abilities decent in PvE?
No. By nerfing it you would be taking the only thing away unless Bungie gets some balls and buffs hammers.
Opposite problem here friendo. 14 packages and only got the titan mark
>universal remote
Fucking no.
I honestly don't get why VOIP isn't default. Even if most people don't use it, this is supposed to be a social game. Fucking CoD has more social features than this. Who cares about MUH TOXIC players; there are so many ways to report them these days and people get so easily banned for it.
The kill 2 enemies in rapid succession challange fucking sucks. Its just complete luck it feels like
Add me to DG 1 if you have any room.
PSN: MosesUnspoken
if you wonder why halo 4s social and UI was shit, it was chung. if you are wondering why everything is super inclusive for shitters and terrible for hardcore players (toxic) in Destiny 2, it was chung.
the quality of games is going to shit because of people like this and the hiring for diversity over quality.
I played yesterday. Tower was full even found 3 players who were new to the game based on their glimoire. Did PvP and matchmaking was the same as before. I'm sure you can find people for Raids easily. Heck been I would come back for some VoG at this point. If you get complet game it will take you several days to complete story and reach max LL unlike D2.
>use Uriel's Gift
>stick with teammates
>get award for assists
>reload gun
>try to sprint cancel like with NLB
>pull trigger
>nothing happens
>pull trigger again
>it finally shoots
>I honestly don't get why VOIP isn't default.
I just explained it to you.
>M.E. Chung: It’s the number one complaint from our community is definitely the fact that we don’t have Raid matchmaking, and it’s always been sort of funny. The community’s like, “Hey, Bungo. You say it’s this social game, but you have no way to play socially.” It was such a painful thing for us, because we knew what players really wanted was to play with people in a really awesome experience. I’ve met some amazing people through random matchmaking, but it tears me apart when I hear stories about how people quit games because of someone who tore them a new one or like a jerk. “Community is so toxic, I don’t even want to play anything.”
>I loved playing on those things, but I over time conditioned myself (as a woman) to only use text chat, never use voice. I had a very neutral gamer tag. It’s funny because people would talk about, “Oh, it wasn’t that toxic back then.” I’m like, “No, it was. It’s just there were less female gamers back then, so you probably didn’t see it as much.”
>I mean, gosh, it’s so funny, right? It’s painful because I have made such amazing friends through random matchmaking and through opt-in voice, and whatnot. I love hearing people being crazy and nutty. But, yeah, it’s so painful for me when I hear about other people leaving games because of the people that they’ve met, and we’re just not putting good context in front of people, right? So it’s not that we didn’t want voice to be there, it’s more that we wanted players to have the choice, right, to have … if they wanted to be heard, and if they wanted to talk to someone.
SJW hipster woman ruin fucking everything the moment they get any power.
>if you wonder why halo 4s social and UI was shit, it was chung.
I always hated that Web 2.0 shit. It tried to be simple, with big panels and shit, but you had to enter a dozen sub-menus to even ge to where you wanted, then back all the way out. It was one of the worst game UIs I'v ever used.
> hardcore players (
Hardcore, time-inefficent shitters, you mean. Anyone grinding the game needs to reroll their RNG luck.