Cute grineer waifu edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22)
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Is bait gud?
Loki is SHIT!
Nth for nerfed fish
>fun detected
>commencing nerfs
I wanna FUCK Cressa Tal!
which frame has the biggest boobs
Quick question about Energy Conversion. I know it stays active for channelled abilities like Exalted Blade. But let's say I get an energy orb, use Exalted Blade, and then use a second ability like Slash Dash. Do I still have it on my Exalted Blade after the Slash Dash? I'm just wondering because depending on how it's coded, it could count it as a different Exalted Blade to the first one or something.
what are they nerfing?
>not scubafishing
>amp mastery will count towards mastery
fuck. fuuuuuuuuck.
mad man
>Join friend to start PoE stuff
>Set our party to friends only
>Start up a bounty
>Doors don't open, take like a literal minute to open
>Kicks me from the party entirely despite me being the leader/host
>Both of us just have to solo it for some reason
Bad start to this compared to the rest of the game
how should i spend the rest of my day fishing? i'm at the geyser pond
>send support ticket friday saying i havent gotten soma prime
>support responds today saying i have and ticket is resolved
>check inventory
>still no soma prime
>have to reopen ticket
Could of taken a whole 5 seconds to check my account and see that soma prime was never awarded to me
Day fishing is lame, fish at night. By just farming the pond you can get you daily cap's worth of fish in no time.
Oh come the fuck on, I've barely got to visitor rank.
Also, where can I find some wisps? I wasted 2 of them doing gara's chassis
OK user, will do.
With patience.
>20 new msgs
>17 starbursts
>2 latron blueprints
>some neurodes
Wew fucking kill me.
Hey /wfg/, can you spoonfeed me on which grineer enemies use the manticore axe besides the tusk reaver and sprag?
>where can I find some wisps?
I find mine around the pond during the night
>tfw finally starting to have fun with this game
some of the grineer commanders on PoE use manticore axes
how does one get fast OStron rep?
>manticore axe
Jet Stream augment. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
Steve confirmed they're aware of how shit the Ember deluxe skin is lel
Where last cave is?
just started building my rhino too
why did they have to make it about ugly angsty teenagers
>want to do 40-60 bounty in squad for the sake of conveiniance
>select bounty and pass the door
>get placed in a session without any bounty 10 times in arow
>get UI bug 3/10 times
Wisps seem to appear near spots that contain water. Resource boosters works on them. They are much more visible at night because they give off a small blue light, and if you do not pick them up quick enough when you spot them they disappear. hope that helps.
you should be able to have a constant stream of stuff coming in now all the way up to mr18-20ish. i really enjoyed it too.
>that alarm every time
Thanks! Does Leekter use the default color scheme for his Manticore Axe? I can't tell from the codex image, and do the Tusk Commanders have the same color scheme axe as the Tusk Reaver? I don't have any scans of the Commanders yet.
I'm just going to go ahead and guess getting prime frames is impossible for newfags?
Im fucking pissed they fucking came in work on a sunday just to auto close my ticket without actually fucking checking my account
>hurr we are aware that twitch is fucked at the moment so lets check what some spreadsheet says instead of looking at someones account activity for 5 fucking seconds
Nope. Just sort of difficult starting out.
Unless you want to pay for prime access otherwise farm for parts,blueprints, etc.
>check my total count
>have 52 starbursts
How long does the twitch event run? Sure most of the rewards are crappy but that's true for all the RNG stuff in game. I'm sure I'm not the only one who logs into see a bunch of new emails and thinks this is it, this is my smoke color pallet!
>it's starburst
>it's always starburst
What's the best night-time fishing spot?
okay I've heard the void is the best place for prime parts and whats this about some frames being vaulted? does that mean their parts don't drop?
Are the fish spawns at night different from day or are they just bigger variants?
>Fall through the floor on cletus
>Can't use the unstuck command
Thanks, DE
that’s correct their relics don’t drop
That's old news. Used to be you did void missions with special keys and were rewarded with prime junk. But you're right in that some stuff is just plain sealed away now.
The void no longer gives Prime shit. Now you get relics that contain Prime stuff from various missions and you can open them in "fissure" missions. Relics containing Prime stuff that are vaulted have been removed from the droptables, but the existing relics may be opened.
my bad, I just checked and the commanders use a brokk
>okay I've heard the void is the best place for prime parts
It's the only place for Prime parts, but you'd need to get Void Relics, first. Refer to the wiki on how to farm them.
>does that mean their parts don't drop?
Yes, but this can change in the future. You still can trade for these parts, though, if somebody else got them before they got vaulted.
If you have Twitch Prime, you can get Frost Prime for free.
What are you talking about? That sounds perfectly normal by Warframe standards.
Your path has led here. Prove yourself, Tenno
Different fish.
Geyser pond.
>complete TWW
>now have potato mode and ridiculously faster tato energy regen
>no longer have invincible tater beam
i'm not sure how to feel about this scoob, i can see why people complain about those fucks being squishy
>>prime frames is impossible for newfags?
Primes in current relics scale up with the player. So like Saryn Prime is easy to get for newer player out of lower relics, Nekro is only a few simple trades to get. Trinity is vaulted but still sells for cheap.
Keep in mind your base level frames are not unplayable or anything. Potato is only worth 20p anyways and/or free off rare alerts and they run for 24h so easy to catch. Base Rhino + tatter = 20p worth of investment or 0 if you catch an alert. Vs 350p+ for Rhino prime.
the spawn rate and drop chance of these small eidolons and their cores really needs to be increased
>nobody hunts eidolons in pubs
so how in the hell am i suppose to kill them?
Tell me about Harrow, /wfg/. Does he get better later on?
get a clan
recruit chat, don't expect pubs to do anything that isn't standing around picking their noses
fuck, really they take away the laser? god damn... that thing has been carrying me hard against sentinels... I just run out of ammo against them and they fucking rape me with their faggotron mode and multiple shit
I'm exactly doing that quest right now... I'm not so sure about clearing it ergh
hold 5 instead of pressing
>riven challenge do a solo interception above lvl 30 with a slow key and not dying
The fish in the geyser pond are the same, unless I need to restart the mission at night to get the different fish.
Oh, thank you anyway. Do you think that the Tusk Reaver Manticore axe colors are any good? Also, have you seen any of pic related? The image is from a dev build shown in a devstream or prime time, but I haven't seen any female tusk hellions with manticore axes.
So, they're forcing Operater bullshit down our throats because we didn't like it, the same way they started forcing Archwing bullshit down our throats?
They got rid of focus for this? Ugh.
The game's called 'Warframe', not 'Autistic Void Magyyk Kid'
nothing different happens, i just go into tater mode anyway
Those are easy. Do the infested interception.
>2 fish spawn
>catch them
>wait 2 minutes
>2 fish spawn
This wasn't like this on friday
Hey, at least they fixed Madurai, so I'm happy.
>literal army of inbred retards
>Might not even have a vagina because of fucked cloned genes
When will you learn only hot female in this game is space mom
That might have been changed into the scout cpt. or whatever she's called, one of the commander targets
The tone of the manticore is hard to get colors right, but that's a pretty nice red if you can get it to show the same
Yeah, that worked. I'm just getting "mortus lungfish" now.
PoE also has its problems. Namely that standing is only useful for bigger and better fishing/mining minigames, and fishing/mining gives you... more standing. It's an incestuous loop that gives you nothing outside of the plains. At least until they start forcing us to go into the plains to get ingredients for normal weapons and items, which is inevitably going to happen.
Does your Twitch status have to be "online" to get drops? I had 10+ streams up for hours last night, but I noticed when I came back I was "idle", logged into the game and had nothing waiting.
How to prevent Twitch from pausing the video when I'm away from the tab for a long time?
what is the point of upgrading the cutter/spear, the upgraded versions get you rare shit or what?
Wevi hot!
>Denying someone the ability to jew
This got me half chub
>incestuous loop that gives you nothing outside of [itself]
That's literally the mechanic WoW and most MMOs have been operating on (and players will BEG for when it's absent, see GW2's latest expansion). As retarded as it is, it's proven to work, and some people like that shit apparently.
The recon commander doesn't show up in the codex, or even in the profile scan list.
For some reason. I don't really know why.
So whats the best spot for fishing right between lakes, ponds, and the sea?
>still havent gotten the twitch soma prime stuff i claimed
What now faggots?
Do you think you can get a heavier fish than mine, huh?
See, I'd be happy if it added things to the rest of the game. Like, even bullshit like a rare fish you can find on grineer sealab tilesets, or a few mining nodes on mars or eris or whatever.
No, but I can get the same size
What the fuck is that annotation
>properly capture the Eidolon
>spawns the brilliant shard who the fuck knows where
>after searching for 10 minutes, say fuck it and leave
>game gets stuck in loading screen and I get no loot.
Don't even fucking bother for like a week.
>DE will never add legendary fishing spear to Warframe
Why live.