Thinking edition.
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Someone make an EUW Veeky Forums v Veeky Forums
>Remove Executioner's Calling
>Hexdrinker now gives Grievous Wounds
Finally here.
Will I fucking choke?
I wanna cuddle Jinx and get (good) relevant Zaun lore
rate my anti-mains
>tfw no qt petite gf
>tfw no qt petite gf
xth for having your experienced changed back to back
Ahri is a cutie
>jinx will never sit in your lap and surreptitiously grind you into full mast
>one shots ur carry
>ranked on weekends
Name literally anything worse than the quality of the game on weekends
Why does everyone that mains ahri have an anime name?
new shota champion when
xth for Syndra
>Fizz isn't there
End yourself fishfag
yo that's my post dude get your own
Now I have to build Lord dominiks and a maw? What a shit idea. Take the passive out of an item that builds into something I might need and put it into an item I don't want and probably won't need
Top 3 rows
I posted it first, hun
working on camille next
i will ensure that i never play amumu
You will choke 2 games and then win to get into gold.
I claim this thread for my father (the king)
implying hes not a quick scroll up
thats mid vayne and mid morgana btw
Hi pixelbutts
>when your adc doesn't buy executioner against a Swain and Mundo team
>argues that it would delay his power
ADC mains everyone!
I can dig it
Agreed fuck heim
hi how are you today
because im about to punch my monitor with these shitters in ranked right now
Reminder this item is garbage
Fuck I needed this in my life. Now I have an Ok pic of both of my main junglers.
xth for breast metal waifu
thinking edition indeed
You can't fool me Aatrox/Swain/Vlad
who /garen/ here?
I'm pretty good, just hit G5 in flex so now I can just meme-pick in norms until the end of the season.
Remember if you lost your lane and you want ADC to buy exectuioner before his EI + Zeal item you might as well surrender
Name 1 item you want back
Name 1 item passive you want back
Name 1 item you want removed
Name 1 item you that should be in but isnt
>bet all of my savings on C9 winning the worlds final
>they almost got eliminated this morning
jesus that was close. I almost thought I made a stupid decision
Are you close to your goal? If you're chilling and already made it to your goal rank pls don't gloat and make others feel bad
Fuck off Jarvan no one likes you
>not even in the top 5 most popular demacians
>way less interesting than swain or anyone from noxus
>kit is a boring camille
>stupid oversized crown
Would like to play swain too but I'm waiting on his rework before I get invested
Buff Caitlyn.
Make Zyra/Caitlyn great again
Would you wear this in public?
>started playing early S6
how am I doing so far lolg?
You forgot your flash didn't you.
I actually like Swain. His passive and mana issues have forced me to get better at CSing. His low APM requirements let me think more about the bigger picture. And typing "Outplayed" after pressing R, running in a circle, and getting kills seems to really tilt people.
t. level 25 noob still playing normals
and bottom ↓
atma's impaler
old GP passive
righteous glory or ardent censer
more tank MR items
new bara champion when
you can pass it off as a niche band to normies so ya
>more tank MR items
fucking this
>golden heart
>Eve's old passive
>An item that makes you parry any damage (not cc) for the next 0.5 sec.
man old randuins looked so much better
I wouldn't buy it, but I could wear it
looks pretty good desu
You disgust me
>nami's heal cost 130 mana
No wonder I went oom so fast, what the hell riot
>A billion tank Mr items
>Need more
Why do people say that Talon is objectively the best assassin in the game when you have Akali?
>pretending this isnt the most normie game ever
Would you wear this in public?
yeah I want armor
>deadman's plate
>sunfire cape
>randuin's omen
>frozen heart
I want mr
>spirit visage
>adaptive helm
oh my fucking god
if it was a lulu then yes
but its 2 inferior waifus
He's getting a rework next so be prepared for that, I hope they don't ruin him
Only children wear graphic t shirts.
soon i hope
I did it earlier today on my third attempt on the last game. You can do it, if not on this attempt on the next one. I'm with you in spirit, user.
Chocolate elf champion when
Sure. If I was just getting groceries or something. I would prefer an Infinity Edge t-shirt, though.
As Nami you have to know when to use your heal to get the maximum effect from it. You simply just can't use it whenever you or your adc happens to be low. If you don't make sure to get a few bounces or it's an absolute necessity it just eats your mana like crazy.
this looks like something shameless weebs would definitely wear but I don't have the autism necessary for this. Also the yasuo jacket would look good if it didnt have that stupid fucking arm flap
No but I would wear the Akira one
>He plays champions only of one gender
Yeah, was thinking as much. I usually prefer black or dark green shirts.
Purple smite
Whatever passive Shyvana had before
Ardent censer
More MR items for supports
>hugo is a god now
People who dont give a fuck about what others think about them, you little bitch.
Fuck off
Xth for blue Kanye is best Kanye
>no old thread link
>no link
>tfw no lulu shirts and no face
I bet he would stream shirtless and subs would say lewd things about his tail hole and baby bull makers.
would you a fiora?
Would you date a mute girl?
>tfw Jinx ADC and Jhin support bot duo lane is actually pretty fun and they genuinely synergize well with each other
Shame that the Ardent Censer meta has made bot lane such a boring and bullshit "NO FUN ALLOWED" clusterfuck lane now.
>elf champion
Elf fuckers deserve to be shot in the streets.
I'm about to go into my promos to gold assuming I win
I'm just playing a couple of warmup normals first.
I just started playing again after like a year of not playing. So I'm just dicking around in silver until the end of the season and sadly giving up the graves skin.
Caitlyn/Zyra was the best shit. walk out of lane with a fed ADC and a second APC. Most Caitlyn mage lanes were v. fun and should be brought back
Those were some ptsd times I don't wanna ever relive.
what's a bigger memepage, full crit damage, or full lethality?
How about fucking no?