Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #924
Useless Goddess Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


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Main Site:
FAQ Image Guide:
Win10 FPS Issues? Use this:!IVA1HbwK!jZPRU9yFcCiKGGb5dokAog

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game [Preferred]:
Manual Installation (For masochists, not recommended):

>Character Cards [Database]:

>Mods & More:
AA2 Pastebin:
Recommended Mods Guide:
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
How to use AAUnlimited:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:!4RpiDTbQ!wDOcevyP1Psp1lXs5A-lCQ!KRJ0XIiB!4m5fgJECiIrN86tfYGhnbw

First for teen pregnancy

Aqua deserves Force!

Where do I get these Shadow Sets?
There's nothing in the Extra folder that really covers that.

>try PlayHome
>it's shit
Illusion just keeps going down hill.

It's a rape game. I don't know if you knew that or not.

AAU Shadow set:
In data folder is the "sets" folder which AAU uses for overriding stock game assets.
In the "sets" folder you can create a folder called "!something" where "!" means the set is enabled and "something" is an arbitrary string of your choosing.
Inside said "!something" folder you can have folders which correspond to pp filenames. So say for example you could have a folder called jg2p_00_00_00 which corresponds to jg2p_00_00_00.pp
AAU will always read files from inside this folder with higher priority than it does from either a pp2 or pp file. You can have essentially the whole game loaded as shadow sets if you are that way inclined.

In the AA2mini install, the BGM for example is included as a shadow set by default. The folder in sets is called !bgm.

You can install any mod/mod patch/etc in this way. I use it for nodim personally.




Ohhh those. I've been using those since I started using Mini two days ago. Very useful!

I actually tried doing that with the MoreCumPos mod and I don't believe it worked.. Mind you I didn't have it with the "reorder H buttons" thing, so I guess I need to try that again.

how did he do this

Also I believe it's worth mentioning that the morecumpos mod is like 3-4 gigs for some fucking reason.
And I think the person who mentioned the sets thing to me before said something about size being somewhat of an issue.

Dancer in the JG2 mod, there should be a link in the pastebin.

If it didn't work before, one of the likely causes is wrong load order. The first number in pp2 file is the load order. Smaller number, loaded first.

So perhaps you had a conflicting mod with a higher priority load order. Either that or the mod was broken. Both are possible.

aa3 when

Honey Select killed it.

Well I extracted the 2.6.1 version of MCP and ade a shadow set with that, and then took the 3D room fix from the 'fix' version of that and threw it in the shadow set too.

Went in game now it works! For now at least until I find a flaw in it. since this is an older version and 3D rooms has probably added more things in that time, it may be possible that some of the rooms don't work.

consider hair texture and highlight overides

I would but I've no idea where to get them.
Doesn't seem to be a place in the OP - at least not in the card directory which has eyes, textures, tens, etc - that I can find.

who fukkin cares
why u ain't playin playHOME???? 0_o

New Illusion game?
You mean that HoneySelect looking one?
The one that isn't another stupid addon but still has that shitty style?

How was it really?

How do I make a set or prop so that girls are bleeding like their first time all the time?

I didn't try it because I couldn't get my HS girls in there so I didn't play it.

If you can get it working as a shadow set, I don't know exactly how big the mod is, but if it's big enough to matter (in terms of your comfort level with your disk space) you can also turn it into a pp2 with the compatibility patch already baked into it. Doing so is easy. The only important thing is that you load it before the conflicting pp2 file, whatever it might be.

Another thing you can do is pack the mod into a pp2 and put the compatibility patch alone in a shadow set.
All of this is easy stuff. Might take a while though.


W-what are you going to do with my baby, oni-san?

I think I might just keep it the way it is. It's working and there's no real clear issues at the moment, so I don't think I'll fuck around with it.

I do have two questions though:
1. Where can I get hair texture and highlight overrides as this user suggested?

2. Is it possible to have more than one hair extension on a character at a time?
IE: Lets say I want a character to have earrings and this hair accessory but both take up the same slot. Can AAU do something about that?


Dunno. I harvested mine from downloading AAU characters and some I got from the highlighter script. As for AAU, there's a google doc in the OP with crap about it which can tell you much more than I can.

>3-4 gigs
what the fuck it shouldn't be anywhere near that size

That's the size it is unpacked.

hey i came back to say this sounds terrible

give me a second and i'll get my textures and highlights ready

get your sclera textures too. he 'needs' them

Not sure if your memeing, but I'd appreciate anything I can get.

You might really wanna pack that fucker.

It's on a 2TB external with a full terabyte left. 4GB is fucking nothing.
Unless it being that big is going to cause some problems in the game, then the future is now.

The game will load slow, that's about all.!4RpiDTbQ!wDOcevyP1Psp1lXs5A-lCQ

Check under Misc, Assorted textures zip

Hey thanks, senpai!
that's super kind of you.

Nevermind about the hair thing. apparently there IS a way to do it and it's actually super easy!

New Unlimited makes my game lag like crazy. Are there any settings I can uncheck to make it perform better?

How about you give more information first. Like what settings you have right now, what OS you're running and other such details you don't wish to divulge.

Turn off software vertex processing.

give us your ip address and the names of all of your current and past pets too

I just mostly have whatever settings were checked from the beginning. Barely modified anything except
That. I did that a while back. If more than two people are on screen I get crazy lag. The game ran perfectly for years until I used the new AAU.
I have Windows 7 if that matters.

Based on your information, computer gremlins I guess.

You go to the doctor and say "it hurts, fix it." Does he magically know exactly what ails you? If you yourself don't know what ails you are your words meaningful, or would something he could see help more? Think, user.

Doesn't the More Cumming Positions mod generally require a patch to work with the 3D rooms mod? I don't see any kind of extra patch in the mods in pp2 format for AA2mini.

>dead serious tech suppot in here
Thanks, cuck, for no fun

Hardware specs?
What cards you running?
Hows the fps?

Seriously how these retards cant do anything right by themselves?

The patch most likely doesn't exist. But assuming the more cumming positions mod works, and the 3D rooms mod works (the pp2s are not broken) you can take the patch and install it as a shadow set because shadow set takes priority. Then it will work just perfectly.

A bit more involved than just downloading files, but it's easy enough for any brainlet to do it.

the patch is in the sets folder here because it's a shadow set


So I'd have to decompress the pp2 into standard files into a !folder? How do I go about decompressing it, then?

Thanks for your participation.

Here's your quest reward:

Didn't get the bonus but at least you've got a bunch of new props released

no all you need to do is download the 3d rooms pp2 and the mcp pp2, put them with the rest of you pp2's, and then get the shadow set patch from here


Oh. I see. What's the difference between the normal and the unlocked version?

Wait what bonus? I thought everyone did it.

the problem with the bonus was everyone who does pose participated


unlocked mcp has all sex positions available from the get go, instead of them being locked behind partner compatibility
naturally, the unlocked patch should be used with the unlocked mcp

make sure your shadow set starts with a !, otherwise it won't be active

post aqua card

like i said, everyone who does pose participated practically

unfortunately it wasn't 10

I didn't expect one person just throwing in a bunch of default-posed cameos so I didn't count them. If I did a full class of uguus tposing with a cuck head slapped on it would singlehandedly finish the bonus part.

16GB Ram
i3 3220
Radeon 6850
My own cards
FPS is 60 when just walking around
30 when talking to someone after I changed some settings and 13 during sex.

The bonus points was a sham?

gibe card plox

i don't think so, i think user just wants more people posing

Aww man.

well shit

A complete sham. He's changing the rules after the event ended because he didn't like the response he got.

as expected of steam group. revolt when?

thanks cuck

>you failed
good work /aa2g/

Guys lets not shitpost about an event. The actual reward was each other.

I guess we really are the Artificial Academy 2, huh?

Its not. Gimme the bonus NOW

hey wait a minute, wasn't this sword included with the momohime card before?

guys. i'll release one of the never evers if you give me 100 fresh and original poses by the end of this thread, and i'll release all of them if we also reach the image limit without spamming.

Post the momohime card.

The real AA3 was the friends we made along the way.

What, a well pissed dong or something?
What was the bonus by the way

we've been played!

Hell if i know

>What was the bonus by the way
no one knows

no one reads the quest post either

A lightsaber?! If not I need one.

Just use fucking Force, Luke.
No thanks, cuck

all it said was that it was another sword. could have been a dildo with a crossguard and hilt for all we know.

Ok, so the last quest was a massive failure. What now?

Don't fuck up the next one, or else the thread pays in blood.


>dildo with a crossguard
Now I want to see a pair of girls fencing with those. That sounds pretty funny.

wow that's a fancy dildo, but it's missing the crossguard.

In the end everybody got the prize, so there's no winner lol.

Btw, just make some Nisekoi chars, check it out if u r interested.!KRJ0XIiB!4m5fgJECiIrN86tfYGhnbw

>eu time
>shitposting happens
Makes you think.

it's a shame we didn't get the bonus objective then.

at last, nisekoi cards not made by a faggot.