>Gwent Decks
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>Gwent Decks
>Gwent Tracker
>Gwent Card Art
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>Witcher 3
>Latest Witcher news
Other urls found in this thread:
>/wtc/ & /gwt/
>implying your thread should get top billing when /gwt/ was far more active
Geralt and Triss OTP
couldn't have one without the other dumbo
/wtc/ was doing fine. slow and steady. /gwt/ died over and over. They are the refugees here.
Shh, Ciri is sleeping
It was sabotaged by witcher activists tbf
/gwt/ always got more posts than /wtc/ but it doesn't have the autistic bumpers /wtc/ has and the SK meta that's literally killing the community atm was too much for it
gwent had slightly more posters but less dedicated bumpers
reminder that ciri was gonna fuck hotspurn
no such thing
hope they don't rape are waifus
Every person with a dick that has tried to put it in Ciri has also died so
There is criminally little good porn of her
Criminally little good succubus porn either. IIRC there are 2 good webbums, one with really good fucking sounds, and that's kinda it. Real shame since I like hairy legged witcher succubi.
>can't even fuck either of them in Witcher 3
worst game in the series. where's my succubi and duchess fucking? Speaking of Anarietta, where is her Gwent card
I kind of understand the reduced fucking in W3. Geralt has his faculties more so he remembers Yen and Ciri and isn't in his default bone-machine setting. Bit of a shame since slutty Geralt the traveling monster slayer fucking the farmer's daughter after killing hundreds of drowners is a kick, but I can sorta follow the reasoning.
Anarietta's already leaked/confirmed to be coming in Gwent as a Nilfgaard leader. Dettlaff's coming as monster leader (Dettlaff-rape user will be conflicted. Leave nilf or no?) and I think Demavend was going to be a new NR leader, no word/leads on Skellige or squirrels yet as far as I know. I haven't been following it terribly closely, also no word on what those leaders will do yet.
Fuck, my penis
I'm starting to see why gwt wanted to get away from this 2bh
i'd talk more about gwent if thronebreaker or singleplayer were out
AnnaHen is a going to be a leader. her art was leaked
Why cant Ciri become a NG leader
Because nobody likes her enough to follow her
We like her
Best female accent?
Yen's irish accent (VA)
Morning, /gwtc/~
Conflicted? I would mill every non-MO card and craft all MO silvers and golds just so I could be together forever with my husbando tbqh.
I'll just keep animu Saskia.
>I would mill every non-MO card and craft all MO silvers and golds just so I could be together forever with my husbando tbqh.
You absolute madman! Hopefully he ends up being a good card. Here's the Anna and Dettlaff art, low quality since it's from a photo of a screen. Also no word yet if he's going to be in the next season's pile of cards which should be hitting soonish.
Ok guys, first hour in the morning, I want to see your best reddit impersonation.
Give me reasons why blocking 20 cards behind a paywall in a game like Gwent is a good idea.
> Easy mode: Blizzard did it
Blizzard didn't do it though. If CDPR does it they will have taken a step so far even Blizzard thought it was a bit much. I really hope they don't do it because holy goddamn hell.
Dettlaff will always be the best card in my heart, user, and his art is very appealing as well. Anna's gorgeous too. Hope she brings about that Soldier archetype you were on about earlier. Will be interesting even if we have to wait a bit more.
But user, the game is already generous, and, and... the artists need to be paid, and, and... CDPR... Burza memes xD
Yup, it would be cool. I kinda wish they would keep Gwent at the current 5 factions but apparently they've already said they plan on adding more. Would've been happier if they kept expanding the existing 5 with new archetypes and leaders so there was a bit more mystery and variety. Speaking of which, not really sure what they'll do with Dettlaff. Archetype-wise monster is lacking on deathwish support a bit, but thematically that doesn't really go with him. I guess soldiers don't particularly go with Anna either but maybe you can say Toussaint knights count as soldiers.
Glad it sounds like you're getting a kick out of Gwent though. You said you were hesitant to try it out, right? Were you not a fan of it in W3 either?
I know you're just poking at Reddit, and one of the rare times I looked in there I saw people talking about how CDPR should let people craft the cards at 3-4 times regular cost, but god damn user you're giving me a spasm.
The ideal route (For the players at least) would be add the new cards to the general card pool so they show up in kegs as usual, but people who buy Thronebreaker get the full set of 20 (And max playable copies) in premium. Keeps CDPR's friendly free to play model and rewards people who buy the singleplayer campaign with some bling.
Anna > yen > cerys
Post comfy pics of these angel voiced maidens
Yfw you'll never rest your head on duchess Anna henriettas lap while she gently run her fingers through your hair and softly sings Toussaint lullibies of virtuous knights and whisper sweet nothings until you fall asleep
What does she smell like? I need to know before I die
Anyone else disagree with the sentiment that Gwent is a bad spectator game? I love watching others explain their thought process alongside my own conclusions when seeing their board & hand-state.
I pop open a swim VOD on YouTube while taking a shit and it's like those 11-15 minutes have flown by by the end of it.
"Good spectator game" means enjoyable even for people who don't know the game to watch. Traditional sports are generally good spectator games because the objective is clear; get x into y goal/net/zone/whatever and people can enjoy it just watching the x fly around
There's just way too much going on for a non-player to understand. Mill plays Avallac'h and suddenly two of his cards gain 4 power, SK plays a card and suddenly shots fly out, some of their units get damaged but others skyrocket in power, wait why are some the cards in the SK's hand face-up again
Wonder what other factions they could possibly include that would make sense lorewise desu.
I've never once touched Monsters before, so it would be exciting learning a new faction. Nilfgaard was love at first sight in my case. Never bothered with gwent in TW3, actually even avoided it, but the lack of Witcher content forced me to seek solace there eventually.
Do you think it's an issue that can be addressed properly or it's just impossible due to the nature of the game? How does that differ from say Hearthstone or Shadowverse? Is it easier on them since they're essentially "thing hits either opposing thing or face"? Don't they also have things going on a non-player wouldn't understand?
like peaches
I like watching Gwent fairly well but it's a bit conditional. I just can't give a shit watching someone who gets angry at a card game constantly, I can't watch someone who pays more attention to chat than to the game, and I'm less likely to enjoy watching someone playing whatever the current big meta deck is. So generally speaking I don't watch much Gwent any more. The fact that I watched any is still pretty unusual though since I'm not much of a stream-watching person anyway.
Dunno. Already feels like Skellige and squirrels are stretching it a bit as it is. Opening up new avenues for cards seems questionable.
Hopefully the singleplayer campaigns in Gwent will keep you going. They sound pretty neat but of course it remains to be seen how much content we'll get for the money. Learning monster after playing a bunch of Nilfgaard should be fun though, they might be the most different two factions.
And now nighty night thread. Was getting into a more normal schedule when I had to take my meds but now that I'm done I'm sliding back to being a night owl.
I'm very particular about which streamers I watch. I find most Gwent streamers pretty boring/dry. I used to dislike Swim initially, but his style has grown on me and it's pretty comfy to watch. I know Mogwai gets a lot of shit, but when he goes tryhard mode it gets interesting. Not to mention I love NG.
Those two are the only ones I watch. Well, I used to catch JJ's streams also before he stopped for pro ladder grinding.
>Dunno. Already feels like Skellige and squirrels are stretching it a bit as it is. Opening up new avenues for cards seems questionable.
I think if they didn't shoehorn every dwarf and dryad, and elf into Scoia'tael they would've had a bit more freedom. Not everyone in the faction was part of that group anyways.
They should rebrand ST as the Old Races or something then split off the members of the actual Scoia'tael.
Doesn't make sense to me to have heterogenous factions such as Monsters or NG/NR if you're into lore when your initial intention was to introduce even more of them later on. Like neither Eredin nor Dettlaff are avid monsters which I find quite triggering from a lorefag perspective. Either way, I don't intend to stop playing gwent any time soon, and I'll most definitely be buying Thronebreaker, there's enough anime cards I need to collect to keep me going for awhile.
Sweet dreams though! ABs are a real good excuse to try and fix your sleeping pattern, maybe you should consider getting prescribed more cephs :^)
why isn't there more love for cerys? She's a queen, feisty amazon, clearly wants geralt's dick (would probably drop to her knees upon request if you decided to make her queen), and has a cute accent.
Geralt should be king of skellige
We need separate threads
Imagine my distaste when /ffg/ got overrun with mobage posting. Even /mbgg/ didn't want to take them.
this. who the fuck thought it was a good idea?
/gwt/ couldn't survive on its own because there wasn't anyone to bump it overnight. Without autistic waifufags to bump the thread every 45 minutes, no thread can survive.
Have to disagree, everyone seems to love her. I believe part of the reason people pick Cerys is because Hjalmar is so devoid of personality, there's nothing particularly appealing about him and even during the playthrough I decided to crown him it was nothing more than exploratory spirit.
Cerys is also beautiful which is probably a bigger deciding factor. If she was a feisty featherbrained warrior princess, she would've still had a dedicated following.
Sometimes it seems to me that CDPR run the extra length just to make their own characters more likeable which is not necessarily a bad thing - some of their creations are superior to Sapkowski's imo.
/gwtc/ is pretty comfy, seems to me /gwt/friends are the only ones complaining.
how is it comfy to be in the same thread with autistic retards discussing ciri's shit taste 24/7
I pick Cerys because she gives me an additional place of power that you can't access if you support Hjalmar or Svanrige.
>Cerys is also beautiful which is probably a bigger deciding factor. If she was a feisty featherbrained warrior princess, she would've still had a dedicated following.
>*blocks your path*
Please. Make your own thread /gwt/ and don't come back. This place is 10x better without boring ass card talk and complaining Gwentfags.
which one?
The only one that makes your heart skip a beat with her amazing french accent and dominant yet caring personality
Ciri is the closest thing to a protagonist the novels have. She's an intriguing character, even if she's a bit of a mary sue at times. I don't blame anons who would wish to acquaint themselves with any single one of her features.
I could respect that, we play the game for different reasons after all.
I'm sorry, user, but my only link to that franchise is DA:O which I rather enjoyed. I guess I'll have to wiki her.
Let me correct. Why isn't there more comfy art and autistic waifu discussion around her like with other characters?
What do her people think of her? Would she invite geralt to her room warm fireside bed during a blizzard? Does she think about/Sorry about him? How do you think she'd respond in the event of an attack? Does she enjoy fighting? Would she blush when having to pick her king? What does she smell like?
Cerys would unquestionably be comfy
/wtc/ and /gwt/ merged almost no gwent related content at all (i mean real game, mechanics, decks, cards etc.), dead game is dead.
Just more two weeks
Why don't you just start making separate threads again? I want to come to /wtc/ for comfy game and waifu discussion
Why doesn't CD give us an expanded waifu DLC, allowing us to canonically get with (or even end with) some new girls. It wouldn't require too much effort, just a handful new lines, quests, models, animations and voice acting. Literally half of the content of HoS and it'd make so many anons happy. I'd pay to have more of all the current waifus, and a chance with the Duchess, cerys, phillipa, an elf, a disgruntled Pricilla etc
>/gwt/ was far more active
False, the /gwt/ kept dying and it was the /wtc/ where their browsers found a refugee.
"The Witcher and Gwent General" is the only reasonable option when Gwent is a spin-off game of The Witcher series. Right now the title is "Mario & Luigi" while what you want is "Luigi & Mario" which is just silly.
False too, in the old /gwt/ thread the one guy obsessed over Gwent's own general even admitted that he was responsible of maybe 30% of that general's posts and that he even kept changing his typing style in an attempt to appear as different persons and make it seem more active (...). As a result, this is what /gwt/ looked like:
In reality there are maybe two or three guys complaining at max who are not willing to let go while the rest are happy. They should find better things to do with their lives and the rest should not give in to them.
I don't even understand why anyone would play Gwent without having love for the Witcher series as well. It's a mediocre game and you really need the nostalgia factor to enjoy it.
make a standalone /gwt/ and I'll post there, these autists talking about the same shit all the time is so stupid I don't feel like catching up on posts
>False, the /gwt/ kept dying and it was the /wtc/ where their browsers found a refugee.
gwt got more posts it just doesn't have the dedicated bumpers wtc has
I do have love for the Witcher series. The series of books.
>Download gwent again since after a couple of months without playing (like a week or so before the end of first season in open beta)
>Read about the Gold changes and Bran STILL being one of the most player lords
How the fuck can they be so incompetent? I'm gonna play a couple of matches to end my fix, but once I do I'm going away until the next update.
I started playing Gwent because of a Dota player/streamer and love the game even without the nostalgia factor. I've only read The Last Wish, but I do plan on finishing the rest and the games eventually. Gwent got me into the Witcher.
Gwent has no love for Witcher series, developers aiming to please people who has no love for Witcher series,
While I disagree I don't think that's really relevant. The reality was that /gwt/ was often gone after you got up from bed. People should grow up and learn to get along.
The one person/the few persons asking for a separate general should be ignored and they will be gone in a week or two if they truly hate this place. Unless they have absolutely no content in their lives.
>While I disagree I don't think that's really relevant
you can disagree about it being relevant but you can't disagree about it being true, gwt got 3-5x as many posts as wtc even as it died. go count on a vg archive.
I wonder how common is that. You should get to playing Witcher 3 asap while Gwent remains stale.
You have enough time to play the Witchers before next season, user.
Do what?
It doesn't matter if it had more posts. Once /gwt/ died, some of you moved to /wtc/ to seek refuge instead of making your own thread. We're slightly more consistent than that.
I can confirm to you that you will be able to craft all the multiplayer cards of Thronebreaker as a F2P player.
I don't find Gwent stale.
I'm a shitter (cap out at ~4.3k every patch since NG came into the game) I honestly have never run into the constant mill, restore Bran, or any other FotM cancer everyone complains about. Yeah, I do run into them, but not at the frequency a lot of people make it out to be. I would continue to play Gwent even without investing into the Witcher lore.
I guess I'm an outlier?
/gwt/ wants our waifu love to keep it alive
M8, don't call yourself a shitter based on MMR when it's just a matter of the deck you are playing and the amount of games you have played.
Well this would be a valid post if Skellige deck didn't suck ass those two DLC were purely for Gwent cards
A good lesson for all the netdeckers out there as well.
Well, /gwt/anons' waifu persecution does not bother me at all, because no user can ever taint the love I have for my husbando, so in that regard I don't mind them abusing our good will to bump the thread. What I find annoying is their constant complaints how dead/unenjoyable/x gwent has become while I still get a kick out of playing it. /gwt/ discussion is actually pretty scarce, so sure, I'll do my best to bump the thread, but if you're not actively talking about your game, why are you complaining that we're talking about waifus/TW?
was meant for:
>we've had to realize we just can't come up with an original and interesting story in a cyberpunk setting
>also there is that tiny bit of inconvenience that the engine will fucking burn AngryJoe's dual 1080 Titan to ashes 10 seconds after launching the game
wots a netdecker?
I think deep inside people like Gwent tbqh, it's just that people are frustrated when there's no new content. The waiting gets worse when you got hundreds of hours invested but it's still a pretty good and unique card game.
we need a /gwt/ asap
for what purpose?
gwt when
I understand. I guess I'm getting unreasonably capricious, because it's all still rather new and exciting to me, and I don't want to end up bitter and disappointed down the road. /wtc/ has genuinely spoiled me with its positivity and eagerness over the last few months. Thanks for that!
>yet another "we need /gwt/" whining post
>unique poster count does not increase
Anyhow, if Gwent starts feeling stale, try putting some new songs in the background, such as these remixes:
multiplayer games tend to have whiny & demanding communities that are never satisfied and are always moving on to the next thing to complain about