Nami edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn make Xayah verbally degrade herself and her race in exchange for Cock
>ywn send the recording to Rakan
xth for Syndra
>tfw no qt petite gf
life is hard
Cuck Queen Xayah would be better desu.
I'm going to start drawing a hentai comic about trynd getting cucked.
Wish me luck, its going to take a while.
Unfortunately I can't think of a fitting cuckake for her.
>tfw your support abandons you as you get raped by the enemy team in the jungle
Whats Poppys favorite drink other than human semen?
Suddenly I want a farmer Nami skin, or one for Fiddle when he gets a VGU.
monster semen
>no Bloodborne inspired Illaoi skin
>her idol will never be a giant church bell that bongs on W
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
It took me like 2 minutes to realize she was on a beach towel
Human piss.
Grape juice
who /nasus/ here
Which is your permabanned champion? someone you NEVER want to deal with in either team?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I want to feed her cummies
Gonna try to find some good sad panda fapping material, fap, and go to sleep.
Can you guys recommend me anything.
>only pick Ashe when I think we will lose game for sure because all my favorite ADC's have sub 50% winrates
>now all of a sudden I have a 68% winrate on Ashe with like 30 games
Takutamago Shoufu Naejena
When I literally cannot think of anything to ban I either default to Lee Sin, Fizz, or Thresh. I'd throw Yasuo in there but I haven't actually seen one in weeks.
At the moment I usually ban Janna though.
Has there been a season where Jarven IV hasn't been good?
>Dark Skin
I guess taking recomendations from /lolg/ wasn't a great idea.
Jarvan IV is a horrible example of misogyny in videogames.
His kit is heavily focused on penetration, with his dragon strike sundering his foes armor and it's ability to 'knock foes up'.
He heavily permeates rape culture, and it isn't just his Dragon Strike that is obviously supporting rape.
His shield 'Golden Aegis' "calls upon the ancient kings of demacia" to protect himself, Jarvan LITERALLY has the patriarchy protect his rapist ways and Jarvan's flag that he stabs into our mother earth is called the "Demacian Standard" so not only does he exemplify horrible overmasculinity with his focus on penetration and patriarchy, but he LITERALLY rapes the earth! and his flag's name implies this is normal for his culture, his RAPE CULTURE.
Not only that, but for his ultimate he rapes the earth so hard that he creates a huge crater, he DESTROYS the mother earth so hard that her vagina becomes a gaping ruined chasm - saying that unless you disfigure your partner during sex you are not a real man.
Season 5
Season 6
This question is better reserved for Orianna and Gragas.
>retarded birbposter has shit taste
>no Illaoi skin where she now has a huge as gauntlet on her arm to replace the jar that contains her god
>Her Q now summons a huge ass hand, W jumps and dunks a person, E throws a spectral hand to grab someone's spirit R jumps and punches the ground leaving a circle of runes in its wake and tentacles are now huge ass armored hands that squashes things
last season
The time period between the removal of armor on his E and this season. So about two or three years
Best guy!
NuEve buffs when?!
This gif and its context piss me off.
>xayah organizes a meeting with all the vastaya to retaliate against the evil humans
>ahri enters the scene
>sees rakan
>notices that xayah is busy talking to others
>ahri charms rakan and takes him deeper into the forest
>a few minutes later xayah realizes he's missing
>"honey, where are you?"
>she hears strange noises from behind a tree
>*thwap, thwap, thwap*
Which League girl(s) would be attracted to ugly fat virgins?
Too bad that game its going shittier with each patch, i really miss it
Is this list still true? Just reached high diamond.
heres how they will buff nu eve:
>buff everything except lowering the W prep time
>eve ends up op due to sheer numbers/they nerf her to a slightly underpowered state and call it a day
>buff her once or twice, at this point only her mains are playing her, upping her winrate to what appears to be balanced at first glance while shes still weak, then call it a day (like rework kindred.)
Just wait for her Arclight skin; Vel'koz got one. You'll get the bell at least :^)
Forgot Pic
>tfw your support holds them all back and dies so that you may live
p sure ahri just needs semen doesnt care what container it comes from
also the yordle girls
I hope you lose.
Which champ has the most satisfying autos? For me, it's Vi
I would've gotten this skin if it had a dragon hand pop up. VGU eventually. At least I have the Eye of the Dragon ward skin now.
Old Mafia Graves.
I will forever be pissed about what happened to the anime.
More like didn't appreciate his Legendary and dusted it early on in Hextech
what is this team comp?
but shyvana wants offsprings,jarvan shouldnt use his shield!
I will never trust my teammates to dodge hooks. Ever.
kys fag
>didn't diss /ourboy/ Dr. Quas
fair list
>Lulu Kog and three random unimportant cannon fodders
a teamcomp that wins
any xerath clubs with decent tags? colin? anybody?
You've got the touch.
honestly reading this seems like someone has insane insecurity or is unironically autistic. Why would someone even make a list of players who they think are boosted or just spewing random insults? Especially since this is made by EUW players and on NA players mostly, like they don't even play with the people on this list, its literally just judging them from streaming content or something.
Ornn when the target has brittle or Ekko
Is it hard Shen in soloq? I just got him out of a box.
Hello, I am the ugliest skin in all of League.
Shen's always hard user
Objectively wrong. Pugmaw is the most adorable skin and he is a GOOD BOY
>bronze no mastery lulu
What league girls are attracted to ugly skinny virgins?
That isn't dragonslayer Jarvan
>no dragonpussy waifu to forcibly milk my balls dry on an hourly basis
vi? her normal autos are clunky as fuck and very easy to cancel.
e is fine though
Holy fuck netorare is the worst fetish as it is, does it really have to drop the bar even lower with these ridiculously stupid plots? "Brothel that lets you impregnate another man's wife and they'll raise as their own", seriously? Did the author never once stopped and thought to himself, "oh wait that's just fucking retarded in every way shape and form"?
And that there are people who genuinely got off on that. That's the high water mark right there.
I like the sound they make
Any tips? He seems like a tankier Panth
Oh, those are fun momentstuff even in the unfortunate case of it being due to the ADC being a bit too gutsy. I love support for that more direct team play aspect. I'll miss it in ranked.
yare yare daze?!
Butakoma doujins are all basically the same plot but I like the art.
he's not a tankier panth
just practice and learn
Engage a trade with E+Q, walk out after the three autos, let him walk back near the wave, position so your Q will hit him on the way back, let the Q cooldown come back up a bit (the buff duration of your Q is long enough), when the buff is near expired go in with E, apply 3 empowered Q autos, then use Q again when the cd is back up
>play ad sion
>die in lane with dirk
>beat the shit out of the enemy jungler and toplaner who try to kill my passive for some reason while BMing me
>tfw I beat the fuck out of the jungler and force his toplaner to run away before he dies too
>tfw you realize ahri and eve compete for human juice now
>midlaner picks lux
>has to play against ziggs
Do you guys think she realized that Ziggs is literally the same champ as her except good?
What is the best passive in the game?
I love Camille
>inb4 yasuo because "2 passives"
I actually think braum's passive is the best. It's great in lane, great in skirmishes and still pretty good in lategame teamfights.
>Parries your knockup
Poor form!
>Overwatch gets Squidface cultist zenyatta
fuck you riot we want lovecraftian skins not gothic ones
In spite of the rest of him, Morde has a universally good passive
dear god stop fucking doing this stupid ass tumblr face holy shit this is worse than taliyah fucking gas yourself for even posting this you faggot
>*parries nothing, not even an autoattack, but wins the trade anyway*
en garde :DD
Anything simple that gives absurd base stats or can be kept up 24-7
Mordekaiser (?)
Warwick (its his lifesteal right?)
i am probably forgetting a ton more
Lovecraft is gothic, but aside from that you right
Woulda loved Mindflayer Viktor
>champion who's base skin is so bad that youre forced to buy a skin
I liked how Bloodborne was a cosmic horror game hiding inside a gothic horror game. That's why I think a gothic Illaoi skin could work. Because the tentacles and shit mean that lovecraft element is hiding behind the gothic one.
this year's halloween skins are worthless anyway
can't really defend them
olaf for sure
Annie. Try putting her passive on any other champion and they'd instantly be broken. Even something like Vayne would abuse it.
autistic mech rat