/dg/ - Destiny General
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>tfw no Holliday gf
>10 years of Halo led to this
pray for me to get Duunemarchers soon please
I hope you do, they are fun
how many IB ranks do you have /dg/
6th for 8 days, 1 hour, and 57 mins till a BEST version
>grind unfun IB for the arms
>lose all of my matches so far
>haven't even been able to get the fucking daily challenges done
>tilting so goddamn hard
Please Lord Salmon I need these. Give them to me and let me go.
Warlock 10 for the chest and boots.
Hunter 1 for the mask.
Titan 1 for the helm.
Warlock was a bastard but i got what i needed without undue suffering.
got to 13 and then the urge to grind went away
>Don't give a shit about IB weapons or armour
>Just want the shaders
Goddam it, Why can't I just trade tokens for shaders...
because that would be useful. keep playing :^)
what're you complaining about then? you get guaranteed shaders every package.
I need something to play, two questions
1. How big is the PvP focus of the game?
2. Is the aforementioned PvP P2W/grind2W?
>not making a daily sacrifice of dice and coins to our lord and saviour
If you want to talk things that are easy to "walk backwards and shoot" stormcaller is right up at the top of the list. Basically the same range as strikers ult, but no ability to warp sprint and the damage isn't immediate.
Reminder that the "Hunters are bad" meme means "Hunters don't have Pulse Grenades wah"
>1. How big is the PvP focus of the game?
Not huge? You can replay it endlessly but its not like you have to play a ton to get anything.
>2. Is the aforementioned PvP P2W/grind2W?
>but no ability to warp sprint
Its called Ionic Blink.
Level advantage is turned off in PVP and all weapons have fixed perks, so the only "grind" is just figuring out and getting whichever weapon works for you.
The only stuff you can pay for is cosmetics.
>Rep level 17
Not a single piece of armor
>icon forms titan symbol
>then hunter
>then warlock
>then blank
fourth subclass confirmed
Here is my honest answer for you user, and listen good.
It's shit, it's utter shit. If your entire interest in Destiny 2 is PvP I beg you to look somewhere else. No one should willingly have to subject themselves to such shit.
PvP is shit but it is a big focus
Not P2W and there is nothing to grind for and that's the big problem
Have you ever played warlock? You can blink a short distance in a straight line and it has a cool down. You cant clear a Vietnamese tunnel system in 2 seconds with it like you can striker.
I did the whole raid tonight, and I didn't get any tokens or keys, the chests didn't even give me the option to open them.
Am I retarded, or did I get a glitch?
>You can blink a short distance in a straight line and it has a cool down.
Similar cooldown to Striker's charge but with the added ability of going through enemies and disorienting them. On top of the intrinsic ability of Stormcaller to chain lightning between enemies making clearing out bunched enemies incredibly easy.
Have YOU ever played Warlock?
Yes you're retarded. You get tokens from every chest, and keys from completing every encounter.
have you already completed the raid once? rewards don't drop from the same chests twice
taken skolas
Where is that retard who used to keep spamming "I fucking can't wait to explore Nessus" before this game came out I want to laugh at you again before I go to sleep.
From this
To this
>You get tokens from every chest, and keys from completing every encounter.
You need to read better.
Ran the raid for the first time last week, guess I thought you could just run it ad nauseam. Everything resets for other characters, I assume?
I'm not talking about the soldier bash, I'm talking about his Mach 10 sprint he can use through the entirety of his super. Overall the warlock moves like a slug while the striker is generally usain bolt.
Also 3-tick chain lightning is worse in every way than an immediate aoe OHKO with a intrinish dash forward.
You spammed that shit every day like an autist and nothing came of it. There was nothing to explore.
>Ran the raid for the first time last week
Define last week. Raids get reset every weekly reset (Tuesday 5 am EST). You get rewards for running it the first time each weekly reset.
the icon confirms a fourth class
1. no it doesn't
2. i can't believe i took your bait
have you not seen the video?
>Guys. I can't wait to explore Nessus
Like the definition of autistic cuck.
Not really sure, but it ust've been after Tuesday though. I guess I'm just retarded for not knowing about the raid reset.
Guess I need to start grinding shit on my Warlock.
Heaven forbid if I actually make a hunter just to farm tokens.
I'm not even the same user you replied to I have no fucking idea why you are having an autistic spout
>I have no fucking idea why you are having an autistic spout
This is largely been my reaction to the thread for the last week, or so.
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about if you think striker is fast lmao.
>I can't wait to FUCKINGexplore Nessus
Every day with this autistic shit posted here daily and there is nothing to explore. Thats the best part. Your expectations were dashed.
it takes a special type of mind to fully appreciate this general
i dont even think the raid is fun i hate it so kuch but i want the helmet for fashion
>special type of mind
What about special eyes?
ill remember this when we are playing the new fourth class and the icon changes to be a dick in ur ass
starting from 0 tokens tomorrow at around 5:30 PM EST, is it possible to get the seasonal reward?
There is an autist who used to spam here every fucking hour "I can't wait to explore Nessus" on this general like 2 months leading to release. Turns out there is nothing to explore so I enjoy laughing at that autist.
What event is going on this week once IB is over?
will bendydick sweeperbot gib prestige gear for turning in tokens? will we be forced to endure trash drop rates from the prestige raid? hmm
Can we all just take a second to appreciate how beautiful and humongous Nessus is? In Destiny 1 the background buildings would never be accessible and with such detail depth and size like the drills are, this one area out of many on the planet, I simply do not know what to say.
There isn't one. Prestige Raid starts Wednesday at 1pm EST but thats it.
yes. you need 200 tokens. you have plenty of time. ive gotten like 5-10 packages a day by doing the challenges on 3 characters and then a few filler matches.
There is nothing to do or see in Nessus. Nothing to explore. It is just another area cut from D1 that they made into its own thing. If you think otherwise you are delusional.
Faster than stormcaller? Can he sprint or no?
>11 packages
>1 armor peice
was it Jiro because that's where the Welcome One meme that caused you to have this autistic episode came from?
>lost sectors
>I can't FUCKING WAIT to explore Nessus
There is nothing to explore user.
The thing that is on every planet that gives you underwhelming loot? That thing?
You spammed that message so many times but there is nothing to do or explore in Nessus. You were so disappointed.
seek help
>I wanr ro FUCKING explore Nessus
Nothing to explore....... : (
Here's your fucking (You) for your 400000 karma post you fucking faggot
Never have I seen so much bullshit in a single post.
thanks for the (you)'s fuckbois
Is this supposed to be funny? What is it with you retards and your retard humor? Fuckboi wow dude you are so funny holy shit.
>arms dealer
>inverted spire
>savathuns song
>exodus crash site
in that indisputable order
And the only reason I got 10 was so I could get the emblem.
And in those ten ranks, half were hand cannons, and one was a helmet.
Add shit drop rates on top of me already not liking destiny 2s pvp, and I have next to no reason to play.
What about the Taken one?
You sound like one fuckable fuckboi.
Keep acting like that and you gonna get dicked.
Xbox pleb detected
Fucking gross.
Wow gibberish words holy shit holy shit you are funny. Wow. This site attracts a lot of autistic fucking weirdos. Go get laid.
I met all my mates on 360, so we all migrated to Xbone together. Destiny hates us.
Boy you really are a fuckboi.
You got a tight boipussy to go with that? Cuz if you want me to get laid I'll lay the shit out of you.
Go get laid loser. You'll stop talking like an autist hen.
Hens can't have autism sweetie nor can they talk.
But like I said I'll fuck the shit out of you~
>Farmed IB for a total of 8 hours this weekend
>Only got the Hunter Cloak and gauntlets
Fuck you Bungie, seriously. Fuck you. All I wanted was the fucking helmet and I got the gauntlets THREE(3) different times
you're the winner here user, fuck console wars
friends are better
Go get laid this is embarrassing.
We can fix that problem together user.
>using the word fuckboi unironically
How do your parents mess up this badly?
I really can't wait until Veeky Forums as a whole gets passed the current phase of thinking American interracial cuckold pornography references are the height of comedy and humor.
>not letting anons smash your boipussy unironically
How did your parents mess up this badly?
blame the liberal jew media. cant take the phone or tv away or that would be cruelty and child abuse :^)
Like I hope you curse out your parents for raising a failure kid for talking like this?
be with me c:
Anyone have any tips for trying to find Sweet Business? Do i just have to get lucky with an exotic engram?
The only people who think cucking isnt funny are cucks themselves
Or people that realize it's been beat to death user. When every other post on this site is cucking, it gets old fast. Inb4 failsafe cuck guy posts the pic.