/gw2g/ - Guild Wars 2 General

How have the mods not done anything about the spambot edition

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

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There are way, way worse, but they aren't retro.

What's even the point of traveling to Japan these days? It's basically just "San Francisco 2: Asia Edition".

>ogric wrath is a spell

I'm on a luck based run in F4, should I take Mysterious stranger? I'm not really sure if he is worth it.

>Bill the N64 Goth
hearty kek

fucking amazing. thanks. will be back with likely complaints after the eye.

I bet they're fast as fuck too, gotta be horrifying, like a mixture of lost planet 2 and resident evil 4

it's a fucking terrible game with a press f to win button - which is ok in objective based games where kills dont matter like battlefront, but is fucked up here because kills are all that matters.

>game ends in 5 minutes
Honestly what the fuck do you survivor idiots find fun about doing a gen, literally never interacting with the killer then leaving the game?

A lot of people telling Gil to not do things, followed by him doing them. At some point it shifts to being about him being sad that his bro is dead

Oh, never mind.

Boy you really are a fuckboi.

You got a tight boipussy to go with that? Cuz if you want me to get laid I'll lay the shit out of you.

>Aoi Nagisa art
>any TA Asuka scene

I want to impregnate Totori

Concentration and meditation aren't the same thing.

To make afk dosh on multiple accounts at the same time.


An actual RE game.

>Almost done with Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
>Don't want to finish it since it will be over

feels bad


>QUMP is complete
Why is it so great?

Also I'm pretty sure this is the reason they changed Quake Live from F2P to B2P
I'm happy QC is failing

He redrew the character portraits for Warsong.


I thought having a Robot dragon was kinda weird. Mecha Dragon stood out in MM2.

Same experience for me with Driver 2 and Chicago.

1. Isle of Thunder
2. Timeless Isle


3. Tanaan Jungle
4. Argus

5. Molten Front
6. Isle of Quel'Danas
7. Broken Shore

yes CT copied ultima 2 because they're both video games and they both have time travel

Yes, this is the injection help desk. How may we assist?

Because people buy it at that price.

Supply and demand at work, here.

Are you just some loser that didn't pull two.. no wait, you didn't even pull one Neph, did you? kek.

I'm genuinely sorry you can't use Wrath, but that doesn't give you the right to shit on the guy's waifu.

>tfw I bought into the bitcoin meme before the boom

I lied.


Did we miss the anniversary date?

I married Gray, everyone else pissed me off and having someone else as pissed off as I was in the game was refereshing. He appreciates sticks and is a pretty cool guy.

>implying it doesn't fit 2 avatars

>~ara ara~
>you don't want an old lady like me!
I-It's not fucking fair

Never played 3 so I can't say. Care to post some examples?

Indeed. It is better than real hardware.

Stalker is like 1 million times better than Grabbag.

>You can't buy this game anymore.
Truly, a piece of art was lost.

>senran dating sim
which senran are YOU gonna date first, user?

Hell no. Don't base it off of your combat specialty. Base it off who you think is the most justifiable or reasonable. And keep in mind: The House Always Wins.

theres a bug at end of credits that it dosent go back to titlescreen when u beat the game. also one piece of text isnt transalted

Waiting for?

And yes, I am powerless to stop you! Please, anything but more butts!

I just put them on a boat in Black Gate. Too bad you can't get boats early on Serpent Isle. And I don't think you can teleport a whole room into the Silver Seed part of the game.

Dynamo is DEFINITELY high iq
cant get the top in painting with this shit

>would be greatly improved by a dick in the mouth
What did blizz mean by this?

HOly shit this game. Man. Hours and hours of fun and frustration, but that was like 20 years ago, and I honestly don't remember much but the emotion associated with it.

I should play it again.

What does 6DOF mean?


Wha-what am I fighting fooooor!?

same, i just never deleted the backup

Moar pls

Controllers are not an issue. I've heard good things about 8bit do

I'm still using Ogma on my main team, but god fucking dammit I love all these amazing freebies. I don't even know if I need to bother with Wrath on her. She seems ready to go after getting a support and C skill. Weeeew laaads.

was this supposed to be a remake or sequel? some of the bosses look new and others look old

Sega CD was also gonna get a Cocoron game under a different name, but it wasn't finished

I'm half serious. I honestly think it's a shit game but it's the only one I can think of with decent customization.

please dont do this

> but at least the playerbase is loyal

the "playerbase" is people who just dickride the game and don't play it- it's why 3s has zero offline scene outside of japan other than TFC and gutter trash

Servers down?

>Not wanting QC to become the SSB of FPS

It gets alot of flak, but I thoroughly enjoy Super Hydlide.

Can you guys calm down on making a shit ton of threads?

Nice work fags

Theres someone who has been spamming our threads for months with a bot that posts things from other generals because he doesn't like gw2 or something and the mods have done jack shit. Whoever made those threads are at least bringing attention to the issue.

is this onkko questline how I unlock fishing?

Is there a clean upload yet?

I don't quite get what you mean

Look up the basic function of an underwear and try asking it again.

Considering I'm still thinking about season 3, and played all the most lynchian shit I could find lately (Silver Case is actually doing a good portrayal of how David Lynch handles cops) I'm hype as hell.

>you want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?

Super Dany
Lemmings series

Like I said earlier, the raspberry pi seems more in line with people who want to tinker rather than just play the damn game. Last time I checked you need to use ini files to set up controls and all other manner of bullshit


the biggest difference is you have multiple heroes instead of 1 hero.
and m&m isn't a dungeon crawler, but the early ones were

Crack when

I suppose it's to prevent cheating. Like, some fighting games had fairly high poly 3D models because they were rendering pretty much nothing else.

They really should bump quality of theyr games and also pc ports. Since Ys Lacrimosa and Persona 5, its hard to see or play games like this.

I think I managed to play that game for maybe a minute.

I panic most of the time

what did xycraft do other than the multiblock tanks?

The growth is locked to each class and is applied on level up.

All video games are just reinterpretations of The Odyssey user. Just think about it.

>playing MMOs in 2017
You must really hate yourselves to do that cause literally every single player game now is a MMO with all annoying bits (server-based token gameplay, forced grouping with mute autists) removed.


oh are we being serious

But Destiny 2 has already been released.

HOly shit this game. Man. Hours and hours of fun and frustration, but that was like 20 years ago, and I honestly don't remember much but the emotion associated with it.

I should play it again.

What does 6DOF mean?

You just can't.

Is there any others even ?

its super cute
good taste, user

here's the aero
but im not gonna try getting top kills with it
thats too much


But that would have put Nintendo of America at the mercy of Jack Tramiel.

Nucleotides, cant remember if un-matter and un-core drops there, probably not. But yeah Nucleotides

i'm playing through HL2E2 for the first time and this shit is annoying me no end, even on FIRST playtrhough. It's terrible. In retrospect Half Life probably was the single most cancerous FPS ever created.

>see you in rayman 4!
it hurts

wow cute