Previous thread: >Where do I look up tanks?
>Want to do clan stuff?
Blitz: BENIS
Previous thread: >Where do I look up tanks?
>Want to do clan stuff?
Blitz: BENIS
>weeb OP picture
Fuck off weebs.
First for NOPAN best clan.
anime is the cancer killing /wotg/
If we /wotg/ accepted anime the thread would not have died and moved on to discord. Just maybe.
Better dead than weeb.
Don't give weebhaters (You)'s
But if we don't occasionally feed them the thread really will die.
Here is the link for the PS4 clan, I can't believe I never bothered to provide it before
I hope for another collaboration between WG and whoever currently owns the GuP franchise. I think it's Bandai.
I'm relatively new to the game, I think this game is enjoyable, it's not without it's faults but as it is I think it's good and WG is improving the game.
However, when I read what older players talk about it seems that the game has only degraded for them, was the game better before than it is now?
I also read that apparently a few years back the quality of players was also better where every player would be more cooperative and knowledgeable.
Im not even a weeb, but
>muh genes tell me to have children and leave single mothers everywhere or just deal with a bitch untill i die
Thats literally a nigger.
It seems unlikely now that GuP is making it's own game. It's shame that it's probably gonna end up being musoushit in tanks.
ok /r9k/
They already got the voices, can't they just move them over?
i want to sniff breakneckembryo wifes feet
Because that's an official unofficial mod.
WG probably doesn't have to pay GuP anything for that mod to exist, if they add it into the game and not as a mod, they'd have to make a proper deal.
>was the game better before than it is now?
Yes OP premiums aside, the number one problem is that WG keeps nerfing old legends into oblivion or removing them from the game entirely. At this point a new player would be better starting off on Xbox or PS4 if they want to get the full game and experience the glory days.
I'll never forget how retarded mm used to be, and how you could fuck over a Maus easily by just blocking it with literally anything because physics wasn't a thing.
>marry and reproduce are the final goals of /r9k/
Thought it was just fuck an actual (not trap) cunt...
Are there any videos of early WoT with matches like that? I'm pretty interested in seeing a game with a fucked MM like that.
I think theres a video of a KV destroying a Maus because 152mm HE was a lot stronger back then than it is now.
And yes, the KV was a tier 5 with a 152mm gun. Fun and balanced game comrade
as someone who isnt a shitter and is playing since 7.0 i can tell you the game is in a much better state now.
it seems people already forgot old skycancer and MM and these changes are very recent.
when i started playing the KV-1 was a monster and only the PZ4 with the l70 could counter it at the tier and the unnerfed type was a thing with the old pre nerf angled armor that was 200mm effective and at this time gold ammo for credits wasnt a thing.
people bitch about the defender when the type was much much stronger at the time.
there are many dark things from WoTs past that people seem to have conveniently forgotten.
shit like pre camo nerf TDs, old skycancer (the really old version that made the game unplayable at high tiers), pre nerf american heavy autocancer, pre nerf and post nerf WTE100, i can go on and on really.
the fact is the game is currently in the best state it ever was, ill take the broken tier 8 MM we have now over the old version that would throw you in a game with 12 tier 10s in your tier 8.
and the skycancer change singlehandedly made the game fun again for me (i prefer they didnt exist at all but ill take this version over the last by a huge margin)
The Kv-2 also had HEAT with 200mm of penetration.
I found a cyka blyat video of a platoon of Mauses steamrolling a bunch of KV-2s. WoT used to look like hammered shit.
You couldn't get it without gold though, so I never used it, never seen it get used either.
Old, old arty was absolutely disgusting. Made playing anything that wasn't a speedyboi impossible, and even then you'd get oneshot because no accuracy nerfs. Shits a lot better these days despite complaints.
M46 best tank in the game, prove me wrong.
you literally cant
Name a tier 8 worse than this. I fucking dare you.
you literally can't
I'm tempted to say Pershing, but at least that has gun depression, good premium ammo, and the mantlet can bounce lower tiers.
How could you even begin to think that Pershing could be anywhere near as bad as a VTU?
It has 300 less dpm, less standard pen, worse gun handling, turns slower and also accelerates a lot slower; but like I said earlier, the pershit has a partially usable mantlet, decent premium ammo and actual gun depression.
whats that point if the leopard 1?
it doesn't even have amazing gun handling to make up for the fact its a paper tank in a corridor map meta.
i mean if atleast had 0.28 accuracy and 0.8 dispersion around the board it could be somewhat useable but in its current state i see no point in ever grinding for it.
KV-4, Panther II, AT-15, AMX AC 48 (before patch) are all dumpster fires
Well that didn't take very long. It only took 7 games. I thought I had blew it by going back to base instead of farming a full health skoda but I had hit a few blind shots.
I'll give you the pre patch AMX TD, but the Panther got buffed and the only real problem with the KV-4 is that the motherfucker needs two fire extinguishers.
I want to buy tiger 131. Am i retarded?
Which one look better?
This one.
KV-4 is too slow for the MM it constantly gets
The VTU isn't good but its got good alpha for a tier 8 medium and at least some mobility
>1st class posting
I also want to buy it but mainly just for the crew.
>gay posting
>autistic weeb posting
>even censoring his name
>somehow I'm the gay one
really makes you thingk
what line is most T H I C C
You're retarded.
The game has never been worse with OP premiums all over and more sure to come, with everyone loading gold rounds so they can compensate for lack of skill and with matchmaking more broken than it ever was.
>Tiger 131
>not Tiger 217
How does her top half look that good?
That MG42 is sexy but I'd take 12 rounds a minute and pref MM over it any day.
ok newfag
Should I be using the 105mm or the 88mm for the TVP, the extra alpha comes in handy but the gun handling is dreadful. Neither one really makes the tank seem better.
she ate too many krabby patties
The 88mm is the better choice purely because it has better gun handling. You're better off doing 240 reliably than 320 when rng wills it. Your best bet is using the 100mm with full HEAT because the top guns have garbage pen anyway
I used the 105 despite the less dpm and gun depression but either gun is viable
I mostly just played this tank for x3 and x5 events until about 30k left then I just ground it out so I could get the credits to buy either the Foch 155 or IS-4 I cant remember.
MG 34
>Your best bet is using the 100mm with full HEAT because the top guns have garbage pen anyway
I legit thought about doing this but console has a different upgrade system than PC that doesn't allow for nearly as much mix and match with modules. If I wanted to use the 100mm I would have to use the stock as well and fuck that.
I'm thinking I prefer the 105mm too. The damage isn't as consistent but it's great for picking up kills.
>mines looks like Cyprus
>cliff looks like Cyprus
>abbey looks like Cyprus
cyka blyat
*If I wanted to use the 100mm I would have to use the stock engine as well
What's up with the stupid package system anyway. Is there a reason why console doesn't have the module system from PC?
It simplifies the upgrade system for us console dummies. For the most it's not that bad but it really fucks you when it comes to shared modules. I have to use a completely stock IS with a tier 6 85mm even though I have at least of two of the guns already unlocked. It makes the the enhanced torsion bars completely useless on console since there only purpose was to increase the weightload of a tank without upgrading the tracks.
Got to keep the t34 and got the t30 free
Didn't get to keep the lorr and only got the fake batshit
Why would they Jew people so hard ?
The Czech MoEs look weird, until now I always thought people had two marks when I saw them.
yellows can't even cap correctly. Some sumbfuck in an O-Ho stood in the middle of field trying to cap instead of hiding behind a building so the cap got reset.
E50M is trash
What brawling heavy tank line do you think I should play?
> brawling heavy
That joke never gets old
HD maps design doctrine seems to have flattened out most of the terrain so gun depression won't be as meaningful in the future. moreover, flatter maps means less places to hide which increases the value of armor.
e100 might actually be meta again
Chinese it is I guess
I was the same way with the germans until I got one. \
>Tigers long 88 starts creeping out, see the rings on the end.
>oh fug
>he drives out into 3 TDs and gets blapped
yea turns out that was just one mark xd
what do you mean desu? IS3 and up brawls very well, as do the t8 chink heavies
> implying gold isn't plentiful at tier 7 and up
An enemy scorp g was spamming it in a tier 8 game do the math
ironic that a bunch of potato farmers would make a game for potato farmers, and make their own nations tanks die to gold in a heart beat, something the potato farmers could never afford
>brother asked to re-download WoT after 4 years
Czechs? Sweden with some meme TD modes? What is going on?
Meh I keep all gold on the firefly as it is a monster with it
The amount I lose is irrelevant when you have 4 tier 8 prems
Start shooting gold and watching selloutbaby and set yourself free
the game is no longer fun
game is as it was 2-3 years ago
you just have become jaded
Well I figured this much out. 2 battles in my favorite tanks and I felt nothing but frustration, due to me being especially bad
Sweede td's are stealthier than ISUs, have fucking stupid accuracy and pen, but meh alpha. czech tanks are just about worse in tier unless they're auto loaders T4,6,9,10). they tend to have smaller mags but faster unload speeds and faster reloads
yeah fuck that. wg removed all chat and that was actually half the game
Only 10000 more EXP until I'm done with the Lee, see
Also, onesided 5/15 battles are annoying as hell. Why are they so frequent?
it only takes a few to die early on to create a snowball effect
because this game snow balls extremely hard. like in starcraft, lets say 10 marines die to 10 mutas, but you'll still lose 8 mutas. if you have 15 mutas and they still only have 10 marines, you blow the fight out much harder by killing them so much faster, you might only lose 1 muta. same thing in tanks. 4 meds pooking each other, 1 dies to an arty or by getting tracked or something, that whole flank call fall apart if people abuse their DPM and health advantage. being up 2.5k dpm in a 15v15 is not massive, but being up 2.5k dpm in a 4v3 is, which means the other three tanks might die before getting even on of the others, leaving 4 meds alive and now you're down 6k dpm and 8k hp
Lemming trains
I have won so many battles where I was defending one flank while 14 of my allies leemingrd through the enemies on a flank and just capped
But if they stop you are fucked which produces the snowball effect
How much credits do you get from a good T6 game without prem?
The Blitz version of the tank has her voice
Yeah yeah. Rub it in my face.
>All RU region servers shitted themselves
Does this happens often?
Why does the Tiger (P) have to be so horrible?
Not the oldest in youtube but there you have, no arty vs arty, 1 tier 7 vs no tier 7 and tier 5 scouts at tier 10 (they were really good at the time)
The Object 430 II is just horrendous, man. 201 penetration on tier 9? Fuck off! This shit wagon is a money rip-off scheme.
Jingles has one from 5 years ago
T34 vs type 59
I assume you mean a T-34 medium?
well that just seems like a fair match up
if silver rounds have 200 pen, for your gold rounds would you rather have 250 APCR pen, or 260 HEAT pen?
Am I oldfag since I remember matches like that. Although T-34 had access to 100 mm gun. Main reason people though Type 59 is OP is that you could not pen its front with 170 mm penetration and they could solo any number of tier 7s and lower.
I also remember fighting KV-5 with my stock Pz IV.
> 260 heat
> 250 apcr
are we talking a td or med ? or what ?
if td apcr since it flies faster
med generally heat although it jews into tracks so fucking often because lulz