TSM best international NA team edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Best couple
I want to put a Human baby inside this slutty vastayan.
homosexuality is a plague on humanity
But girls loving girls is the source of a magical girl's power, user!
Stop posting lewd pics of your trash tier waifus
Nobody gives a shit and you are making others
laugh at your pathetic existence.
>girls loving girls as a magical source
>not (alien) semen
You've never watched a magical girl anime have you. They're all man-hating raging lesbos.
Were you blown away
by yet another
Let me lend you a tentacle
Our favourite washed up shitter is streaming!
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana
Mid Tier: Jinx, Akali, Fiora, Caitlyn, Riven, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Soraka, Janna
So Submissive She Can't Even Talk Tier: Sona
I was blown away
raking in 200 points
by beating
you should kill yourself, stop being homophobic, world would be beautifull place without people like you
>decide to try out some ORNN since he got buffed so much
>make a full precision page + magic pen glyphs and take some extra pen through T lords precision/T lords mastery
>go Abyssal,Liandries and Steraks
>literally 100-0 the enemy ADC at a Baron fight
the actual fuck is this champion?
why does his W deal 33% of the enemys MAXIMUM hp???? why does his ult deal like 500 damage base + 13% max hp from Brittle if you hit both partS?
this is actually Tahm Kench levels of bullshit damage/Tankiness
it's called free speech you fucking fag-loving nigger. It's in the constitution. Read it once in your life.
>see this in your game
what do you do
Tell that to Sailor Moon. Or Sakura Kinomoto.
win because silver players are garbage
What champion can I play when I want to stACK my teammates with daggers?
Free speech protects you from government persecution. It doesn't prevent people from calling you a cunt and shunning you.
>58% winrate over 97 games
Celebrate because that's better than 80% of yas players
I am sick and tired of cunts like you trying to stop me from hating gays.
yo my game just got dropped on EUW, anyone experiencing the same?
The good thing about homosexuals is that their degenerate behavior kills them.
AIDS affects primarily homosexuals, because god forbid they actually control their urges instead of fucking everything they can or let people know they have an STD first.
free speech should be illegal
I would impregnate MF but only if I get to cum inside while looking at her eyes and holding hands with her
ah, here it shows once again what gay people are all about. Fascism and communism.
This is your team for today
what bronze rank they are?
any OCE anons wanna play some EXCELLENT VIDEO GAMES?!
I want to impregnate SG MF while shooting the remaining load at SG Ahri's uninterested face. while she's using her phone.
>you will never have doublelifts flawless positioning
Well, that's your problem, isn't it? Just deal and wait for ganks, League of Legends.
Honestly TSM deserves to be 6th. They've been consistently the top NA team. That must count for something.
Sure. ign?
>LITERALLY two cuck votes
Lolicon Xtreme
they should be 7th. they should not be above kt.
>implying MF would let you waste even one drop of cum outside her womb
> That must count for something
No it doesn't deluded burger, they lost against Flash Wolves
NuEve is would marry levels of pretty.
Tango is fucking gorgeous.
fuck off. They got lucky. Bjergsen was on a bad champion with a bad comp.
Do platform heels give anyone else a huge fucking boner
1.WE got out
2.Misfits got out
3.TSM didn't
They had awful games each time and were trashed by every team in their group. If Misfits are rank 15, TSM can't be higher than 16
My guess is Diamond 4
Good old days
It's heels + fishnets or stockings that does it for me
Especially those ones that have a clasp around the ankle holy shit that gets me DIAMONDS
Only when imagining getting leg-locked by them.
Same family,
Bitches like SG MF and Ahri need to be taught a lesson using alien cock, user.
I really want her Shadow skin and this one especially because Shadow is really cheap but I promised myself I would never give Rito another cent. Maybe someone will gift it to me or I'll get a skinshard.
>tango eve doenst do the tango as her dance
>doesnt do the tango with Tango TF either
One fucking job
you've shown you can do it with xayah/rakan
>toxic in chat all the time, flame literally every game
>never say nigger, faggot, gook or kys
>never even had a chat restriction
>why does his W deal 33% of the enemys MAXIMUM hp
because riot's answer to everything
Shadow looks a bit weird ingame because of the hair
Tango is 10/10 perfection though. Masquerade is not bad either, and the thief one is still decent.
>2 smites on red team
is this a new meta?
>ywn be a big dicked tentacle monster
>ywn capture the Star Guardians and aggressively impregnate them
no shit sherlock it's common knowledge there are the words that get you banned
I don't think "gook" has any impact though
Shadow eve is a nice skin, I like the backing animation it screams nu eve
i like backing over someones corpse so they see me wave goodbye
tango looks nice, but brought down by masquerade is pretty good because that booty, and i have a thing for burlesque
safecracker is the worst one and looks like vayne in leather jumpsuit not to say thats a bad thing
more precisely, it's how riot creates tanks nowadays
i want to get riven addicted to heroin then make her do sexual favours for drugs!
Needless complication, she already does sexual favors for food or shelter
I really like new Eve. I don't know how good she is but she is really fun to play.
Gook does in OCE where the slant eyes run rampant
Riven is pure and is for feeding and giving a blanket and a place to spend the night.
I hope when Vayne gets her inevitable VU riot makes her even sexier.
I doubt it. No one wants to fuck a hobo
>tfw Riot specifically stated that tanks should have their damage trimmed down so that they focus more on applying CC
>Let's release NuGalio that is capable of bursting down squishies
>Let's buff Cho'gath to be able to one shot
What kind of panties do you think SG Miss Fortune wears? Something frilly or something more mature?
>Riot ever doing what they say they'll do
They keep saying we won't have a tank meta, but its always tank meta. Tanks were never not meta in this game. What's worse is they can't balance the items/champs to a degree that you can have multiple viable strategies.
Same as Ahri's so they can trade panties without anybody noticing.
MF goes bare to give Void Cock's easy access.
>tfw want to ask a diamond player to play with me but afraid they'll be offended at a silver shitter asking them to play
to the gook that made this gif
fuck you for triggering my autism because you couldnt make the particles work properly
I wouldve gladly played with you if you hadn't posted this and acted like a ERPing anime poster
In fact I've never declined people adding me and just asking to play with me, so far
Why do ranked games making me so mad?
Should i stop play ranked for a while or keep inting?
keep inting
it's the only way to climb
Even bronze players?
Not him but kill yourself.
>tfw Riot created only one perfect Tank champion that isn't bullshit, AD Sion shenanigans aside yet still is fun to use and can be viable
I really fucking wish Riot was better at balancing.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind. In fact, it's far more likely you'll be the one who loses their shit if they pick something you deem 'off-meta' or play for kicks and giggles rather than engaging hard carry mode.
korean guy talking that american team with only 2 americans in is AMERICANS last hope
why is this so funny
what's funny is that they got an easy group and now the easiest quarterfinal draw on top of that
best login screen and music ever
What about open-crotch panties though? It's not like she'd be prepared to get raped while doing her missions while seducing young girls and boys to pick their cherries
I actually like Sion althought he feels too bland compared to shitters like Camille with damage, true damage, %damage, %heal, AD/AP shield, mobility tool with another mobility, immunity, block zone while sion is just like: Smash. Shield. Charge.
Cho is supposed to be a Juggernaut not a tank
nuGalio is STRONK early but late his only relevant damage is his Q
I think theres a pretty clear distiction between champs like Darius,Illaoi,Urgot DPS and Galio/Rammus DPS
>Implying WE won't shit on them
They're NA after all, all they know how to do is choke, even with half the team being gooks.
xth for Syndra
Redemption, Solari and Warmogs on Bard
>Implying you can go back to human dick after getting bred by superior Void Cock
>Easy group
Compared to what?
Edg was considered better than these teams going into the tournament and better than most during the tournament
RNG are better but they beat them in lpl final
WE? Edg also beat them in lpl
Flash wolves
The only easy team was AHQ who beat SKT once, C9 was just lucky EDG shit the bed week 1
Remove warmogs and replace it with righteous/mikhael's/knight's vow and you're good to go.
Riot should do more vocal login screens that. youtube.com
Abloo abloo, ERPing with anime pictures like a weak limbed fucker is part of muh board culture!!
Too many of the new login screens just drop the bass.