Put down the guns, MODS. Let's calm down
danganronpa thread
Put down the guns, MODS. Let's calm down
danganronpa thread
V4 when?
>deleted last thread in the middle of user making quality OC
Who has the worst love hotel scene and why is it Kirumi?
Is Mikan a slut?
Imagining that, his super finishing move could be pretty amazing.
>Korekiyo whips out the Caged Child book
>the cage, sickle, cloth and the dog statue drop on the opponent from above
>the stage turns dark
>Korekiyo starts to sing
>you hear footsteps, THUNK and the screeen flashes pink
>the light turns back on and there's a pool of blood under the cage
>Korekiyo closes the book
V2 Anime when
>Another danganronpa anime
s-stop it you fool
I would watch even a V3 anime just for the memes.
Is she a druggie?
52 episode long anime series each episode showing a different killing game
Who would win?
the fatter one
>sith kiyo vs jedi kiyo
I think the one covered in chains wins, he looks cooler.
Reminds me of Jojo ASB
Just finished v3 and good fucking Lord if they make a new one and don't immediately retcon this game DR can go fuck itself.
>every episode is like the student council massacre
These mods are the worst in years. I guess other boards are getting shit on by them too.
below average iq post
Give it a few days. You're still in the anger phase.
Why are these threads so autistic?
Thank god this thread came up, I was nearly forced to head to avatarfag general for my DR discussion.
I can tell you right now I'm not going to come around to it. I hate this type of twist with every fiber of my being. I might even hate it more than "It was all a dream".
/drg/ is still worse
Because it's danganronpa, and it's shit, also because Veeky Forums invaded.
>these threads
Have you seen /drg/?
Pecking Peko pussy with your prick!
>implying half of these posters aren't from /drg/
These threads really aren't that much different honestly.
I like the Truman Show plot more than "High school gyaru destroys the world because it's her fetish" to be honest.
I fucking hate Peko
Who the fuck keeps making these threads? How autistic do you have to be to like this boring fucking literally who VN?
half is still better than all of them
>Hero, Main Girl, Rival
>Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya(kind of)
>Hajime, Chiaki, Nagito
>Shuichi, Maki, Kokichi
There's less circlejerking and talk about weird sexual things I'd rather not know about in here.
Now this is pure bullshit.
>dangan threads deleted or moved to vg on site
>no one bans baconfag for avatarfagging
/drg/ is beyond the impossible in terms of circlejerking avatarfags
We'll have to ban a lot of people for avatarfagging, so much that DR threads will go back into /acg/ tier at Veeky Forums.
Believe me, Junko is not my bag either, but it's a plot contrivance and something needed to happen so whatever. I hate the Junko stuff but I loved what was going on with the Remnants of Despair and Future Foundation and the world falling into chaos and trying to rebuild, that was all really cool to me. It's all gone now though, for something that I don't think is particularly interesting and following this up would be super fucking lame. Also, Ultimate Cosplayer can't turn into real people but then none of the characters are real anyways but she still can't cosplay as the characters because.....? That was really fucking stupid.
>chiakipajeet is dead
at least we have that
So, let me get this straight.
If DR V3 was a reality show and they ran an audition for their casts, were Shuichi and the rests a real person to begin with in DR V3 universe that somehow turned into a "real fiction" thanks to the power of DR team?
Or was that memory of getting auditioned also a false one and they were actually a fiction from the start?
I liked the game but fuck this bullshit ending though. Then again, DR has always had bullshit twist since forever.
>It's all gone now though
It's not. Those games and their events still happened, they're just their own self contained stories.
>Also, Ultimate Cosplayer can't turn into real people but then none of the characters are real anyways but she still can't cosplay as the characters because.....? That was really fucking stupid.
I genuinely believe that this was a lie and something Tsumugi came up with as a convenience to Danganronpa's viewers. Imagine watching this show and everyone having to question the possibility of Tsumugi being the culprit every time a body showed up. It'd be obnoxious.
>It's not. Those games and their events still happened, they're just their own self contained stories.
Where is that stated?
"Being fiction" just means having fake memories. They were always real people, but we don't know for sure if the auditions were real or not.
They were real people whose memories and personalities were rewritten. They can't just make people out of thin air user, Dangan hasn't reached that level of magic bullshit yet.
to beh onest, it would be better if they continue V3 and retconned DR1-3 sinc Junko universe never made any sense while killing game reality show is closer to realistic appreach.
Shuichi himself stated that somewhere, sometime, Hope's Peak might have existed.
>It's not. Those games and their events still happened, they're just their own self contained stories.
Nah they pretty explicitly get retconned as being fake. That is until something new comes out and says v3 is all bullshit, which I hope they do.
>I genuinely believe that this was a lie and something Tsumugi came up with as a convenience to Danganronpa's viewers. Imagine watching this show and everyone having to question the possibility of Tsumugi being the culprit every time a body showed up. It'd be obnoxious.
For the first 5 trials yeah sure whatever, but even at the very end after she's been caught and everything is starting to unravel, it's a plot point that she can't cosplay "real" people when she corners you about being able to cosplay as old DR characters in which you come to the conclusion that she can because they're fake. That doesn't make any sense.
tl;dr: who knows
The prologue does seem to contradict the audition videos, but ultimately there's no way to say what Tsumugi lied/told the truth about. Especially since there's enough leeway for them to do pretty much whatever they want if they ever continue the story.
Who is better? Happy Teru or insane Komaeda?
It's not a "retcon" to have the original DR games appear as fiction in V3.
Weedman was a good character. Probably the most entertaining to date.
That's not confirmation of anything, and he says that because cosplay bitch said she was copying something, but she could have been copying anything. She could have been copying the Saw series for all we know. I feel like that was only included in an attempt to quell outrage.
>le retcon meme
>believing Tsumugi in everything when she outright lied about the prologue
So, how does that equals an separate universe?
In...the game? The HPA stuff is just fiction. They are stories that simply exist within their universe in the same fashion that they exist in ours. Nothing about them changed at all, V3 just layered another setting on top of the HPA setting.
They aren't "retconned", Tsumugi said that they are fiction. The HPA stuff still happened, the people in V3's setting enjoyed those games in the same fashion that we enjoyed them. As for the cosplay thing that's a good point, but that explanation of mine is more from a pragmatic standpoint than what's probably happening. One thing about Tsumugi is that she's so obsessed with fiction that she has no sense of self, and this is a part of that.
I thought that low IQ posters already disregarded the series because it hurt their feelings and only smart people like me were left in these threads.
Real people joining a ficitonal world
I really hope V3 is a sign Dangan is moving away from the hope vs despair bullshit. Its always been really dumb and is pretty much just power of friendship with a different coat of paint.
Also obligatory seesaw post
it's okay user we are going to be okay
>the people in V3's setting enjoyed those games in the same fashion that we enjoyed them
Bullshit, they're supposed to be the worst possible result, people who just take the killing games as fun without actually knowing about their suffering they had to go through to survive.
It's never confirmed that the outside world is real and is questioned as being bullshit in game even.
I guess Kodaka COULD continue both series but i don't think there is anything else to do in Naegi's timeline anymore. With Future Foundation, Naegi and his wife and with Izuru on their side. They can rebuild and stop future despairing in no time and permanently.
I also doubt that Junko will ever appear again since even Kodaka is tired of her
The Danganronpa 3 anime was supposed to be the end of the original Hope's Peak story anyway.
I thought the final chapter literally spelled it out that V3 characters were actual, living people who were giving with fictional backstory/personality so they can play the roles in reality TV show about teenagers killing each other.
tired? she appears in any danganronpa thing ever and you say he is tired of her?
First 24 after beating a game always leave people confused but they ususally start to get the ending and raise their IQ
I don't even know where to begin with this post, its almost offensive, and this is coming from someone who doesn't really mind weedman.
There's really no point in discussing what the ending means.
There is almost no meaningful information to be obtained from anything because of the possibility of it being completely fake. You are ultimately going to interpret the ending in whatever way you want to because almost all of the information given is dubious at best.
Also when did this IQ meme even fucking start?
She was copying Junko you tard, pretty damn explicitly I might add, how low is your IQ? The question is whether the fact she's a "cosplaycat criminal" means Junko is fiction or not.
>when did this IQ meme even fucking start?
it's a mystery
>Dangan Ronpa and Zero Escape both had shitty slapdash 3rd games with bad stories
I still hate the ending, I am waiting for the appeal to run off and we all trash this ending as it deserves.
It's hard to say
you silly user V3 is the best danganronpa game while ztd isn't the best anything
Now this is where I get confused. How did the cast turn into a fiction within fiction? (as in from 2nd tier to 3rd tier from the diagram) If I remember correctly it was due to the power of Tsumugi and DR team but that would mean some highly advanced technologies were involved.
Please pardon me of being a retard and correct me if I'm wrong. I just cleared the game last night and still trying to sort my thoughts.
Probably why it's called "the end of Hope's Peak academy". Then Naegi goes and rebuilds the damn thing anyway.
He mock her sonctant appeareance with Moogi in trial6
By making next games in V3 universe, he has already established why Monokuma and Killing game exist without resolving to super intelligent highschool girls. He no longer need to base his games on hope or Despair themes.
He can make comepletely new villain who force random people to kill eachother and create new mysteries for us to solve regarding the mastermind.
Veeky Forums didn't say shit maybe you guys will like this more
Copying Junko, who could be fake, doesn't mean HPA is a real place and she was copying that you idiot. That's my point. Just because she was copying -something- doesn't mean Hope's Peak is a real place. She could have been taking elements from anywhere.
People enjoy those killing games precisely BECAUSE of the suffering that the participants go through, because they want to see them overcome that and triumph in the end. The issue is that the suffering that the contestants experience is very real and it's all for the sake of the entertainment of onlookers.
Sorry, I saw it and I laughed a little but I didn't respond
>You are ultimately going to interpret the ending in whatever way you want to
The best way to go about it. I like believing in dumb and crazy normies since that's more fun.
He ha everything i wanted from a character. Being an epic troll for the player and the characters in game.
i love fanboy Shuichi
They are fiction as their entire life is fictional by that point not that they suddenly became 2D. That's why Shuichi rejects whole show because even though their past is made up, the feelings and suffering they experience now is real.
Think of it like a stage play, only the actors have their original personalities replaced with the characters and the deaths are real.
it's okay yuropoor hours are pretty exhausting
Yeah but I think they were being dodgy about it. The epilogue kinda hinted into literal 4th wall breaks and the scene beyond the wall should have shown what outside world looked like instead of some meta shit of DR logo team.
Imagine this
You go to Big brother studio-->They wipe out your memory--->they give you fake memory and personality (you become fictional character with real body)--->they throw you into huge ass studio that imitate a spaceship colony
Its like having Harrison Ford in a fictional Star Wars setting and making him think that he really is Han Solo
And then Tsumugi JJ Abrams tells him that he was really just pretending to be Han Solol.
Would you guys recommend the Danganronpa anime to someone who's interested in the series from seeing shit from V3, but doesn't know a ton about Danganronpa as a whole?
I wouldn't recommend the anime to diehard fans.
>V3 manages to be a better meme game then ZTD while also being a good game
How did they do it bros?
The Danganronpa anime didn't even adapt the second game so you would be missing out on the best parts.