/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

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>Current Event

>Updated! PVP mode, Beast Tribes, Manderville, and more in 4.1 teasers.

>Patch 4.1 Notes & Logs

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Lalafell ladies make the best wives.

xth for hoping the wolf outfit is decent

>event rewards are a bunch of fucking housing items after the whole housing disaster that just recently occured
Are they completely fucking lacking in awareness or something?

>tfw get every reward from every event
>tonns of housing stuff saved
>no house
when will we liberate ala amingo and get unlimited space.

Can I share a house with someone if they're an eb?

Fish belong in water.


I like old men


question for anyone who had to switch mains for their static, how did you go about learning your new rotation? did you just stay on a dummy until it all became second nature? I have to go to MCH but the opener just isn't sticking in my memory

>8min+ tank queqe

RIP game.

selling greasy cat

>promotional art makes au ra girls look curvy and busty
>au ra are tiny, petite girls in-game

Real wolf girls when?

This fish belongs at my side in eternal matrimony


looks pretty meh from the leaked stuff i've seen

Yes. Eb has nothing to do with house sharing.

>best wives

>promotional art au ra is ALWAYS xaela
Niggerscales need to be exterminated. Xaela getting favored so heavily in Stormblood is also a problem. The developer team needs to be exterminated.

They always rewarded housing items even before subwards were a thing making housing way rarer than it is now.
Also everyone should have an apartment by now.

i already play the classes in regular duties so its just...doing the same shit, learning mechanics relevant to your job and staying ontop of yourself

>what are free company rooms
>what are apartments
Oh me oh my. Lawn ornaments I understand, though.

You can share a personal house with anyone that is on your friends list

>hating the superior clan with an actual story
Bubble sluts pls go

Soon they will be favored again.

>They always rewarded housing items even before subwards
I know that.

>>hating the superior clan with an actual story
>Bubble sluts pls go
The inferior clan that only has a story because the devs are retarded plebeians who can't develop equal lore for both clans of each race. Also, your lore is really just that you're a bunch of brainlet barbarian pieces of shit pissdrinkers who really deserve to be exterminated.

To be fair, Xaela are the closest thing you can get to the original "succubus" concept. Using a Xaela for halloween-time promotional art only make sense, just like how only moon cats were used for it before.

It's because the npc they chose for halloween. Plus dark scales fit the halloween theme more

What happened to your eb?

wait what

I do not!

>To be fair, Xaela are the closest thing you can get to the original "succubus" concept
No, they really aren't. There's no written rule as to what color horns a succubus needs to have. Blue is no more valid than white. Only male Xaela have black horns.

>getting this upset over a virtual race
Who hurt you....


Do hellsguard and seawolves hate each other? Or dunesfolk and plainsfolk? I feel like the only races I see whose clans constantly shit all over each other are cats and lizards.

they work 5 days on and get 6 days off or something, they're coming back tomorrow! so excited to see them in game \o/

you're not a fish...

Calm down..
Uh, look again?

I want to try smn for this weeks farm, so my plan is playing it as much as I can this week so the rotation feels natural, then going to dummy to optimize it.

>[20:05]The estate is no longer regarded as abandoned. Auto-demolition canceled.

phew!! :p

You can see the guy in enclave. There is hoping it's hint where the story will go in further patches.

It's not hard. Practice your opener on a dummy until you get it down, extend it to 2-3 minutes, done. The rest you'll learn in encounters.

True, but succubi and demon girls are generally associated with darker horns, which the blue tones of Xaela females provide.
Pic related, some of the most popular succubi have dark horns.

So how many of you weirdoes have use the /pushups emote for naughty purposes here?

>all this postergirl shitposting when mooncats had the best halloween postergirl so far
stay pleb lizards

5 days of cucking them and 6 of pretending to be theirs. Good shit bun.

>implying SE would ever be lgbt friendly

You're not wrong.

I don't think Hellsgaurd and Seawolves interact much since they are pretty far apart.

I know that there's some tension between Duskwight and Wildwood Elezen, since they're the Duskwight are butthurt that that Wildwood didn't want to keep living in caves with them.

saw this shit coming from 1000000 miles away, was just waiting for it. gn user

I thought auto demo was halted for the hurricanes?

>This new event outfit
>Giving people more ways to look like retarded furries

How do I get a cute midlander wife?

Only in America, right?

>lgbt-friendly services

Depends on how you read it I guess. But if dude up there paused his, perhaps there is hope for me yet.

Was there a better all saints wake than 2015?

>everyone thinking the loli in the poster was a lala
>pedophiles all excited about cat ears for their lalas
>few sane individuals pointing out that its not a lala it's a cat loli
>event drops
>all pedos btfo

just want to confirm some things about the entity known as Liora.

>has created 12,263 threads, including wowg, terag, owg, and bdog
>seemingly endless supply of 2016 Veeky Forums passes
>name is anagram for Alori, a blood elf that commissions bestiality porn
>has been his real imposter on numerous occasions
>has spoken about conducting psyops and mass human manipulation on other boards
>responsible for his own falseflag, yes that means nuLiora was Liora
>is the DRAKN leaker
>is the sleepy LS leaker
>is the NEET/Halonic LS leaker
>caused Base/Honk! to disband
>exposed Sera
>is the Soft/Ada shitposter
>is the Paks shitposter
>is the Putt shitposter
>is the Elk shitposter
>is the Mumu shitposter
>is one of the Chemo's
>is femroe falseflagger
>entire time they "left the thread" they were just shitposting from the shadows
>manipulated several ebin relationships without their knowledge
>heavily encouraged Iri's suicide
>has infiltrated all linkshells on Gilg, Balmung, Sarg, and Mateus

They infiltrate with heavy teasing and slutposting, but act like a harmless blob, a background character, someone in the back of your mind, dropping a word here and there, their origin nondescript. They are dangerous. Beepy has nothing on him. He has no empathy, no feeling, and everything is a part of his self-amusement. You've been warned. Sever all contact. Remove him from your communities. Beware background characters, it might be his alt working his way into your social circles

>>All pedophiles btfo
>Implying they wouldn't say that a cat is fine too

cat lolis are too old for the kind of potatophiles

is he daiz?

e-drama is not xiv

rank the catboys by how good they are at succ

Anime did not invent succubi.

Serrit - best gay catboy.

me at #1

The new event housing items look way better than the outfit.

I succ a lot of aggro.

Literally every other piece of clothing looks better than that furry garbage.

>cat plebs
>calling literally anyone else plebs
Cats are the most pleb race in the game by far. It's literally not even a contest.

lf catgirl gf on cactuar pst

make up ur mind
marry ur fc member

Yes you do. You're destined to be my cute fish wife

Lemme guess, you're a femroe/elezen because nobody plays them and you feel like you're special for doing so.

Come back to gilgamesh.

>tfw cant find anyone who can accept how much affection I have
>Everyone i meet gets turned off by how i tell them I like them and how much I talk to them

Nope. I think femroe are gross most of the time. Elezen are pretty cute sometimes but I don't play one.


>unironically playing on Gilgamesh

Make me!

>plays female character
>acts like a real slut
>probably fake as fuck too
>surprised when they avoid him



can confirm, i also invented pickle rick

I wanna pickle you, Rick!

If I wanted to run a 51-200 potd, what classes would be best having in the party?

The blue cat? I don't see them online much when I'm at my desk.
I will whenever they open it back up then me and you can get married.

Same... Older people are better.

Too bad eventually you'll hit the point when you're the older one and feel like you're too old for videogames

>Conjoined twin

Your boobs look weird.

Only start taking hair clippings for your closet shrine on the third date.

don't you have to start from floor 1?

I mean maybe he'd have better luck if he told them on the first date that he was going to dedicate a shrine to them. Better to get it out in the open at the start

What are the chances of finding a catgirl (female) that isn't a total slut, if I join a miqo'te-majority fc?

>if I join a miqo'te-majority fc?

Isn't that every FC?

About as likely as I am to be a charismatic and successful human bean

Even with a premade? I don't know really, I never tried because I don't have a fc nor any friend to ask for a run.
I wanted to try for the achievements mostly.

This is true, though I'd refrain from unrolling the large blueprint they're carrying around to ask for ideas on proper toenail clipping placement until it's apparent the idea isn't totally abhorrent.

Once you beat 50 you can start from 51.

Where is your alt at now?

What servers are growing in population? the one where I've been playing for the past month seems to be losing people, I'm in queue for potd 91-100 and passed already almost an hour but still 2/4.
I'm seriously considering a transfer to another server, it's not like I got any friends here anyway.

My alt? I have one on primal I did some savage with some buddies. My main is still aether.

I'm not that creepy


gilga is cool, I think...