/vn/ - Blocks your path edition

Visual Novel General #1678

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Anyone else unironically planning on reading JAST's Halloween release?


What sorcery is this?

Someone post that screen of Mercurius telling you that suicide is not a good idea. Need it for scientific purposes

Two releases in the same month even. Princess X on the 31st and Eiyuu senki on the 24th

Ayo, why the fuck is the original xbone release in Japan rated 18+, while the current shit is rated 16+ ? Stricter rules or more content that was cut? And is the game actually good?

why are they translating random shit no one has ever heard of instead of more moege

>Translating moege

I wouldn't count stuff that has already been translated forever

ES is finally going to be out on PC ?

Oh wow a monsterge

So they say

Penetration scenes are the most boring

From all the monstergirl games they chose one of the worst ones, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Don't be silly. JAST doesn't release VNs

Not even worth being called cosplay tiers beside the centaur

There is no romance in Sera's route of Lovely Cation 1, or even most of the game. This is one of the many reasons why it's a terrible game. In the beginning section of her route, she views the MC as a normal student and has no romantic feelings for him whatsoever. She explicitly states this during his confession to her. However, she not only accepts his confession for literally no reason, but she starts saying "I love you" to him soon after. It made me feel weird the entire route. There's literally no reason why she fell in love with the MC, and the only possible explanation is that his confession was so good she fell in love right then and there, despite saying DURING the confession that she didn't love him or view him romantically. It's awful. I said elsewhere that Sera's route was the most loveless thing I've ever seen in a moege and that remains true. Every single scene felt awkward to translate because it was predicated on a nonsensical, loveless relationship - each time she said "I love you" to the MC, I didn't think "aww", I thought "but why...?". It's not quite as bad in the other routes I read, but none of them have actually good romance. The nail in the coffin was some of the worst, dumbest relationship drama I've ever seen. Bad romance, bad drama, bad everything. I could go on. They characterize Sera as mature by having the MC be a pathetic failure which was not fun to read about in the slightest. She comes over, he can't cook. She berates him and starts cooking for him. He offers to do the dishes. He breaks the dishes. And so on. So for the first half of her route she's this cool, mature teacher that does everything the terrible failure of a MC can't. If you're into feeling like a loser while a mature lady takes care of you, you would have enjoyed Sera's route... oh wait! The drama in her route reveals that she's actually pathetic and weak too, and she ends up begging MC for sex so he doesn't break up with her. Sera's route just sucks.

>Netorare 1.0

>no dragon
It's shit.

this triggered

They seem rare.

>He offers to do the dishes. He breaks the dishes
How the fuck does that even happen? Does he have ham hands?

>LOVE has to be logical
truly a virgin

>having romance where the girl doesn't get all lovey dovey
Not even quof, but I don't want that shit in my moege.

No wonder this faggot dropped moteyaba and hated fureraba.

I want to Rip character images from one VN that is made using Unity.
However their sprites are made into Attlus file that crops image into tiny mosaic and use every expression, pose and change of clothes on one .png file.
Is there a way to wrap it into a proper character image?

You don't deserve LxC2

Slips on the soap or something.
Love doesn't have to be logical, but it has to have some foundation, however illogical that foundation may be. And that's irrelevant anyway because she explicitly stated she didn't love him before accepting his confession. Love doesn't have to be logical, but don't say "I don't love you nor do I have any romantic feelings for you. You're just a student to me". Before immediately saying "Ok, I accept your confession. I love you."

If I had gone out and confessed to a teacher at my school, I doubt they would have agreed to have a taboo and probably illegal relationship with me despite having no romantic feelings for me. And I probably would have said "no" to a relationship if they said "I don't love you or have romantic feelings for you" before saying yes to the confession.
I dropped moteyaba because I didn't enjoy turning girls down and seeing them cry with their hearts broken. I found the characters uncomfortably shallow but other than that, I wouldn't call it a bad game, since it has nice humor and the MC being a "chad" was great. It's nothing like LxC1. Fureraba was actually funny so it's also leagues ahead of LxC1. I didn't hate it. I just found the actual romance far more cliche and uninteresting than the humour. For example, I *loved* the scene with a complicated hide and seek session with insane strategies. The romance itself was dull in comparison.

I don't have that but I do have this screencap of Mercurius realising he got NTR'd.

I could find a lot of reasons for sansha mendan or harem guild being bad. Admit it queef, you just don't want to translate the game.

Not sure what kind of state they will come as though if they are chopped up.

Also a video to go along with it.

Eternal Cuck

Why are people complaining over Uta being all-ages? The ero in the original game was easily the worst part about it, probably the best example of H-scenes having no business being in a game.

>The ero in the original game was easily the worst part about it,

Thanks. I will try to figure this out

Principle. If something is all-ages, you should complain, no matter if it's good or if the scene are shit and don't have sense.
all-age = complain, got it ?

t. someone who never played it

they were terrible and random as fuck, F/SN tier H-scenes

Fucking my loyal dog was good, you faggot.
>tfw mom fetish with blonde wizard that wants to get pregnant

Everyone has their own opinions. Not like I'm trying to say my taste is objective and everyone who disagrees is wrong. You're free to dislike SM or Harem Guild. However, I don't. They're both fetish porn and I love the fetishes they have (mostly), so I enjoyed translating them throughout, and was/am enthusiastic about their release. There's a reason why I translated 35,000 lines of SM without struggling too much, yet tapped out after only 2,500 lines LxC1 - I really like SM and I really dislike LxC1. There's really nothing more profound to it than that.

Why don't you guys just learn Japanese instead of being mad every time a translation is dropped?

Who is your favorite Dies Irae girl?

We can go a step beyond that user.
Why not learn japanese to start a tl project and then drop it to make everyone mad?

What the fuck is Quof doing? No status updates or anything. I assume its editing or some shit, but some sort of update would be nice.

Playing distort travesty just to suck moogy's dick I bet.

I'd rather learn chinese with how the world is goin tbqh

I love childhood friends
especially Sumika!


>tfw /hgg/ anons translate their own games
>tfw /vng/ has to rely on drama queens
worst timeline lads


Too stupid.

Video names guy.

I refuse to learn something as stupid as moon. I can wait for releases, since thrre's tons of other shit to do anyways. The issue is that some A+ VNs never WILL get translated, but moege garbage, gay shit, yuri shit and loli shit does.

Name your A+ VNs user


way too much moege gets translated, but not really that other stuff

Please Bang My Wife!

KNS 1/2, MLA, Suba Hibi, G Senjou no Maou, Little Busters, FSN.

Everything Bishop, SQUUEZ and Aoi Nagisa. Maybe some Atelier X shit too. Rest might as well not exist.

Lovely x Cation 1!
fuck you quof

Who cares, he's an incompeten who has 2 projects stalled because llate edition/unfinished hacking stuff and without finishing them he began to translate his third project to drop it after 2k lines because he got bored of the plot.

Aroduc died for this

You guys are complaining now, but once it's time for release you will will love the shit out of Quof again.

Dark Blue

>barely any hype for Lovely Cati--

Keep up the good work

I hope so.

Yup, she's working to the bone (literally) whoring his body

Umi is a great girl in a shit game

Just found it on NHentai, looks nice.
EVILIVE or something.

He should leave the fan-translation scene and work for a few buck fot out favorite chink company; Sakura Games.
No one will miss him.

Nagisa was nice too. And that lesbo tomboy as well (don't remember her name)


Fuck off ESL, you have no right to insult Sumika

best VN that's not set in high school setting?


That's a grey stick, moon.


The lesbian that wanted to suplex you was good as well, shame she has no route in the original game


When is SM coming out though?

What insult? She's a slut and in that pic she's saying that she doesn't care anymore about Takeru because these tentacles feel better.

I'd like it if he actually released something


The last mission in Aselia is very annoying

Editing will be finished this week. That leaves image editing. Tools to insert images into the game have not been made yet. I will wait about a month for them to be created so I can edit images (namely because buttons are images and buttons are used frequently within the game to make important choices). If tools aren't made by a certain deadline (within 2017) I'll release SM then. If tools are made soon I'll release the patch almost immediately, since the image editing itself won't take much time.

So the nigga got cucked by ayy lmaos. Never finished that piece of crap, shit got waaaay too long and stupid.

NTR is a god-tier fetish

>a whole month just for images
wtf I hate quof now


Bruh fuck the buttons, do shit like in Harem Guild, no one gives a fuck about the buttons saying shit in moon but having real words on top.

Programming is tricky business. It's hard to hack an engine and program tools for working with them. I wouldn't blame the programmer taking awhile to create them.
This is the screen where you choose what to do for the day (at the end of the game with all options unlocked). It would be extremely inconvenient to navigate something like this without knowing Japanese. People could manage but it's far from ideal. The title screen also has STARAT instead of "start" thanks to the Japanese side making a typo which I would like to correct, since it gives the translation a pretty shitty first impression.

Smoking is a god-tier fetish

This triggers me

Well drawn navel + wide hips is literally the only worthwhile fetish.

Can't you just leave a translated jpg in a file folder somewhere and release a 'early-access' patch?

Nah, fuck that. He's done all this shit, so he might as well make it perfect. Botching shit like that would leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

The moment I release a 100% patch it will be uploaded to torrent sites/eroge download and that's all anyone will ever download. Happened with Harem Guild, I released an update soon after release to translate some extra stuff and it barely got any downloads whereas the torrent with the old version was still steadily getting plenty more. That said I do have a jpeg with the image translated and if tools are not made in time I'll include it with the patch to compensate for the images being untranslated in-game.

Me too.