/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

fixing tachanka edition

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Hey lets make a tactical game unlike any fps ever made.
>Adds Ash

Don't nerf my byotiful crocodile operator ;-;

>tfw I will never surpass this moment

i want to inhale IQ's lower extremities perfume!

wow, that ying was retarded
>not tossing a candela before running in

she tossed two, kind of, what the webm didn't show is that I looked away for the second one
I'm more surprised by the fact that they didn't drone me at all, that's the only reason it worked

lucky you they didnt have a montagne
one time i tried that i got pinned in my position by him and suppressive fire

It was a complete crapshoot that happened to work out, any number of factors would've made it fail (thermite, hibana, montagne, fucking glaz probably). Amazingly when overtime started it was STILL 2v5 and we accordingly lost without the element of surprise.

data caps
data caps
ooh data data data data
data caps
data caps
ooh data data data data
data caps
data caps
ooh data data data data
data caps *pop*

call their problem data cap, tell you why
cause it's simpler than a blatant lie
and when ubi doesn't care they pro league and prance
then we havent got a chance


dropshot nerf inbound mid season reinforcements

via massive weapon ready time I'm guessing?

They should just let tachanka move with his LMG as a primary or decrease the recoil while mounted, ITS FUCKING MOUNTED TO THE GROUND, IT SHOULD BE THE STABLEST GUN IN THE FUCKING GAME

It used to be a raygun... Then they added the shield which would have been a fair enough buff I guess, but in a rush of uncontained autism they decided it should start kicking like a mule and now his turret is back to being shit

>tfw used to exploit the fact that Tachanka lowers himself if you look directly up on his turret to hide behind a deployable shield
the good old days
it actually worked like 1 in 10 times

>get shot in the shoulder from the front
>headshot :^)
Why do ubisoft hate their own creation

Remove Ash from the game.

Namefag get out

what are you gonna do about it, huh?

peek me like the faggot you are

>faggot puts a bullet in everyone's leg at the start of a round
I will never understand these idiots.

>haha didnt tk
>wow he tked votekick
>cav and downs entire team when it fails
>xestaban19x has been removed
still dont know why they havent redid kicks and friendly fire but knowing this community tards and cavs will have some bs excuse about how punishiment is bad

>>cav and downs entire team when it fails
i still dont get this
surely someone would notice and kill the guy beforehand, or is everyone that posts this really that retarded to just let it happen

this but unironically

>mObILe tUrReT


why so dead /r6g/?
what happened?


Castle is ok but needs a buff. Thoughts?

No longer fuzable,
Glaz can't penetrate or destroy,
Sledge takes two hits to destroy a panel, and distinct cracks appear after the first hit,
Ash charges take slightly longer to grind into the panels and have a louder and more distinct noise when doing so.

give him the r4c and maybe more hits on panel, like 20

>/r6g/ in charge of balancing

castle is the only FBI dude who has the FiveseveN as his sidearm in the art
all of the others (and IQ) have the m45
what does it mean? should the FiveseveN be his unique weapon? the 5.7 cartridge is supposed to be armor piercing, isn't it?
what if he had a gun that could pierce castlecades, theres your angle right there


I agree with this except for the Fuze thing. Fuze is already really situational in any rank above Gold 2 and this would just make it worse. If you're that scared of Fuze cyka-charging windows, bring Mute.

Just remove the drone hole from his barricades, so that drones cannot enter, grenades cannot be thrown inside and jammer cannot be shot. That's literally all that he needs. Oh, and maybe make it a bit more resilient to sledge.

>Fuze is already really situational in any rank above Gold 2
stop posting anytime

post rank

9k renown, what is the next universal skin to get? I already have the seasonals and black


It is a major detriment to your team when Glaz shoots holes in the Castlecades. Castle being able to do it himself would just hurt defenders even more. You can peak feet for shooting people right in front of it, or make holes in a perpendicular wall, and an impact grenade can already bring it down quickly if needed.
>the 5.7 cartridge is supposed to be armor piercing, isn't it?
If you want to bring real-world performance into play, the FN 5.7 can penetrate level IIIA armor, which stops handgun rounds. Castlecades can stop full-power rifle rounds, up to the 7.62 NATO which some operators use, so it'd be equivalent to level III armor. So, we'd have no expectation that FN 5.7 rounds would penetrate Castlecades. Glaz's rifle does so just because he's a sniper and has his own special bullets.

This cannot be a coincidence

Haze and use the clover charm with it



But being able to shoot attacker feetsies on Castle doorways is a great defense. Also just put jammers to the side of the door.
It's true though. Fuze is too vulnerable when planting charges, his charges are clearly audible before they go off making them easy to avoid, he's a 1 speed, and his guns don't make up for any of that. The only thing Fuze is good for is taking out barbed wire from above and that's assuming the objective spot even allows for that. He can also flush defenders out and get them out in the open sometimes, but good luck capitalizing on that every time.

They should make it so you can only hear Fuze's charges being placed if you're right next to the barricades/wall.

draw IQ foot porn lad

>being able to shoot attacker feetsies on Castle doorways is a great defense
How many times did you get a kill this way? This only ever helps against someone who is trying to put a breaching charge on the castlecade. If your enemy is at least bronze-tier, he'll just quickly strafe in and out while meleeing. Sure it's longer, but also safe.

It can happen, it's just that it's super easy to counter. The strafe strategy works, but they can still lose a decent chunk of health doing it.

That's the whole point. I dont get a lot of kills that way because attackers know they can't just run up and put a breach charge Castle doors with 100% safety. If Ash or Sledge aren't around or dead, they have to waste a bunch of time meleeing the barricade.

Also add a Jager ADS for maximum IQ and Buck frustration.

>Guy shoots my plates as soon as I turn around to reinforce
>As I headshot him he types in "plates please"

I've always thought basically your post for Castle except
>can be fuze'd but makes a loud distinct crunching sound and maybe an extra second or two to prime before it can be deployed
His panels are already overly inviting for cluster charges as is

Campi pls return to life

>bought a webcam a couple days back
>start siege today
>camera turns on

>siege adds feature like Vegas 2 where you can add your own face on operator

>I love Ash and Jager


>seeing the ugly face of ela or the ugly face of ela main
I don't even know what's worse

>someone puts their ass up to the camera
>"that looks like ela alright"

>someone's whacking my castle-cade
>start popping their toes
>see multiple sets of boots running in multiple directions
>can't seem to land any shots let alone down or kill anyone
>suddenly a loud blast goes off and three of the attackers die to a friendly frag

Any chance Intel RealSense is on in the Siege settings? I think that has something to do with Webcams.

He can literally warp time with his new glitch

I miss Favela.

We, as in /r6g/, don't


we need more rule 63 of operators

>female montagne
Please drawfriends! Is it too much to ask?

We don't like shitty maps like Favela. Besides, you can just gather up 9 other people to play the map on a custom server.

>tfw people pronouncing montagne "montage"

Out of the new operators which one is the best? About to have 25k renown soon

I just leave it at monty so the autists like you don't come after me


Ying is Fuze with nonlethal pucks, unreliable
Lesion is pretty retard proof and Gu is pretty strong, but not the best
Ela is retard tier with a powerful 50 round gun with high RPM, 3 speed, and if you patrol the area just right, a potentially deadlier trap than Gu mines because of the clusterfuck on the screen

Ela is probably objectively the strongest. Lesion is good and fun, too, but no where near as OP.

So if you had yo pick between ela and lesion who would you pick?

It's a hard choice between ela and lesion.

In order of most enjoyable to least enjoyable:
Ying > Lesion >>> Ela
Of course their viability is the exact opposite

It was badly designed. Why make a game that adds a ton of verticality by way of destruction mechanics and then make maps with zero destructible floors/ceilings? Yacht has the same issue.

who should my next dlc op be?
i already have buck frost and bb

how does one beat a 5 man stack of faggots strating in ranked? How do I counter these fuckers playing like its a GO4 and doing everything right? how do you beat a 5 man stack double droning people in and running defencive strats out the ass against you and your rag tag team of randoms? It seems fucking impossible

shoot them in the head

im convinced anyone who thinks kapkans trap is fine currently is silver or below

Ying if youre not a faggot

holy fuck i never even noticed favela got removed

>tfw no glaz (female) artistic russian sniper GF

I don't think anyone thinks they're fine currently, but Ubisofts upcoming changes for Kapkan traps are pretty questionable.

Assuming even slightly similar skill level: teamwork and coordination are king. Even if you have 5 realllllllllllly good lone wolves on your team, it takes a lot of communication and joint operating to go up against someone who probably has their flanks and their flank's flank covered

>enter room
>spotted by 5 different drones
>instantly full team on me nothing i can do
>Stay on site
>roamers get picked off as above
>die because 2v5

>still no ops who can destroy electronics


but that's what Thatcher's emps are for

Pick ela/hibana exclusively, play super safe, teabag every corpse and insult them for every mistake, spam "DISBAND" in the chat after the hard-fought victory screen, tell them that they are going to see themselves on youtube tomorrow, add all of them as friends after the victory screen and proceed to shittalk those who accept your friend offer

>Playing ranked to finish my placements
>By no means necessarily great at the game but a base understanding
>Pick thatcher "Can we get a thermite or hibana? Theyre gonna pick garage so it'd be good to blow a hole in the wall"
>"Well if you want it so bad why don't you play it asshole"


>how come i can't beat a coordinated 5 man with a bunch of random people
Unless you're on an entirely different playing skill level I don't think you're supposed to
In what situation can you give strats for 1v5ing

i'm curious how often people use ying's wallthing mode
I've been throwing them like 95% of the time

>/r6g/ pre TTS: Kapkan is the worst defender besides Tachanka his traps are practically useless unless the enemy team is completely retarded
Really makes you think

(cont cuz forgot)
>"Well they have a mute so we'll need a thatcher"
>get downed by Echo by start of next round, walks up and kills me "BRO IT WAS A MISCLICK"

enjoy my 2part blog

>spawn as a defender
>smoke throws an impact immediately
>team is at half hp 0 seconds into the round
>"sorry guys wrong button :D"
why don't you fucking rebind it then

I do that if I know its going to burn out a Jager ADS or two