>this OP and the other one You both are equally retarded
Tyler Hill
the absolute STATE of wtg right now
Nathaniel Fisher
Have you tried it in AB while being uptiered?
Colton Rogers
in for whaat ?
Thomas Howard
Samuel Lopez
I've researched the whole Soviet GF tree, I know what I'm talking about
Connor White
Okay then user, I trust you on that.
I know that the T34-85 at 5.3 is just superb, my best tank by far. But the one at 5.7 fighting anything above 6.3 is just a pain, impossible to flank in AB unless the enemy is absolute shat
Landon Green
flank hard or get dicked
Gabriel Wood
idk, I still managed to have a positive k/d ratio, but it's been a while since I last played it, so things might have changed a shit tank, same gun as T-34-85, but this time it faces tanks way out of its league, so prepare for suffering. At least it has a meme hull >mfw it was the very same tank which forced me to become a good goy and buy prem because I wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible
Also, when the fuck are they gonna apply BR/economics changes? It's been monday long enough
Matthew Long
>idk, I still managed to have a positive k/d ratio, but it's been a while since I last played it, so things might have changed Have you played it since it went up in BR earlier this year?
Tyler Howard
I think last I played it was early summer, maybe even May
Matthew Clark
Is 6.3 any better you recon? I've already played over 300 games with 5.3, but it's atleast better than 5.7 if I have to use that to grind instead
Easton Thompson
learning how to flank or APCR or being fucked
Evan Russell
Lincoln Walker
I love it, atleast in AB.
It has a lot of payload/cannon options, which includes 3x mk108s which is insane at it's BR.
Ryder Moore
6.3 is the most hellish part in soviet forces I think, you'll constantly be uptiered, and T-44 is shit, IS-2 mod.44 is subpar and ASU-85 is just trash. But if you endure, you're gonna have great fun with their successors. With T-44-100 you have great mobility, great gun, great torret rotation and a solid armor, IS-3 is just ridiculously OP, a literal memebunker, and obj 906 is one of the most fun tanks in game
Samuel Kelly
How do I get to 7.0/7.3 without touching 5.7 and 6.3 then? They seem fun as hell, but I don't feel like it's worth it if I need to sit through those crappy BRs
Justin King
either you become a good goy and buy prem or endure, or you can use IS-2 '43 to roflstomp shitters in RB
James Parker
If the T34-100 was 6.3, then maybe. But I don't see many premiums that seem fun, but I could be wrong as I've never played any of them
Nicholas Adams
>Shoot down a Do-217 and an Fw-190 with my Boston's rear gunner, then land without gear >Come first on the team by a country mile
Man, sometimes I forget how fun this game can be. It's a shame bombing is nearly impossible now.
Christopher Roberts
I mean premium account
Mason Cook
I already have it, still going to take quite a while
Blake White
Not that guy but I bought t44 122 with 75% off. That was a jump from 4.3 and I did pretty badly for about 50 games. It feels nice tho, is a chance of pace. I played very aggressive on 4.3 but has to stay back and cover teammates on this br, and it's really satisfying to blow tigers to kingdom come upfront.
John Gutierrez
then bite the bullet and endure, in a month you should have at least two of them
Joseph Cox
>in a month you should have at least two of them You mean 6.3 or 7.0? Seems to go rather quick right now as it is
Easton Hall
wait what BR are you in atm?
Robert Hughes
Sebastian Miller
oh, then good luck, you're in for a ride
Angel Campbell
Thinking if I should give up or not, just frustration by playing that lineup, and I've already milked my 5.3 dry of any fun
John Butler
That's just up to you f.am, personally I managed to do it, but I reckon it's really frustrating. Still not as much as IS-4M tho
Ryder Adams
How the fuck do you enjoy air RB 8.0 and 9.0?
Joshua Jenkins
what's the difference between IL-2M, IL-2M "Avenger" and IL-2M3? It's like 3 times same plane.
Asher Bailey
Jets aren't fun.
Benjamin Brooks
BR and economics change FUCKING WHEN
Aaron Allen
Had another game with it, fucking garbage team as usual at 5.7, and it doesn't help that Tigers and Panthers magically bounce most of my shots where they should pen. I don't get why the T34-85 was given 5.7 in AB, in RB where you can flank, sure.
If 6.3 is worse than this, then I'm giving up on the soviet ground tree. Not worth damaging myself mentally this way.
Jonathan Howard
supposely tomorrow
Hudson Mitchell
>Decide to take out T-44 since I haven't used it in ages >get fucking one-shotted by the first enemy I see who is using HEATFS shells that have 10x the explosive mass of my shells and 3x the penetration at all ranges
I forgot how much I hated this tank.
Hudson James
7.0 jets are. 8.0 jets can be when you don't end up in a 9.0 match which happens maybe 1% of the time.
Nathaniel Murphy
>not sure should I grind T-64 with a 7.3 lineup of IS-3-Object 268-Object 906-T-4-100 >or with a 7.7 lineup of three T-54s and a IS-4M
Blake Thomas
explosive mass doesn't matter for HEAT damage, unless vehicle can be hullbroken
Owen Gomez
wasn't it set for today?
Bentley Anderson
Economic changes? I missed that memo. Where can I read more?
Ayden Long
it's still 16th in Russia, 3 or 4 pm
Jordan Russell
Nevermind found it.
Gavin Rogers
It's half past 6 in Moscow pretty much
Austin Garcia
That's true, but my niggering Christ the T-44 is a real turd. Everything you face can frontally pen you from a good 5km away, even if you angle, but you can barely penetrate them at any range unless you are using the depressingly ineffectual APCR ammo.
Lucas Hughes
Make the T-44 a 6.0 premium and replace it with the T34-100 at 6.3 when?
Jayden Gomez
I heard the Obj 268 was OP as heck, try it.
Caleb Morris
Are you guys interested in /wtg/ taking part in the next Veeky Forums League coming this November-December? For those of you who don't know what this is, it's Veeky Forums generals memes duking it out on the football pitch using PES as a game. Here's an example of a /wtg/ match (mind the timestamp): youtu.be/QiNdAJr5cpc?t=2h11m29s
We will never do better than in our first cup where we reached the final without a manager
Daniel Long
>Also feel free to suggest new players to join the roster a Lawnmower
Robert Ross
>wake up >no blog
Dominic Ward
>monday Wow!
Oliver Williams
>lets take a prototype that worked but was designated unneeded and make that a premium and swap it with a premium that didn't actually work IRL how retarded are you
Josiah Jenkins
t44 wasn't even a prototype
Alexander Bailey
The T-44 is basically just a significantly more outclasses T-34-85 with no advantages to make up for how poor its armament is, and it's depressing to use.
It's only as mobile as its contemporary medium tanks while also being significantly under-armed and much easier to kill. If you really want mobility, you can use a light tank like the M41A1 that ultimately fights the same opponents. The T-44 is never down-tiered to 5.3, ever.
>Sloped front armour!
Everyone at 7.0 (who you will be facing exclusively) uses HEATFS or shells that are so powerful that they totally ignore your pitiful 90mm of angled armour. If you somehow face 5.3-6.0 enemies it works, but let's be honest and admit that never happens
>Just use APCR!
The only time you should be shooting people in the T-44 is if you are behind them, so APCR is useless. If you are in front of someone, you are fucking dead.
The T-44 is in such an awkward spot where it's too strong to be a 6.0, and face 5.0 opponents, but it's far too weak to be constantly facing 7.0 opponents.
Luke Phillips
>The T-44 is never down-tiered to 5.3, ever. stopped reading there
Aaron Nelson
it's like the T-54 1947 that's too strong for 7.3 but too weak for 7.7
Carter Adams
Maybe my winrate is just too xXHARDCOREXx420 but my most frequent opponents are 6.7 to 7.0 in the T-44. When I drive my 5.3 to 5.7 tanks I never see people in the T-44, but then again it's also a massively unpopular tank.
Luis Reyes
I love the T44 (when she doesn't make me feel dirty for games being too easy) Have you ever considered that you're just shit?
Landon Hall
What aspect do you love? People say this all the time, but can never expand upon what single aspect of the T-44 makes it worth using in the slightest. If you get down-tiered it's a fine tank, or even if you fight other 6.0 to 6.3 tanks, but that is such a rare occurrence.
Sebastian Fisher
user, I was joking, obviously.
Benjamin Carter
I see at least one every time I play kraut 5.3/5.7, which is, mind you, the most popular soviet BR because every slavic fuck just rushes to the glorious stalinium 34/85 but even disregarding that blatant lie your other point's are moot aswell, it has decent speed in all directions and good handling, it's armor is better than every panther's, including paper 2, the first patton, every teeb medium before the chief and every fucking nipp tank in existence It's gun is clearly the worst aspect of it but it still doesn't give a fuck about slopes and is more than adequate if you can take a split second to aim at a weakspot or, y'know, just flank)))
Robert Garcia
>Have to aim at enemy weak points >Enemies (6.7 and 7.0, the only people you'll face) can just shoot you straight in the sloped armour and one shot you
James Reed
what to do in stock g6 when a spitnigger is above me
Carson White
good tanks or just a meme? Charioteer is such a pain
Evan Collins
J out and deny the nigger a kill
Colton Powell
>he doesn't swiftly press esc and leave the vehicle within
Mason Jenkins
question for the bong tanks
when i have the APDS unlocked for the fv4202 and the caernarvon
is it worth it to bring both the apds and the original solid shot or do i just take the apds out.
David White
Solid shot becomes pretty much obsolete once you get APDS.
Kayden Walker
They're both solid shot so just pick the stronger one.
Josiah Ward
>french planes literally who asked for this
Parker Nelson
Forum autists
Asher Cook
>M46 AP APCBC and APCR all bounce off the side of a stationary IS-6 The IS-6 gives no advantage what so ever.
Aaron Rodriguez
nope, none whatsoever)))))
Angel Turner
Then maybe stop shooting the angled sides and go for lower side plates. Those are 100mm flat.
Hudson Diaz
When is the update coming out anyways?
Connor Cook
Guess the plane. Also post comfy cockpits.
Xavier Lopez
I meant to say the side of the turret but I must've left it out. But eventually he turned the back of his turret to me to kill a T29 so I was able to HEAT his ammo and he died.
Henry Carter
couple weeks
Lincoln Russell
Just fight premium with premium, buckaroo. :^)
Adam Jenkins
This, why French and not gypsy planes?
Nathaniel Anderson
fuck off Ion
Christopher Long
certainly comrade))))
Luke Cooper
>shells hits lower part of the Mantlet >300mm of armor >still goes through What the fuck is this?
Austin Flores
I remember checking back when that happened, turns out there's a weak area right down there.
Julian Parker
What planes did Romania make other than that retarded Dora clone with a fat nose?
Connor Foster
no bias
Leo Phillips
>300mm Shows how much you know, shitter.
Dominic Long
You're right. Its 305 not 300.
Michael Hughes
It didn't even hit that part you fucking idiot. It hit the face of the turret, the part below the mantlet.
Jordan Rodriguez
only time you'd use vanilla ammo is if you literally cannot afford silver lions to shoot the apds
Jack Rivera
is it just me or does a premium/talisman tank make no difference on gains in pve