Final Fantasy General DCLXXXIV - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki:
What version should I play?: Information:

>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Out 10/31
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure":
New XV Universe trailer:

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
Friend Codes:
FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information


How do you inject?


how is FFBE injection instructions not added to the OP yet

lol nice dead thread

The best part about this injection shit:

Sure you could get detected for injecting 999 summon tickets or whatever, injecting TMRs, etc.

But they could never detect you for injecting "I cleared the mission I just ran and completed all the challenges". There's no way for them to detect that shit, and who are they to say you didn't complete the mission? All trials become meaningless and can be cleared in an instant. All content becomes meaningless. Even on main accounts.

FFT is shit

Everyone from here who cares about injecting already knows how. The only reason we would add how to do it to the OP would be for late redditors. So just tell anyone that asks how to do it to fuck off to reddit.

>Dissidia apoc raids
>didn't do them earlier due to lack of time and/or laziness
>they're about to go now, and the 160 4* motes with them
>attempting with /ffg/ will probably result in massive lag after a while
>pubs don't want to join room

>attempt it on my own with a modified Sealion team
>get rekt faster than with Apex Omega

She looks like the girl that Yang Xiao Long murdered.

Except I know how and still can't do it because of a shitty error.

well clearly you don't know how to inject then

Except I do the exact same thing as everyone else.

then why aren't they getting errors brainlet?

Nobody seems to know and I'm not the only one.
If you're not a brainlet you could tell us all the solution;

>Issue Report in News

So fuck off back to plebbit

Is this the thread?

Reddit doesn't talk about it. We do.

maybe you shouldn't be doing what all the guys having problems are doing and do the thing that actually works brainlet

>I-if you weren't a brainlet you could help me, the idiot
What a fucking cuck holy shit

Tifa is here! In the OP!!

Such as?

Nice try brainlet.

>Late redditor trying to get free shit
We didn't want the original batch here and we sure as hell don't want the redditors who come after to try and mooch. You missed your train, fuck off back to the hug box

you just said you know how to do it so go do it correctly

Oh no two plebs who complain about injecting cry in a corner while the rest of /ffg/ injects thousands of tickets.

What are these renewal dungeons everyone is talking about. Is there anything a newfag like me with a sub lvl 65 team can do?

>M-maybe if I call people names they'll feel bad and help my retard self
Cute! The idiot thinks he's people

screenshot it

Yeah each dungeon should have a bunch of easy stages you can do for mythril.

You have your numbers backwards retard

Hmm I wonder who called names first.

Stop complaining, start learning. You'd think that for literally free pixels some people would exert some effort once in a while.

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

I've been searching for hours online now. It's not like I'm not trying.

hmm I wonder who's being an obnoxious little faggot because he can't follow instructions

So whos the best Mage in FFBE?

Old events they brought back

>implying that shitty model with demonic black eyes and spastic hair was Tifa
She didn't deserve getting her name dragged through the mud for the sake of that RWBY commercial.


Show me where I didn't follow the instructions properly and we can talk.

Then a little more time won't matter compared to the massive amount of things that you could potentially obtain. Just trudge through it, ask a couple of friends into CS if you have any.

yeah let me just open up your computer here on my desktop and take a look. fucking retard

I posted screenshots earlier. If you can't follow the discussion it's your problem.

They're bringing back pretty much every old event before a certain date (presumably the ones that came up to and including the first Type 0 event) and if you haven't cleared the, you can clear them for all those old prizes including mythril. Sub 65 teams can actually clear most of the stages in each event that give mythril; it's the later, harder stages that don't give mythril that you probably can't clear. That being said, the stamina costs are enormous, the IV events alone would take almost a week's worth of stamina to clear and we still have 13 more realms to be "renewed."

I'm sure you with your comprehensive programming knowledge documented everything that might be relevant. lmao cuck

*if you haven't cleared them
Oh, and if you have trouble with any of the stages up to difficulty 99, you can just bring a friend unit to destroy the boss.

Seems Halloween event starts this friday.

>RWBY gets to Crossover with Blazblue, Persona 4 and Under Night
>Final Fantasy doesn't
it's not fair bros...

cant wait to spend $200 pulling Grim Lord Sakura...

emperor enhancement incoming.

Meme answer: Firion
Actual answer: CG Sakura

>free: King
>daily: Hayate
I feel like the banner rates are even worse than usual for this banner. Oh well, at least I can farm out another Black Cowl for my tank or healer or something a bit faster now.
Good, we really don't need that around here. Would make the Nier shitstorm look like a fart in a hurricane but I'm sure that's why you want it.

Being a Bartzfag in RK must be suffering if you're going for completion

>Trance Terra enhancements
>110% MAG passive
>120% MAG/SPR self buff
>dualcastable 840% multiplier chaining ability

what do you want ayaka to do for candy

Emperor and Trance Terra are two big enhancements, making them the best mages.

The halloween enhancements are kinda a mystery. Not sure what they're getting.

Vayne Solidor

Who will end up being better? I see T. Terra can take advantage of Letters and Arms. I have Emperor, TT, Ace, Rem, and Fina so I wanted to know who to level first

I checked your problem abd I am not sure if you a retarded or trolling.

Hint your values roll under 0 and its not because of a number.

You are such a idiot.

>not pimp cape Bartz wardrobe

Injectors don't get advice.

>tfw instead of an Emperor or Trance Terra I got a dupe Rem the other day
Free pulls are literally always shit for me. Has anybody here ever gotten something nice of a free pull? Even a nice 4* would be great.

The fuck. I logged into a different account by my EX points are still there. Why is that?

>up to and including the first Type 0 event
The announcement itself said that it's up to the Gladio event.

>the injectors are fighting between themselves

I wish we'd have gotten Keeper's Choice 3.
I would've unironically picked up Cloud's Climhazzard as placebo for gorilla warfare for the enwind

Trance Terra is overall the best, Emperor is good for long fights especially if you use him as a finisher. Ace is great for his utility moreso than his damage capabilities, I think Rem and especially Fina have been powercreeped a bit by this point.

Ah, okay. That makes sense, I figured it'd be either the Type 0 or the Gladio one. Thank God I at least will have those events complete when they arrive.

Fina plushie

Yes that's what I said at the very beginning, it didn't have to be this way, I just want some help


Post pic if real

Brainlets don't get help.
Injections aren't for you.


I wanted Bartz's cloak for the Enwind and Wind+ on it.


Ah, it's a keychain, my bad.
Still cute

Do not lewd the True Hero, and a candyslut donut is not worthy of him anyways.

I know "BE was a mistake" is a meme, but this injection stuff is honestly ruining this general. Some user (probably falseflagging) has been saying it'll pass soon for days now, but unless injection does get stopped somehow (not happening), there's nothing to stop this shit, ever. We here at /ffg/ live in a post-injection age now.

what's going on

Maybe you can break your addiction to stupid gambling games now.

2nd Anniversary

Nice joke user, I laughed.

>but this injection stuff is honestly ruining this general.

That's exactly what RK cucks want.

Its ok user us brainlets will stick together,come lets go

Honestly, its sobered me up. I no longer have a gambling addiction. Once you have a pile of 60 rainbows you just get desensitized.

I never thought I'd see vaynefag use the word "candyslut" before

Every day brings something new

It's been like two right?
It does make it hard to discuss anything now though, and it's just sitting up the thread in general

>muh RK boogeyman


I just wish I knew about this during the Nier event so I could get A2 on this account too. Dont want to be forced to use that inbred hick Onion Knight.

They'll get bored soon.

Just put up a room, kupo.

Hehe everything going according to my plan.

Soon mobius will rise

Can barely discuss anything honestly.
Kinda glad I made an account on the discord just in the off chance the thread degenerated this badly

Can any /ffg/ oldfags tell me what this place was like before BE? Someone linked an old thread a while ago talking about that Celesfag fiasco and it looked like that was a time before BE. That thread looked comfy as fuck.

It was dead before BE

The discord group is also injecting just as info