/xcg/ - XCOM General

Moxy Music Edition

Previous Mission: News:

2)Julian Gallop Phoenix Point News (New Update: 8/30/2017)

3)Jake spoke at PAX East on March 10th on the growing pains of rebooting XCOM

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xcg/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated long before WOTC (Out of Date)

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):

Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

The X-COM Files for OpenXCom:

/xcg/ neither condemns nor condones that which is lewd

Other urls found in this thread:


What are your modding dreams and hopes, /xcg/ ?

>more faces
>backback/gear customization mod for the newly unlocked chest area
>beaglerush voice mod

Playable ayyliens and the customization thereof.

He will be avenged.

This is Pratal Mox before he became Moxy Music!

>After Moxy Music

I never have enough customization and weapons.
New poses for the photobooth even lewd ones.
Shut up Lilly would be great.

Notto disu shitto agen

Oh ew gross, put the bag I mean full face helmet back on Moxie.

Making her "ugly" was the poin; user.

Lamia soldiers

ok /xcg/ lets talk rookies
they are a pain to deal with because of the lack of options they have, and the only thing they can do reliably is throwing grenades
and with the addition of the GTS on X2 it seems that not even the game wants to deal with them allowing you to phase them out of your barracks
even in WotC allows you to promote 2 of them at a time with covert actions; sure you dont get to choose the class but the reward of the covert actions makes it even
do we lose something by removing them, and making squaddie the base rank of xcom soldiers?

Anybody interested in an art-dump?

You lose that exact stage of "pain in the ass" as you put it. It's just there for difficulty. I don't have a problem with rookies. Just give them good weapons with scopes (taken from wounded soldiers) and maybe a little extra padding besides the grenade if you have carapace armour and they're as good as any early rank units.

Go for it, it's not like we're in the middle of any intriguing discussion.

Half-Life 2 citizen voicepacks
Aidan Gillen voicepack
Rich Evans voicepack

Me too user, me too.

Half-Life 2 citizen voicepacks

This. There's one voicepack for rebel 07, but that's about it.



Thanks user

>nigger lamia with goblin face
What the hell?

I call this one "Sleepy Pectoids"

Motherfucking Gordon Frohman

Part II

>B&B (Bradford & Beagle)

i just feel like they are barely in the game its pointless
and you wont ever have to field a rookie again if you rotate your soldiers frequently
maybe i just miss the way spectrum did it where gear was just as important as the rank of a soldier


Should advanced teamwork be a free action?

I want to ride Bradford on the bar all night long.

which comic is that

Start the game with the console enabled and type PowerUp

fuck that looks nice

>play with improved Chosen AI mod
>haven assault, Elders' greatest fuckboi appears
>weak to reapers
>no problem, let me just move my reaper to better firing position
>triggers a faceless
>uh oh revealed and I'm out of shadow
>warlock's turn
>mind controls the reaper, summons zombie to fuck up my grenadier and dazes the ranger
>reaper puts the specialist to bleedout
>resistance fighters gun down the reaper and put her to bleedout
>put all my faith in the sharpshooter's 57% to hit and it miraculously hits

Still amazed everyone walked out of that alive holy shit. Pretty sure resistance fighters did more damage to the warlock than me. Such a great mod, Chosen are actually scary now if you don't manage to gun them down in one turn.



Mox held down six trooper varients while what was left of the squad fled escaped with the VIP

Gary just took an unlucky crit from a muton desu.

That's pretty much why I dedicated this thread to Pratal Mox!






Yes. Thanks for posting!







>Black Market



Last one, guys.

I don't recognize this one; what is it from?

Might have mistakenly pulled it from the top of a different pile.

What is it then? Looks kinda like XCOM 1 Battleships.

Can someone explain to me the logic behind concept art?
As we can see by dump-user most of this can be seen in the game but not the exact same image.
A good example is the black market guy, that would've been a good image for the actual black market in game but we can only see a different angle of his body.

All these images are the exact same ones in the game though. I'm not sure I understand your question.
>black market guy

I wonder what the deal with having a concept art of giant mech was

It's just a bunch drawings the creators of a game do before they truly go in and CGI-animate shit. Literally what they want maps to look like, what they want the aliens to look like, the rebels etc.
Am I being to literal?

"Market is open" is clearly a male's voice.

That's a ship. Also not concept are, this is from the Points of Interest pics in game.

It's a sectopod tho

That's not the person who runs the market user

>Can someone explain to me the logic behind concept art?
Producers hire artists to draw how things should look and act like so that the developers could have a mental image of the product before it's finished. Concept art is not made for consumers.

So basically not even 2 month after WotC is released this general is as dead as it was before.

I can't remember the fluff text for this one, is it meant to be an EU/EW Sectopod?


Pretty much, I'm taking a long break until the modding scene has a bit more going on, there's lots of quality content in the works and Pavonis have their stuff coming out at some stage so I'm holding off. I still like to check back at /xcg/ and the Workshop periodically though

war of the chosen is a bandaid on the gaping wound that is xcom 2

>So basically not even 2 month after WotC is released this general is as active as it was before.
Fixed that for you. The release of anything is an anomaly, /xcg/ is never very active for pretty obvious reason.

/xcg/ wasn't even consistently alive until LW1 betas came out and half of it was just talking about Beagle's campaigns

Almost like people have work and classes and other obligations. You're as bad as ACfag with your nonstop never-changing barrage of retardation.

Doesn't look like a ship at all.
Doesn't look like that either.

I'm 90% certain it's a ship.

Which difficulty you playing on boys? Its my first campaign so i am playing on normal, im getting absolutely destroyed and loosing but im enjoying it so much anyway

restarted two times already tho

Iron-meme on commander. I went full retard and built a Laboratory as my first building, so now everything is going to shit.

Classic/Commander with a host or broken dream campaign on Impossible/Legendary.

That's funny, I did that too and everything is going swimmingly.

thank Asaru, the Avenger integrity is not persistent

Post Kelly comics


>leaving behind ayys
get out


>100% enemy protocol

Feels good man

>/v/irgins from the hype of release fuck off and we're back to previous comfy activity levels



Hair triggers, stocks and repeaters. What weapons do they go on?

stocks go to black market
I like hair triggers on snipers because snipers usually have plenty of targets to shoot and it saves both action points
repeaters is whatever, I guess they're best on miniguns because you're likely to use those first to shred armor on stronger enemies

Don't be so hostile, you shitlord!
/xcg/ should be more inclusive & tolerant!

New official favorite mod of /xcg/

>Never played with Operation Slingshot enabled before
>Get to this mission
I thought I was playing EW not 2.

>stocks go to black market

Really? Guaranteed damage seems like it'd be a blessing when you need to ping away an enemy overwatch or really make sure that a DoT kills on the next turn.

I sell all of my hair triggers and repeaters that aren't superior version. I put stocks on my Skirmishers (stocks for Mox) since they can fire twice per turn. With an advanced stock you can kill base level troopers in a single round just from missed shots.

What's your favorite continent bonus?

I use nades for guaranteed damage and assault for overwatches

The one that makes all Grenade and Ammo research in the Proving Ground instant.

Anything that's not total garbage like +1 Resistance Contact or +3 Power

I honestly want a mod that takes that shit out - I'd rather have a blank slot than use either one.

They go on your weapons when you don't have the real attachments you want yet.

Mental fortitude/tactical analysis.

Tactical Analysis. Breaks the game though.