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>Halloween Event: Adventures of Singing Pumpkin Castle! October 17th 3:59 UTC to November 1st 3:59 UTC 3 SQ for 10000 likes or 2000 shares
>Daily Quest "Ember Gathering" AP Cost 1/2 Campaign! Date: October 10th, 4:00 UTC - October 17th, 3:59 UTC
>Halloween Pickup Summon Date: October 17th, 7:00 UTC - November 1st 3:59 UTC 5* Tamamo no Mae 4* Carmilla, Tamamo Cat 3* Mephistopheles, Darius III 5* CE Little Halloween Devil 4* CE Halloween Arrangement 3* CE Jack-o'-lantern
>Okeanos Pickup Summon 2 Date: October 05th, 4:00 UTC - October 17th, 3:59 UTC 5* Orion 4* Medea (Lily), Heracles 3* Euryale, Hektor, David
I see Secret Technique: Lizard Reversal was a success again
Camden Roberts
Daniel Edwards
Jeanne is cute
Adrian Gomez
I'm honestly impressed by the sheer amount of cancer compressed into that image. It's almost a work of art.
Christian Wood
Mason Moore
>bashes Beast's Lair >oh, but Reddit is alright lads
Andrew Roberts
Owen Taylor
can someone make a edit whit Sumanai
Joshua Sullivan
Easton Young
>that is the only thing he took offense with the whole thing is bait
Jack Johnson
My dick says not soon enough.
Jayden Parker
Brayden White
>had to make a separate liz folder because the lizfags are posting too many good pics of her damn you guys
Connor Hall
>sumanai-kun cannot even make memes on his own
Adrian Allen
I'm a hardcore fan of Fate/Grand Order, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Chaldea where I would often train with Mash in the training center and help Romani with his calculations, but one day as I was talking to Mash, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with the director and she agreed that you would be PERFECT for being a master, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Marie said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
Nathaniel Lopez
Im still 100 gold exp cards away from filling the inventory We wont make it breh
Easton Collins
Bentley Martin
A quick image search didn't yield any results. I presume you actually made this? The artistry is actually pretty impressive for such a simple b8ing concept. It must have taken a fair amount of time to make, but I think we can all agree that it was well worth it. Have one more (You) on top of however many you actually manage to farm.
Colton Barnes
when is empire of dirt coming out? I really want to romance Bryn
Mason Gonzalez
Nolan Reyes
How the fuck are you this lazy in filling your inventory up? You've had a week
I once sought for the ultimate sword. That, is not a blade that cuts through flesh, bone or life.
My body seeks for settlements of grudges. To sever bonds, fate and sins
Thus means. Freedom from one's karma.
...countless devotion was paid to reach there. A hill of swords, built and shaped with thousands and thousands of blades.
The goal I reached here is all convergence. The proof I show here is all wishes. The things piled here are all violence... My whole life was to reach this one blade.
Here lies the pulse of the sword! Take this, my TSUMUGARI MURAMASA!!!!
Jace Ramirez
he's posted this before, a week or so ago
Adam Bailey
Should I pay a good escort this Friday or invest in FGO?
Justin Hall
Got that one memeticket ready for Tamamo, bros. I can already taste her.
Asher Garcia
That image is months old, I seen it posted during Nerofest as well
Joseph Collins
Nigga i shit you not, i leveled like 4 fuckers to lvl 70-80 and each took a day of exp, also use the grails
Hi everyone! I'm new to /fgoalter/ and I have come here to tell you all about my story of how Fate/Grand Order saved my life. So around 3 years ago I had lost both my wife and my daughter in a tragic car crash. I was then plunged into a deep depression that made enjoying life difficult. I lost motivation in everything and I stopped going to work. I soon lost my job and I was forced to move in with my mother. 1 month ago I was about to end it all but, I discovered a game called Fate/Grand Order and I fell in love with the servants and it has overall made my life more enjoyable. Slowly, my motivation and happiness has returned. I recently started my new job and I will soon move out of my mother's house and all of it would not be possible without this game. Thank you to everyone who bothered to read my story, it means a lot.
Landon Jackson
Bentley White
>dressing a child as the whore of babylon
Jordan Price
Jaxson Long
Shinji...I don't get why he gets all the hate in /a/. FSN is just written to make him out as the bad guy, when really he's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.
What are the main complaints? He raped Sakura and stole Rider to use in the war?
Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking raped Sakura. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He fucked Sakura.
Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T FUCK SAKURA? You can't even name one fucking character who hasn't plugged her loose cunt! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Shinji knew this, he's a fucking ladies man. He knows what filthy whores like Sakura want.
And there's this other big bitch you guys have with him. He supposedly stole Rider and used her in the war for his own greed.
Objection! He was worried about his one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal war so wrong? When Shirou does the same thing to Saber it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Shinji does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Sakura. He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.
The story was written to make that faggot Shirou look good. Objectively, Shinji is a far better character than Shirou. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Shirou, and if he weren't stuck with the weak ass servant Rider and no plothax he probably would have won the war.
Joseph Baker
Is this shopped?
Julian Johnson
I love this demon.
Adam Hughes
I agree with this pasta, though Sakura is alright too
Adrian Rodriguez
It's okay, Illya is naturally lewd.
Tyler Young
Owen Moore
Correct me if I'm wrong, but does Halloween Event show up as soon as the 1/2 Hands goes off or there's some time inbetween?
Daniel Bell
Shinji didn't steal Rider, Zouken wouldn't have allowed it. Sakura was such a cuck that she handed one of her command seals over and Zouken turned it into a book and let Shinji fight the war because she was a pathetic miserable pile of shit. She willingly gave it to him
Logan Garcia
Here, forgot my rare Shinji pic
Jordan Robinson
Leo Price
Kayden Williams
I'm going to masturbate to Illya every day and there is nothing the anti-loli faggot can do about it
Ayden Hernandez
What do you think user, are the cups bringing you to your execution or to go shopping?
Leo Barnes
No bully!
Ryder Cox
>children are naturally lewd Only in your sick mind, pedo DELETE THIS
Mason King
In 12 hours maintenance starts. 4 hours later, there will be an update, there will be no more half hands, but halloween should have started
Luke Davis
This if Florence Nightingale, she's a nurse.
and you can't roll for her.
Cooper Moore
This is my cute wife Okita. Say something nice about her.
Jose Perry
Thought this was seiba at first
Kevin Sanders
Musashi is better
Grayson Mitchell
Who here has a grailed leonidas or mozart? I want to test them
William Sullivan
Don't worry, I'm publishing all your posts to the interpol at this very moment and tracking your ip right fucking now. You are dead kiddo.
Tyler Adams
I don't want her anyway she is shit and her card art is shit the image you posted is also shit I bet your name is Butt you dumb shitblaster
Christopher Sullivan
My inventory is full of gold cards. What do I do with them if I don't get Tamamo?
Easton Allen
cash in your 100 mana prisms
Leo Perez
She is not a shitty pedobait
Julian Morris
My husband Astolfo is CUTE!
Chase Parker
Bring it on, kike I own several katanas
Michael Lewis
Good, I don't want her and I really hope she doesn't spook me on the anniversary paid summon. This list has so many good ones that getting her would be really bad.
Francis Drake Medb Ramesses II Jack the Ripper Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II) Tamamo no Mae Xuanzang Vlad III Nightingale Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Leo Diaz
You want to fight?
Aaron Watson
You use them all on Liz obviously
Cameron Wright
Stop making me like fluffy things
Jordan Davis
that's not very nice
Brandon Sullivan
>there are people in this very thread who don't have Gilgamesh >there are people in this very thread who don't have Kintoki >there are people in this very thread who won't get Okita and Scat
Thomas Brown
>bringing katanas to a gunfight Dumb lolicon
Landon Peterson
Medea has cute Shoes!
Camden Nguyen
You can look but you can't touch, for JPbulls only
Kevin Smith
Why is Shuten barefoot?
Aaron Brown
That's for what friends exist.
Henry Fisher
>he needs guns to solve all his problems Are you american?
Luis Long
Cause her feet are delicious.
Aiden Wright
>being a collectorfag >not using only those you like Faggot
Jace Thomas
*cuts your pathetic low-IQ bullet in half* Pathetic.
Lucas Cook
does she want me to do something?
William Anderson
I unironically think that photo looks cool as fuck tho
Jordan Brooks
Jack Turner
>Expecting the RNG to like me enough to even give me a 4*, let alone a 5* I'm going to be the guy who primarily-uses 3* and welfares, unless my luck turns around when I start rolling again next year.