/vsg/ - /v/scape General - It's a Biggerman Thread Edition

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first for friendship

Give me that rundown on the swarm splasher

no one is actually your friend its all a scam!!!!! put the ge in NOW!!!!

>>> Staff

why don't you do it?

Was #WithHer in the election, DUDE WEED
Severe drinking problem
30 year old NEET
Asian gf
Nothing but edge and cringe, Mexican gf
Anime degenerate
>Lord Dio
Irrelevant, hasn't existed in years

Why are the developers of this game such degenerates or disgusting individuals?

anime website

Hello wrcwpk

>more staff than players


Can someone give me a rundown on Pest Control?
Can't seem to deal any damage or get points.

At 9:30 when the first portal opens, you're gonna want to hit it with all 4 dds specs. If the people you're playing with aren't shitters they'll be doing the same thing so you should be able to take down portals relatively fast. Rinse and repeat for next 3 portals. The goal of the game is to finish all 4 portals as fast as possible to maximize points/hr.

I'll add on to this and mention you need to kill any spinners that spawn as soon as possible, they're the ones that look like jellyfish. Sometimes your teammates will be distracted with the portal but a good player will always attack spinners as soon as they spawn.

Add Hunter

Forgot to check the name of this guy
who is it

Randy Marsh

I'll add on to this and mention that you need to open ALL FOUR gates surrounding the Knight.

wasn't me this time desu. Though I do agree

/v/scape finally got a real domain. www.vidyascape.com

Nice double post lmao

nice triple post

What about MrBitterness?

He has a mexican gf

ncie 25ple post lmao

MrBitterness is simply an alternative account of the moderator drbitterness. Basically what happened is before he was a mod he played as mrbitterness, once becoming a mod he didn't want to lose his progress so he created a new account dubbed drbitterness to use as the moderation account as to keep his mrbitterness account separate

all me

Hi Bitterness

Sorry I keep ruining gc with depression/economy posting.

h-how did you know

Thank you.

I want to fuck Ovid while Boop watches


No surprises here

>knowing the content of the image other than one guy covering his ears while everyone else talks about boop
I mean it says tumblr on the bottom but c'mon now

Ayo teacha bitch, user be using a bot in he dungeon and dragon game!

fuck benny

I want to live with ovid and slylar

I didn't know using 2h swords vs any kind of dragon breaks the code and makes the kills really fast what the fuck

wtf i lost my d2h

benny a cute


Also buying steel bars 2k ea

PM wrcwpk for prices

T. Nevermind

all gone


wrcwpk here, this post is false i've only sold the dbow and guthans top so far.


Odel benny and hubcap are the best

this "gang" lead by Darango tried to kill me but meh, they didnt even make me eat once lmao


nobody fucking cares go away you autist

I wonder who could be behind this

stay mad pk loser

who is this autist talking to himself in yell


im not a panda alt okay


368 pk's in total btw ;)

>kill your alt 300 times
>l-look at me guys i'm mlg pro
the absolute state of /v/scape """pkers"""

If you had ever killed someone, you would know that you can't farm kills on the same player :)

And why would that be?
Also, post death stats.


And how would you know that unless you actually tried to farm your own alt? awfully convenient death stats aren't in the image :^)

>they actually tried this

it's common knowledge you fucking retards

Y-yeah I agree with this user, who the fuck hasn't tried killing their own alts to get their pk count up? Literally fucking everyone does that don't pretend you don't. I'm normal I swear

>estonian preteens get obliterated on dmm
>they create alts to boost their pk score to console their ego on an rsps
>inadvertently admit it in the thread
this shit is so fucking funny


I'm looking to sell 1k of magic logs for 900k
I'm Evangel, I'm online RN

all gone thanx guys

>RS pvp is so fucking pants on head retarded that "i didn't even have to eat" on a 4v1
>turns around and procceeds to brag about killing people in agi course
you must be bullied hard IRL man I feel sorry

Shut up, they're still in my bank dickhead. I had to run to a bank to get this pic you ass

stop trolling

Stop shitposting, Shitposter.

ok all sold

i just used a dragon longsword to farm iron dragons using the shared exp attack and i finally got the runite limbs i wanted please gz

>not just smithing them
why are combat plebs so low IQ?

Okay, they are ACTUALLY all gone guys, the shitposters can fuck off now.

reminder to be safe

bud my smithing is level 47 i aint smithing shit

the absolute STATE of combat shitlets

right, right, how's that slayer skillcape coming along wiggins?

guess again shitlet

bump please

praise daily

who is the cutest player in /v/scape and why is it bingus (bingo)[/spoiler


wiggins pls leave


>fuckhuge effort to level mining and smithing
>just to make rune gear you can just buy from npcs or drop
>anything but firememeing tier
wiggins just go away already

juice is my boifriend

Rune bolts are the only thing worth while.

goodnight vscape



better than average, plz gz

decent enough

::y brap

What's the stove closest to a bank?

My autism triggers every time I see that lvl 69. I MUST get it to 70.

The fire in thieves den is closest, though idk if it gets the reduced burn rates ranges do